Chapter 144- Where is she?


Raj POV:-

After Siddharth, his father, and commissioner Arjun left.

Rajshree and I came to our room and slept as we were tired.

After three days, I receive calls from the front guards regarding Kaya's brothers and father.

They are requesting to meet me.

I ordered my guards not to let them enter my home.

The next day, there was a thunderstorm in Delhi, and the rain was heavily pouring.

I heard the landline ring.

I received the call and heard from the front guard that Teja's second uncle is begging to meet me, and he is drenching in the rain.

I took my defeat and ordered my guard to let him enter.

After ten minutes, Teja's second uncle entered the hall and looked at the hall with teary eyes.

I know he was reminiscing the last time he came here, and Teja refused him to touch her mother.

" Mr. Gothwal, why are you here? " I asked.

" Please call me Suraj, Samdhi Ji(Father-in-law of my niece). " Suraj said and raised his hands for me to shake.

But I didn't raise my hands.

He retracts his hand, and I said, " Please call me Raj. We are not in any relation to show respect to each other. "

He nodded and said, " Okay, Raj. "

I sighed and said, " We can sit and talk. "

He nodded, and we sat on the couch.

" Tell me. Why are you here even when I refused to meet you for the last three days? " I asked with frustration.

He sighed and took a deep breath.

" Look, Raj. You know very well about my family relationship with Teja and Kaya Di.

I know Teja and Bubbly hate us, and they have the right to hate us after what we did.

But I want to meet Teja and apologize to her for our mistakes.

Papa was the one who made decisions in our life always.

Sometimes we never liked his decision, like when he forced Kaya di to marry Nirbhik.

At that time, Ritu and Teja were little, and we were worried about their future.

We thought if Kaya and Nirbhik got married, then at least Teja and Ritu would have the support of a father.

We didn't know that so many bad things would happen in Kaya, Teja, and Ritu's life.

We found out all those things at my sister's funeral.

We are at fault that we ignore my sister's pleads.

We brothers are at fault that we never raise our voice in front of our father for our sister and nieces.

That's why Karma bit us today.

The way we didn't let Kaya di touch our mother, heck we didn't let her see our mother's face.

That way, we didn't see our sister and let alone touch her.

That day we realized what we lost and had done in the past.

After our last talk with Teja, Dad was not eating, and he locked his room inside.

We are worried about him. You know he had an operation just now.

I want to talk to Teja just one last time.

If she sees his nanu, he will be happy.

Please, Raj, I beg you. Let me see Bubbly and Teja.

We did a lot of sins, and we want to apologize.

We are living in regret, Raj.

Please let me see them. " Suraj explained and kneeled in front of me.

I looked at him with shock.

" Are you just here for your father or just for an apology, Suraj?

Tell me. Have you ever cared for Teja and Bubbly? " I asked with coldness.

He looked at me with teary eyes.

" I cared for them, Raj. I am here to make everything right.

I am here for Teja. I am here for that apology, and I am here for my father. " Suraj replied, and I chuckled.

" I think you are way too late. " I mocked, and Suraj looked at me with confusion.

" What do you mean? " Suraj asked while wiping his tears.

" Teja left already. " I confessed, and he looked at me with disbelief.

" I don't believe it. Her doctor told us about her weak situation. We know she needs rest, and she can't travel for at least one month.

Tell me, where is she? " Suraj said and asked in desperation.

" I think you only heard the doctor's advice. But you never knew the true Teja.

Teja sent Bubbly back to Canada with Bubbly's husband, and Teja left us, leaving us alone. " I explained, and he shook his head as a no.

" No, why would she leave? She didn't complete the whole rituals of the post-funeral.

Also, what about her relationship with Tanish? " Suraj asked, and I chuckled.

" She completed the rituals. Yes, she didn't complete the rituals according to your ways.

But she doesn't need anyone's advice.

Also, she signed the divorce papers.

She is free from Tanish, and I support her.

I don't even know where she went.

But she left India and went to some other country.

I don't even know how my daughter is.

How alone she is. Is she even taking care of herself? I don't know anything. " I explained, and a tear fell from my eyes.

He looked at me and sighed.

He took out his card and gave me.

" If Teja ever calls you, please tell her to call me. Tell her that her mama Ji and nana Ji always wait for her call. " Suraj said and left with a defeat.

I looked at his back.

His whole body screamed regret, defeat, and tiredness.

I sighed and came back to my room.

Flashback Ends

Teja POV:-

After Dad told me everything, he gave me Suraj Mama Ji's card.

" Teja, the decision is yours. I know you hate them. But I think you should give them a chance before going to any conclusion. " Dad said and left.

I looked at the card in my hand thought about everything dad said.

I gave everyone a chance for their explanation.

After all, everyone deserves a chance to explain.

I know they don't deserve me.

But at least, after hearing them, I will never feel regret for giving them a chance.

But if I call them, isn't it a compromise with my pride?

What should I do?

I closed my eyes and thought about everything calmly.

Then I did what my heart and mind told me.