Chapter 145- Calling Them!

Teja POV:-

I took out my phone and called the number I didn't call after many years.

I heard an old voice of my Suraj Mama Ji who said, " Hello! Who am I speaking to? "

I calmed myself and my emotions and said, " Mr. Gothwal! "

Silence engulfed us for a few seconds until he said, " Teja! "

I closed my eyes as I realized he recognized my voice.

" Yes, it's me. " I replied, and I heard a laugh from another side.

" Oh, God! I can't believe it's you, dear. I am so happy to hear you after so many years. I want to say a lot of things.

Sujata(Suraj's Wife)!!!

Dipesh(Teja's Third Uncle)!!!

Bhai sa(Big brother)!!!

I got a call from Teja. Come here! " Suraj uncle said and called everyone.

Soon, I heard so many voices from the other side.

They must be eager to talk to me.

" Teja called, you mean, our Teja!

Are you joking with us, Suraj? " I heard Nilesh Mama Ji's voice.

" No, bhai sa. It's Teja. I gave my card to Raj.

Raj must have given her my card, and she called me. " Suraj Uncle replied, and I heard giggles from another side.

" Teja!!! Teja!!!

Is that you? " Dipesh Mama Ji asked.

" Yes, it's me, Mr. Gothwal. " I replied, and everyone became quiet.

" Can't you call us, Mama Ji? " Nilesh Mama Ji asked.

" You have lost that right many years ago, Mr. Gothwal.

Anyway, I have called you because dad told me everything about your talk with him.

He said to give you a chance to explain your perspective before I came to any conclusion.

So! I... " Before I could complete my speech, I cut off my so-called grandpa.

" Sure, beta Teja.

We want to talk to you and apologize. " I heard nanu reply, and I took a deep breath.

" Alright, I am sending a minibus to you.

I want everyone when we would talk.

Also, your wives and children will come too.

So, pack your bags and make sure you brought two days' clothes with two-party clothes. " I explained and cut the call.

I called dad's PA and told him to arrange everything and told him to call my secretary.

She will help him pay for everything.

Hannah doesn't know anything about India, so Mr. Yadav could help her arrange everything.

Soon, someone knocked on the door, and I said, come in.

I saw Akaash enter my room.

I blushed to see him alone in my room.

I remember everything I did last night. I was embarrassed to see him.

" Teja! Can we talk? " Akaash's asked with embarrassment.

" Sure, Akaash!

Come! " I said and gestured him to sit in front of me.

He sat in front of me and saw his torn shirt beside me.

I lowered my eyes and said, " Akaash!

Before you say anything, I want to apologize to you. "

I raised my face and looked at him with shyness.

" I tried to seduce you last night.

I was drunk, and because of it, I showed you that side of mine I never want to show you.

I apologize for tearing your shirt.

I was...

I hope you understand that I still want time.

I am not ready to take our relationship to another level.

I know my words will hurt you after the stunt, I pulled last night. I apologize for that, but... " Before I could finish my speech, Akaash put his finger on my lips.

I looked into his eyes which held happiness, adoration, and so much love for me.

" Teja, you don't need to say anything and apologize to me.

We are husband and wife, and we can understand each other.

I know you are embarrassed because of the stunt you pulled last night.

But you don't need to feel embarrassed.

I know you were drunk, and it was alcohol that clouded your conscious mind.

I know you are not ready for the next level of our relationship.

I will not force you to accept me that way. " Akaash explained, and I looked at him with adoration and smile.

" How can a guy be so understanding?

What have I done to deserve such a man like him? " I thought.

" But I have one request. " Akaash said, and I nodded at him.

" Tell me. " I said desperately.

" Please never again drink so much.

Last night, you got saved just on time.

Last night was difficult for me, you know, as a man. " Akaash requested, and I blushed and laughed.

I laughed out loud, and Akaash laughed with me.

As we calmed ourselves, I replied, " Sure!

I swear I will never drink too much again.

I know it will bring the mess. " I said, and Akaash nodded with a smile.

" Anyways, now tell me. Why do you want to talk? " I asked, and Akaash sighed.

" Teja, don't you think you behave rudely with your father?

I can understand they were sensitive topics for Bubbly and you. But still, he is your father. " Akaash said, and I sighed.

" I don't want to behave rudely with him. I know I was wrong. But you know very well, maa was always a sensitive topic for me.

It was hard for me to believe I lost my mother until now.

And don't worry. I will apologize to him.

I know my father. He will never stay mad at me.

Also, I called Suraj Mama Ji. They are coming on our bhaat.

That way, papa and dad will be happy.

I hope you don't have any problem with my decision. " I explained, and he pecked my forehead.

" Never! I know your decision would be best. " Akaash said, and I smiled.

" But you need to talk to your son. He thought you got mad at him, and he cried after you left. " Akaash said, and I felt guilty.

I never want to make my son cry.

I think I should change my behavior for him.

" Where is everyone? " I asked.

" Everyone went to complete the chaak ritual.

You have to get ready too.

After all, we have to complete shastra pooja after they will come back. " Akaash explained, and I nodded.