Chapter 149- Competition between Arjun and Kavita!

Teja POV:-

" Alright! Now the rituals of bhaat end. So, let's start the Mehendi ceremony. " Mummy Ji said and every hotted.

In a bowl, there were so many keeps.

Mom opened one keep and applied a dot on my hands. After that, she applied the henna on Akaash's hands.

Then my mother came applied the henna on mine and Akaash's hands.

After that, our female siblings came and applied henna on us.

Some old females sang the geet according to Rajasthani culture.

When five wedded females applied the henna on our hands, then the henna designers came and started their work.

Akaash and I looked at our hands with disgust. Then we looked at our frustrated faces and burst into a laugh.

Everyone looked at us with a smile.

Papa came and asked, " What happened to you? Why are you both laughing? "

" Papa, we looked at our disgusted face when we were looking at our hands where henna has applied. We laughed at our frustrated faces and burst into laughter. " I explained, and they smiled.

" Yes, I can understand your situation very well. At my wedding, I can't move my hands anywhere. I couldn't redo my hair, so I got frustrated. " Mayank bhai said, and we laughed.

" Have you only thought about looks? " Abhishek asked, and before Mayank bhai replied to him, Akaansha bhabhi cut him off.

" Oh, look who is talking.

Have you forgotten about our henna ceremony?

A henna designer, by mistake, strained your kurta with henna and how you overreacted about that matter. Don't you remember, my dear husband? " Akaansha bhabhi asked sarcastically.

Everyone burst into laughter.

" Alright, you have teased each other enough. Now go and start sangeet. " My mother said.

" Di, Akaash bro and Jassi bro. Don't forget that you guys are the judges. You have to decide for us. " Arjun said, and we nodded with a smile.

Arjun glared at Kavita, and they went towards the DJ man.

They said something to the DJ man, and he played the song.

I have heard this song the first time, so I don't know the title of this song.

They looked at each other, and we heard a female voice who sang the lyrics.

Kavita was the one who started dancing while Arjun looked at her every step carefully.

When the male started singing the lyrics, Arjun started dancing while daring Kavita to look at him.

They didn't even realize in their dance when they became partners in their dance.

We looked at their chemistry with a smile.

I was right about them.

They don't know about their feelings.

But this dance told us about their unknown feelings.

When the song ended, they held each other hands and looked at each other with such intensity.

Everyone clapped for their amazing performance, and they came out from their daze.

They moved away from each other and re-adjust their hair and clothes.

Akaash and I smiled at each other.

After their performance, mom and dad walked in front of us, and the DJ started playing a new song.

They danced while looking at me with a smile.

We smiled to cheer them as henna was still wet on our hands.

One by one, our parents and siblings came with their partners and gave a perfect performance.

Akaash and I enjoyed it a lot, and we also forgot about henna.

At last, they all came to the dance floor and started dancing while taking Akaash and me with them.

After that, everyone went for dinner as we all have cleaned the layer of the dry henna.

It was one of the most difficult tasks.

I never understand how females love Mehendi so much.

But anyway, I can't do anything about their thoughts.

Everyone is different. Their likes and dislikes are different too, just like their personalities.

I saw my son Vihaan who was so tired that every five seconds, he was yawning.

I made him eat rice and shahi paneer.

At that time, Arjun asked, " Who is the winner, judges? "

Akaash, Jassi, and I looked at each other and said in unison, " Tie! "

They looked at us with a pout but didn't say anything further.

After that, Akaash took him and made him lie on my bed.

I went to my bathroom and looked at my glowing face in the mirror.

I can't help but compare myself to the night of the Mehendi when I was going to get married to Tanish.

At that time, my face was glowing, but not this much.

My eyes were not shining just like today.

No one could think I would look this beautiful at my second wedding.

But I think it was because I am happy.

I broke my chain of thoughts and changed my cloth into a red shirt and pajama.

I came out and saw Akaash was caressing Vihaan's forehead.

" You are still here. Are not you tired? " I asked, and Akaash looked at me with a smile.

" No, I can never be tired whenever I look at our son with a peaceful and innocent face. " Akaash said, and I smiled and sat beside him.

" Akaash!! " I called him politely, and he looked at me.

" Thank you for never leaving me alone in my life. " I said, and he smiled.

He cupped my face with his left hand and caressed my right cheek.

" Teja! I think you should stop thanking me. We have married already. We should stop being formal around each other.

Also, I am glad to have you as my friend and now as a wife.

I am grateful to you for giving me this chance after what you face, and I promise you I will never leave you again until death apart us. " Akaash said, and I put my finger on his lips.

" Don't you dare to say the word death again! We will live a long and happy life together. " I said, and he kissed my forehead.

" We will. Now you sleep. Tomorrow we have a long and big day. I am going too. " Akaash said, and I nodded.

I kissed his cheek and said, " Good night! "

He looked at me with a shock but smiled and said, " Good night! "

Then he left.

I smiled and lay down beside Vihaan.

Soon sleep kissed my eyes.