Chapter 150- Wedding Day!


Akaash POV:-

I am super excited today!!!

I know I am already married to Teja. Still, we are going to marry again.

I can't help but enjoy this day.

But the most problematic thing is I can't eat anything today until varmaala.

But I will tolerate this fast because my Teja will do this fast too.

Right now, everyone is having breakfast, and Teja and I are in our rooms and waiting for our time.

We can't see each other faces before the entry of the bride.

So, after breakfast, my family will come with me to the outhouse.

We all changed into outhouse rooms and came to the castle with baraat.

I can't believe I am going to sit on the horse today.

It was one of my wishes when I wanted to marry the love of my life.

To be honest, I never thought there would be a day when I would marry the love of my life, Teja.

Yes, after all those things that happened three years ago.

No one could ever think this would happen in our future.

I now believe everything happened for a reason.

I think everyone should accept their present and go ahead without thinking about their future.

My chain of thoughts broke when I heard a knock on my door.

" Come in. " I said, and one maid entered my room.

" Kuwar Arjun, Raja sa is expecting to see you in the hall. Please come. " He said, and I nodded.

" I am coming. You go and do your work. " I said. He nodded and left.

I left and went to the hall.

I saw my family happy chattering with each other.

" Su Prabhat! (Good morning) " I greeted everyone.

" Su Prabhat, Arjun. " Everyone greeted me back.

" Let come with us. We are going to the outhouse. You know very well that today's rituals will take place in the outhouse. " Dad said, and I nodded.

Then we all went towards the outhouse.

When we reached they applied haldi on me.

Then Manvi bhabhi came and stood beside me.

Akaansha bhabhi put honey, curd, milk, Ganga Jal(Water of River Ganga), and turmeric in her hand.

Manvi bhabhi raised her on my head, and Akaansha bhabhi poured cold water on Manvi bhabhi's hands that reached my whole body.

My whole body shivered because of the cold water on the days of cold December.

" Akaash, now go and get a bath fast. Your brothers will help you get ready. " Dad said, and I nodded immediately.

I went to the room and took a shower.

When I came out from the bathroom, my brothers were standing with all the accessories I needed.

They were already ready.

They helped me in getting ready.

After they were done, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I wore a red sherwani with golden salwar.

My brother adjusted a read pagdi on my head and put a broach between the pagdi with a white feather.

They put patka on my right shoulder, and the backside patka wrapped on my left wrist.

They gave me my sword, and I took it from my right hand.

I looked handsome.

I can't believe this is me. I looked at the time which shows 4:00 pm.

" You are looking handsome, bro. " My brother Mayank said, and I smiled.

" Thank you! " I replied.

" But Teja will look more beautiful, don't you think, Mayank? " Abhishek bhai said, and I looked at him with a smile.

" Yes, she will. I am happy she will be my wife today completely. " I said, and they looked at me like what-the-hell look.

" What happened? " I asked.

Abhishek bhai said, " He is whipped. Don't you think, Mayank? "

Mayank nodded in approval.

I ignored them, and dad entered my room.

He looked at me with shock but smiled after that.

" You are looking dashing, my son. " Dad said and patted my shoulder.

I touched his feet, and he gave me a blessing.

" Come, son. It's time for your pooja. " Dad said, and I nodded at him.

We came to the hall, and I saw mom was holding the pooja thaal in her hand.

Dad made me sit in the chair, and mom came in front of me.

She put tika on my forehead, then a few grains of rice.

She did my aarti.

Then She made me eat a small piece of barfi.

One by one, all-female relatives did my aarti and made me eat small pieces of besan ke laddoo or barfi.

My brother gestured for me to stand up, and I did.

Then we all went to the temple near the outhouse.

After taking blessings from the temple, I sat on the horse.

The dholl band started their work, and everyone started dancing.

We reached the entrance of the castle at 6 pm.

There I saw Mummy Ji, looking stunning in an Indian red lehenga.

Her white skin made her look more beautiful with the red lehenga.

I came down from the white horse and went towards Mummy Ji.

She smiled while seeing me.

Mom told her all the procedures.

Mummy Ji heard everything carefully and turned towards me.

She worshipped me and did my tika with a few grains of rice.

She told me to touch the toran with my sword, and I did it as she said.

After that, she pinched my nose tightly.

For a second, it hurts.

But when I saw the smile on her face, I felt satisfaction.

After that, I went inside with my brothers and friends.

On the other side, all our elder relatives did their Milani(hug each other).

I went to the stage which was placed in the garden.

I sat on it and eagerly waited for my bride.

After 15 minutes, the DJ started the song, Ji Mera shagana.

That song made me know it's time for her entry.

When I saw my bride, I froze in my place.