Chapter 151- Teja's Entry!

Teja POV:-

Finally, this day has come.

My wedding.

At first, I hate the word marriage.

But this time, I am excited to get married.

I felt happiness in my heart.

My son will watch his parents getting married.

He is too little to come with Akaash.

So we have decided that he will make his entry with me.

My entry will be different.

In my entry, I walked with my son under phulo ki chatri.

My cousin brothers and Arjun will hold them from all four corners.

I will have my sword in my hand and happiness in my heart.

I am grateful to have such a husband who respects my decisions.

Who made me his second priority.

After all, just like me, his first priority is saving people.

I can't help but start to like him.

Right now,

I am sitting in my room and looking at Jaspreet and Vihaan. They are playing together.

They have started to enjoy each other company.

I am glad that Vihaan has a friend now and a sister too.

Vihaan is six months younger than Jaspreet.

Sometimes I wonder how can little sister became the head of our family.

Mom had five children, including my older brother, but mom had a miscarriage.

Then the second child was my older sister, Ritu.

Then the third child was me.

The fourth child was Bubbly, and the last was my little brother, but mom lost him too.

No one could ever think I would be the head of my family.

Jaspreet is like me too.

She will be like me. I have seen my personality in her.

I just hope her life won't be like mine.

She is my daughter too.

I will never let anything happen to her at any cost.

I came out of my thought when I heard my sister's voice.

I saw Bubbly and Arjun looking at me with a confused look.

" What happened? " I asked.

" We were calling you for the last two minutes. But your sole focus is on Jaspreet. What is going on in your head? " Arjun replied and asked.

" Nothing. I was just happy to see Jaspreet. She is just like me. I am seeing my childhood in her except as a happy baby. Well, you both are here. Do you guys come to take me? " I asked, and they nodded.

I smiled and stood up.

" Let's go then. " I said enthusiastically, and they chuckled sadly.

I looked at them with confusion and asked, " What happened to you both? "

They looked at each other and turned their head toward me.

" Di, I have seen you for three years. Now after your wedding, I will go back with Jassi and Jaspreet.

So, I am sad that we will separate again. " Bubbly said, and tears formed in her eyes.

I looked at Arjun, whose tears fell from his eyes.

" Di, these three years. You always supported me and guided me. After your wedding, you will leave us and go to bhai Akaash's home.

I don't even know when I will see you again. That's why we are sad. " Arjun said while sniffing.

My heart melted with their care and words.

I went towards them and hugged them tightly.

They hugged me too and started crying.

I broke our hug and wiped their tears.

" Why do you guys think I will leave you both now?

Arjun! Bubbly!

You are just like my children.

You are my siblings. But for me, you are my children. I can do anything for you both. You both are my responsibility.

I had left you Bubbly for the last three years. But I knew everything about your life.

I never abandoned you, nor I ever will.

We will talk on the video call every day. Okay? " I said, and they nodded.

" So, don't cry now. Else, your beauty will ruin my wedding, and you will look like a koala. " I said and laughed.

" DI!!!!! " They yelled, and I started running.

I left my room and came to the hall while running and saving myself from my siblings.

I saw our parents are smiling to see us like that.

I hid behind dad.

Soon Arjun came and said, " Di, come out. This time Uncle Raj would not be able to save you from us. "

" No! " I said and showed my tongue to him.

He tried to catch me, but dad saved me.

" Arjun, what are you doing? What is happening here? " Dad asked.

" Uncle, di called us Koala. " Arjun said like a child, and everyone chuckled.

Dad caught my wrist and made me stand in front of him.

" Is this true, Teja? " Dad asked, and I nodded.

" Arjun, what she said is true. " Dad said, and we hifi each other.

Everyone laughed.

Mom came and said, " Okay, enough with your teasings. Teja! Come here and sit on the carpet right now. "

I did as she told me.

The priest did my tika and worshipped my bangles and kanvare.

After that, the priest made me wear the bangles with kanvare and wrapped a red cloth on them.

I touched his feet, and he gave me blessings.

After that, Bubbly took me to my room.

When we entered my room, I saw a beautician, make-up artist, and hairstylist in my room.

Bubbly left after leaving me in my room, and I took my lehenga with me.

I wore it in the bathroom and came to my room.

Then, they started their magic on me.

I closed my eyes and let them do their work.

They took three hours to get me ready.

One of them said, " Mam, please open your eyes. "

I opened my eyes and was shocked to see myself in front of the mirror.

I was looking totally different.

I think I didn't look this beautiful when I got married to Tanish as I am right now.

They had done amazing work on me.

They applied red sparkly make-up on my eyes and painted my lips with tomato red lipstick.

My hair was tied back in a bun, but they made my side hair curly near my ears.

All in all, I am looking beautiful.

They helped me with the accessories and fixed the chunar.

When I got ready, those stylists said in unison, " Ms. Smith, you are looking breathtaking. "

I giggled and thanked them.

They smiled and left.

After some time,

Mom, Mumma, Vinu, Jaspreet, Bubbly, Arjun, dad, papa, and Kavita entered my room and looked at me with shock, love, and adoration.

Their eyes made me blush.

My parents came and hugged me tightly.

" You are looking beautiful, dear. " They said, and I smiled.

My mothers' tears fell from their eyes.

I wiped them carefully and said, " You are looking amazing, my darlings.

Also, please, no crying session. Your make-up will ruin. " I said in a childish voice, and they chuckled.

" Mumma!!! " I heard my son's voice.

I turned and looked at him.

He looked at me with his innocent eyes carefully from head to toe.

I sat on my knees and asked, " Son, how is your mother looking? "

" Mumma, You are looking like an angel. Is my mother really this beautiful? " He mumbled, and everyone chuckled.

" Ask your daddy about it, okay? " I replied, and he nodded.

We heard the noise and understood that the baraat had come.

" I think you all should go. Bubbly, tell all the unmarried girls to come to the hall for the kanvare ritual. " I said, and they nodded and left.

Now Vihaan and I are present in my room.

I talked to Vihaan, and he shared his experience with me.

A few minutes later, Bubbly entered, and excitement showed on her face.

" Di, it's time. " Bubbly said enthusiastically, and I chuckled.

Bubbly and I went to the railing and saw the bunch of unmarried girls.

Bubbly removed the red cloth from the bangles and kanvare.

I clicked them for few times, and one kanvare thread fell on Kavita's head.

Bubbly and I smiled internally, excited to see our only cute brother's wedding.

Then I went to my room and talked to Vihaan and Bubbly.

Soon, Arjun entered my room and said, " Di, it's time for your entry. "

I nodded and took my sword in my right hand and cupped Vihaan's hand in my left hand.

We came downstairs and reached the gate.

Arjun, Subhash, Suresh, and Nishchey held one corner of phulo ki chatri.

Vihaan and I stood under it, and we started walking toward the stage slowly.

Everyone was looking at me with astonishment, and I blushed.

I saw Akaash, who looked at me with shock, love, and pride.

I smiled at him.

Today we are going to become one forever.