Chapter 165- Argument!

Akaash POV:-

I got shocked.

I know how much Teja wanted to become a mother.

It's not like we don't love our son, Vihaan.

But Teja wanted to give birth to a child.

I don't know how I will tell her this news.

I have to persuade her to terminate the pregnancy at any cost.

It would be the best for everyone.

I have to talk to Teja about it.

" Alright, I will talk to her and let you know our answer. " I said and entered the room.

I saw Teja, who looked tired and now in deep sleep.

I sat on the chair and held her hand.

My eyes went to her stomach, which started to show a little belly.

I thought of our children, and tears fell from my eyes.

" I am sorry, children. But your mother is more important to me.

If she was healthy, I would never make this decision.

But in this process, you could die too with your mother.

I don't want to risk her life. " I said in my mind, and I held Teja's hand.

I kissed her hand and forehead.

I know she is not going to open her eyes for a while.

But before I left, I asked Masha to take care of her.

She nodded, and I left.

Teja POV:-

I opened my eyes and felt a headache.

I looked around and found myself in my hospital room.

I saw someone hooked glucose water with my IV.

I groaned and sat on the bed.

" Oh, President Lily, you woke up? " I heard a female voice.

I turned and saw a lady who had grey eyes.

She is looking at me nervously.

I checked her batch and saw her name, Masha.

" Yes, Dr. Masha. Why am I here? " I asked.

" President Lily, you fainted, and Director Akaash brought you here for a check-up. " Masha replied, and I nodded.

" Then what happened to me? " I asked curiously.

" We found out you are three months pregnant with twins. " She confessed, and I got startled.

" How can it be possible? I had my periods every month.

Also, Akaash always used condoms ex- " Then my mind realized that he didn't use them when we consummated our wedding on my birthday.

" You must have spots, which you thought as periods. " Masha explained, and a smile formed on my lips.

" Oh my God, I can't believe I am pregnant.

God, I am so happy.

Thank you! Thank you for giving me these blessings. " I joined my hand and thanked the God.

" Teja! " I heard Akaash's voice, and I turned and looked at him with a smile.

But his body looked tensed.

" Akaash, we are going to be parents again. " I said happily, and he gave me a nervous smile.

I felt something is wrong.

" Akaash, don't you... don't you want these children? " I asked, and she shook his head as a no.

" Teja, it's not like that. But- " Akaash stopped and looked at Masha.

She bowed at us and left the room and closed the door.

He came to me and sat on the bed in front of me.

He cupped my face and said, " Teja, I was happy to find out the news of pregnancy.

But we found out something. "

I held my breath, and he took a deep breath.

" Your Endometrium layer is weak, and your uterus is weak too to handle these kids.

But if you terminate your pregnancy, you could never become a mother again. " Akaash confessed, and I looked at him with shock.

" If you chose to go on with the pregnancy. There is a chance you all died in the time of parturition. " Akaash said, and I put my hands on my abdomen.

I was shocked to hear everything.

My womb was weak, but still, these children survive till now.

Then as their mother, how can I lose my hope?

No, I won't.

I looked at Akaash and said, " Akaash, I won't terminate this pregnancy. "

He looked at me with shock. He said, " Teja, we already have Vihaan.

Why do we need more children? "

I shook my head.

" It's not about Vihaan, Akaash.

But even though my womb was weak, still, these children survive until now.

If they are fighting, then why would I stop their fight?

They want to come to this world.

I will do anything to make them come into this world. " I declared.

" You knew you could die, then why?

Have you ever thought about Vihaan and me? " He roared, and I flinched.

He calmed himself down, and I held his hand.

" You know very well. I love you both.

But they are our children too, Akaash. " I explained, and Akaash sighed.

He took his hand back and glared at me.

" You know what?!!

Since you have decided not to terminate this pregnancy even after not listening to my advice.

Then do whatever you want.

After all, in our relationship, I was the one who always respect your decisions.

But you have never done it.

then fine. " Akaash roared and left.

Tears fell from my eyes, and my heart hurt.

I felt pain in my heart and abdomen.

I screamed.

Dr. Masha barged into my room and injected some medicines into the IV.

I laid straight when I felt relief, and sleep consumed me.

Akaash POV:-

When I left Teja, I felt a tug in my heart.

I heard a scream when I was about to leave the ward.

I got scared and ran to Teja's room.

I saw Dr. Masha give her mild sedatives to keep her mind calm with light painkillers.

I felt guilty.

After all, I was a gynecologist first.

How can I forget that stress is harmful to my Teja and children?

When Dr. Masha looked at me, she said, " Director Akaash, I can understand your feelings.

But fighting with her won't help her in any way.

Even you know miracles can happen.

I think you both come to my office tomorrow.

So, we can check if a miracle can happen in this case too.

Try to make her happy.

Make her less stressed.

Also, try not to let her work too much.

Bed rest will help you best. "

I sighed and nodded.

She left after patting my shoulder.