Chapter 166- Teja's Wish!

Three months later:-

Teja POV:-

" Mumma!!! Mumma!!! " I heard my son's voice while patting me.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

" Vihaan, why are you waking me up? " I asked in frustration.

After all, I am so tired.

" Mumma, it's already 11 am. Also, dad is waiting for you. He said it's urgent." Vihaan said, and I nodded.

Vihaan kissed my forehead and jumped from the bed.

Then he ran out of the room.

I smiled while looking at him running and sighed.

I looked at my big belly and sighed.

Although I am just six months pregnant, My belly is big. I can feel my babies' moments.

I caressed my belly and sighed.

I prayed for God.

After all, From my last two miscarriages, nothing happened till now.

Even I don't want to lose them.

When Akaash fought with me regarding the termination, my scream made him realize he was wrong.

He apologized to me many times when I woke up and told me he would do everything to protect our children and me.

When he called our family, they came together in worry as Akaash didn't tell them anything.

We told them everything.

They were worried and happy at the same time.

Because of my weakness, doctor Masha recommends me to admit in my hospital for one month.

So, they can observe me daily as my layer is weak.

To them, it's still a miracle my baby survived till now.

Since then, my mother and Akaash's mother have become my instructor.

They didn't let me be discharged for a whole month.

They took care of me and cooked nutritious dishes for me.

Luckily, in my pregnancy, I never had morning sickness.

But yes, whenever I felt sick with smells, they removed those smells.

Right now, Akaash had to change his deodorant because of me.

I felt guilty, but he didn't mind. In fact, he motivated me that I gave him chance to change his deodorant.

But yes, I became very emotional these days.

I felt like I was back in my childhood when I was a crybaby.

Yep, I became a crybaby.

Luckily, my family helped me a lot.

But I hate crying.

Akaash checked me thoroughly and gave me the best medicines.

Those medicines truly helped me a lot.

At least I am better now.

I did the meeting online even though I was in the hospital for a month because of our mothers.

My staff handled much of my work.

Hannah was the best.

She just gave me all the documents I had to sign.

She was in the meeting as my representative.

She handled the meeting well.

In just some points, I had to give them a suggestion.

But my hospital doing well.

Two months ago, my hospital branches got ready.

Akaash and Rosaline were the ones who did the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

My pregnancy is still hidden from the media.

My family shifted our room to the ground floor until I gave birth as per Akaash's orders.

Akaash and I kept our children's gender secret from our family.

After all, gender doesn't matter as long as my children and me fine and well.

Akaash and I don't want to see our child's gender. But sonography said everything and tests too.

Now, I am a lot better.

Even I can walk too.

But still, my family took care of me and didn't let me walk much.

I washed up and wore salwar and frock.

I felt irritated with the leggings.

So, I am wearing salwar these days. It truly helped me a lot.

I came to the hall and greeted everyone.

I looked at everyone's faces.

Their face looked worried and mad.

Everyone is glaring at Akaash.

I wonder what Akaash did to make mad everyone.

I looked at my adorable niece, who lay on her mother's lap.

She is making some cute noises.

Yes, the Royal family had a baby boy just a day after they found out about my pregnancy.

Akaansha bhabhi had a baby girl two days ago.

Right now, the whole family is here, including the royal family and my family.

" What happened, everyone? " I asked with worry.

" Akaash, why don't you answer your wife regarding your stupid plan? " Mummy Ji spat sarcastically.

I looked at her with shock.

Mummy Ji is the calmest one in our family.

I have never seen her so mad.

I looked at Akaash, who looked at me with a smile.

" What happened, Akaash? " I asked with worry.

" Teja, remember 12 years ago when we were in 12th class. We were learning about plants and you made a wish that you want to see the Neelakurinji flower as it bloomed every 12 years. You can't able to go to Kerala because of your financial status. " He said, and I nodded.

" Yes, I remember it very well. At that time, Tanish even suggested that we all should go there, but because of my self-esteem, I said no.

But why are you bringing 12 years old matter? " I replied and asked.

Then I got stunned and looked at Akaash, who looked at me with a smile.

" You want to take me there, right? " I asked excitedly, and he nodded.

" Of course, I want to go there. " I replied, and I heard gasps from everyone.

I looked at everyone who gave me a disappointing glare.

" Not you too, Teja!!! Not you too! " Dad said, and I looked at them in confusion.

" Dad, why don't you want me to go there? " I asked.

" You know the answer very well, Teja.

You are carrying twins in your womb. Doctors told you to be careful.

Still, you want to go there.

No, we won't allow it. " Dad yelled, and I flinched.

I looked at my dad with teary eyes. He was looking at me with regretful eyes.

" Albert, don't you dare to yell at my daughter. I know she said wrong, but you know she became more sensitive with emotions. Don't give her any stress. " Mom said loudly.

Then mom comes to me and looked at me with her worry.

" Teja, dear. It's not we don't want to spend some time with your husband.

But you know you are still weak. What if something happened there.

How can Akaash manage everything alone?

Dear, we were worried about you both.

That's the reason we don't want you to go this time.

You can go there some other time. " Mom said, and I shook my head.

" Mom, that flower bloomed once in 12 years. I lost my chance 12 years ago. But this time, please let me go.

I want to see nature's beauty with my own eyes.

I don't even know if I am able to live for the next 12 years.

You also know what could happen to me at the time of parturition.

I want to enjoy at least this time with my family. " I explained, and she sighed in defeat.

I looked at everyone who looked at me with a sad face.

" Don't worry, everyone. We will be fine there. " I said, and they smiled.

I looked at Akaash and he nodded with determination.

" Don't worry. I will take her back well. " Akaash said, and he helped me go back to our room.

He made me sit on the bed as he know I can't stand up for long.

He packed our clothes and went out.

I was confused.

Then I saw Vihaan and Akaash coming to the room.

Vihaan was with his suitcase.

I understood Vihaan is going with us too.

Akaash picked up our suitcase, and we left for India.

Internally, I am excited to see the place.