Chapter 167- Akaash's Concern!

Teja POV:-

I came out of the plane and took a deep breath. The salty aroma made me feel refreshed.

I came downstairs slowly because of my heavy big belly.

I turned and saw my husband and child coming while holding hands.

I took out my phone and clicked their pictures.

After all, who wanna miss such a cute moment.

" Teja, are you feeling tired? " Akaash asked when he came down and looked at me with worry.

" I am okay, Akaash. Let's check out first. " I said, and he nodded.

We finished all the procedures at the airport and went to the hotel first to rest. We are starving too and want something for dinner as It's already 9 pm.

When I entered the room, I went toward the bed and sat on the bed immediately as I was too exhausted, and the pain in my leg frustrated me a lot.

I took off the belly shoes and saw my legs swell. I sighed in frustration.

" Teja! " I heard Akaash's voice.

I turned and saw him looking at my legs with concern.

He took out the oil from my suitcase and came to me.

He picked up my legs and gently placed them on the bed, and sat beside my legs.

I looked at our son, who looked at my legs with concern.

" Vihaan, dear. Why don't you take a shower? Do you need your father's help? " I asked, and he shook his head.

" No, Mumma. I am a big boy now. I can take shower myself. Let daddy help you with your swollen legs. It must be aching. " Vihaan said, and I smiled.

" My son truly matured so early. I am so proud of him. " I thought.

Vihaan left for a shower while Akaash massaged my legs.

" You know, I am so glad you know massage. You literally took all my pain away. " I said, and Akaash looked at me with a complex face.

" You know, Teja. Sometimes I wish I took all of your pain away. You are suffering from stomach aches, our children's kicks and punches, backaches, and swollen legs. It would be better if I could conceive our children. At least, I won't see you every day in so much pain.

You know as the days go by, I am getting more worried about you and our children.

You knew very well that your womb was not that well to handle the twins. Still, you persuaded everyone and made them agree with you. " Akaash said, and come closer to me.

He held my hand and said, " Teja, I am worried.

I was worried I would lose you all.

I am telling you the truth if something truly happened to you, I would not be able to become the best dad for Vihaan.

I would lose myself. "

I looked at him. I realized for the first time, that he showed his true feeling to me.

I cupped his face and caressed his cheeks.

" My sentimental husband! You know you are looking for such an adorable child. " I said and chuckled.

" Teja Rathore! Don't you dare to change the topic!!! " Akaash warned, and I sighed.

" Okay! You know very well how strong our children are and me.

Yes, I am facing problems.

I know I am weak too. But Akaash, terminating the pregnancy wasn't the best option either.

You know very well, that I can never do it to any child.

Yes, many females aborted their children.

But I can't do that to them.

I know if perchance, something happened to me, your family, my family, Vihaan, and you would be here to take care of them.

Also, I promise you, that I will try my best to survive this even if I have to fight with God. I will do it.

I will try to do my best. " I explained, and he looked at me with a smile.

" I love you! " Akaash confessed, and I chuckled.

" I love you, too! " I confessed, and he sighed.

" Alright! I am going to order our dinner as I can see my wife is too tired to walk. " Akaash said with a teasing smile. He kissed my forehead and left.

I sighed and caressed my belly.

" Children, have your heard your father's concern?

We need to survive this together.

So, your father becomes the happiest person alive. " I said and felt the kick from the children.

I chuckled and realized they agreed with me.

Vihaan came out, and I saw him wearing his Iron Man nightwear.

he sat on the bed beside me and put his head on my forearm.

" Are you tried, Vihaan? " I asked.

He shook his head and put his head on my legs while caressing my womb.

" Mumma, is my siblings hurt you a lot? " Vihaan asked, and I shook my head.

" No, son. Your siblings are so obedient. It's your mother's weakness who can't handle them. " I said, and he looked at me with concern.

" Mumma, why is daddy so worried about you? " Vihaan asked innocently.

" Son, giving birth to a child and taking care of them in the womb for nine months is not an easy task.

Vihaan when you start your own family and got married to the girl you like, make sure to support her the whole pregnancy just like your father helped me. " I explained and guided him.

" Mumma, I promise you, I will take care of all my sisters-in-law and my wife in the future when they are pregnant.

I will make sure no one can harm my nieces or nephews. " Vihaan promised with a serious face, and I chuckled, realizing he was growing up too fast.

" Alright, son! But don't forget to live your life with happiness. " I said with a smile.

Akaash entered with a servant who came with our dinner.

We had our dinner and talked about tomorrow's schedule.

After that, we went to sleep.