Chapter 172- Children's Room!

One week Later:-

Teja POV:-

We were discharged today because of my weakness.

Today, I am going home with the children.

I am so excited.

Akaash told me everything was prepared for the children. So, I don't have to worry about it.

Also, our room shifted back, which made me sigh in relief.

It's not like I don't link my previous room.

But in that room, I can enjoy the scenery and sun rays.

I am excited to see my children's room.

Right now, I am sitting in Akaash's car with my daughter. Akaash is driving, and my mother is handling my son.

Vihaan was waiting for us in our home.

I looked at the backside and saw my mother was enjoying my son's company.

I looked at my daughter.

She is sleeping like an angel.

I can't help but smile when I look at my daughter's innocence.

I wish no one take her innocence away.

When we reached, I saw our family was waiting at the entrance.

We came out of the car and stood in front of Akaash's mom.

Akaash took Tej in his arms.

Mom did our aarti and did my tika.

" Welcome back, Teja. Welcome, my grandchildren. " Mummy Ji said and kissed their forehead and mine too.

We entered, and I saw the home decorated with pink and blue balloons.

There are many gifts placed on the table.

I saw the Royal family also came.

Manvi bhabhi had his son Mrityunjay in her arms.

Akaansha bhabhi had her daughter Apurva in her arms.

Vihaan was running around us.

I felt our family is complete now.

But I am missing mom and dad.

They didn't even call me these days.

I looked at Akaash and asked, " Akaash! Didn't you call mom and dad? "

He looked at me and replied with a sad smile, " I called them and told them everything. But they replied they were busy and they will talk to you soon. "

I got sad but smiled in front of everyone.

" Teja, our family priest is going to come here soon. For now, let me show you our children's home. " Akaash said, and I nodded.

We went to the first floor, and Akaash took me to Vihaan's adjusted room.

Akaash opened the door, and I gasped when I saw the room.

The room had stars on the ceiling. Babies can enjoy looking at fake stars. The cribs dad bought are placed here.

The design of the room is the jungle where deers and rabbits run happily, while Swans swim like a dancer.

No one can say that this room belongs to a girl or a boy.

This is perfect for both children.

" Akaash, this is amazing. I love it. " I said, and he smiled.

" I am flattered. " He replied.

I kissed his cheeks in happiness and smiled.

He smiled back then mummy Ji entered unannounced.

" Akaash and Teja, come downstairs with the children. Our priest is here. " She said, and we nodded.

We came downstairs, and I looked at an old priest who looked around in his early 50s.

He is smiling while looking at Akaash and me with our children.

We went to him and touched his feet while carefully holding our children in our arms.

Even I felt pain while bending.

But it's our tradition.

He said, " May you always be fortunate. "

Akaash and I looked at each other and smiled.

Then the priest said, " Give me your first born child. "

I gave him our daughter, and he picked her up carefully.

The priest took off Aku's wrapper blanket and clothes.

The priest looked at her body carefully from the front to behind like he was looking for something.

I remembered he did the same thing when Apurva was born too.

But then when he didn't find anything, I saw the disappointment in his eyes.

He gave her to me and said, " Wear her clothes, and why am I not seeing the locket with the sun and moon symbol on the children's neck? Why didn't your sister wear it to them? "

I lowered my face in shame.

Bubbly didn't come as she was sick these days.

Then I heard Bubbly's voice.

" Sorry! I am late, sis. " Bubbly said, and I looked at her.

She was running while looking at me with a smile.

" Bubbly, what are you doing here? Aren't you sick? " I asked.

She stood up in front of me and replied, " Yes, I was. But when I got better, I ordered Jassi to book the flight. So, I can come here as soon as possible. "

I saw Jassi enter with Harpreet in his arms.

Bubbly took out the locket, where sun and moon symbols were made of gold.

She looked at Akshaa and smiled.

" Di, she is so beautiful. I bought clothes for the children. So, can I? " Bubbly asked, and I nodded.

I gave her Akshaa, and I looked at Akaash, who gave Tej to the priest.

He removed the baby blanket and clothes.

He checked Tej carefully at the front. Then he looked at him from behind.

He looked at the birthmark on his back, and his eyes widened.

Aku had a birthmark near her head and neck, near her hindbrain.

It looked like three dots.

But Tej had a birthmark like a sun on his back.

" He is the chosen one. " The priest announced, and we all looked at him with shock.

" What does he mean? " I thought.

He gave Tej to Akaash, who gave me Tej in my arms.

" What do you mean, Pandit Ji(Priest)? " The former king asked.

" Your highness, can I talk to you with your brother and your wives? " The priest asked.

They nodded, and papa Ji took them to my office room.

" What does he mean, Akaash? " I asked, and he shook his head like he don't know anything.

I looked at my son with concern.

I gave my son to Bubbly and sighed.

Then, I looked at the door.

Mom, dad, Tanish, and his son Rudhvik entered.

I looked at him with a smile.

Yes, Tanish had a son.

He didn't marry anyone after me.

Rudhvik's mom and Tanish had one night before Tanish came back to India five years ago.

When Rudhvik's mom found out she was pregnant.

Her parents abandoned her, and she lived her life with difficulty.

She tried to Contact Tanish, but he was with me at that moment.

So, he never responds to her.

So, she decided to give birth to her child and raise the child herself.

But Tanish left my wedding one year ago, he met with her.

She was suffering from Leukemia at the advanced stage.

They talked, and she requested Tanish to take care of their child.

Rudhvik had no one except her.

So, he agreed.

He took them back to India, and he took care of Rudhvik's mother at her last stage.

She died six months ago.

Mom, Dad, and Tanish accepted Rudhvik with their whole heart.

They are making sure he didn't become the second Tanish.

Tanish, Akaash, and I become good friends again.

Even we decided to let our children know our past truth when they came at the age of seven.

We decided to tell them together.

" Teja, I am so happy to see you. " Tanish said, and I smiled.

" Me too. How are you, Rudhvik? " I asked, and he smiled.

" I am good, Aunt. I heard you gave birth to a little boy and girl. " He exclaimed excitedly, and I smiled.

" Yes, dear. Come! " I said and took them inside.

Everyone meet each other and did their formalities.

I looked at our elders and the priest who came out from my office and looked at us with excitement.

" What happened, mom? " Akaash asked.

" All servents, I want you all to leave this whole mansion within 10 minutes. " Mummy Ji ordered.

Every servant left the mansion within ten minutes.

Mummy Ji looked at everyone and said, " What we are going to announce has to be a secret. "

I looked at them with concern.

The priest took a step and said, " Tejashk has been born with the power of fire. He is the chosen one in your family after 1000 years. "