Chapter 173- Tejashk's Powers!

Teja POV:-

" Tejashk has born with the power of fire. He is the chosen one in your family after 1000 years. "

These words were enough to make my mind freeze.

I looked at everyone.

Everyone was looking at the priest with shock.

" W... What? What are you saying? " Akaash asked with shock.

" I'm saying the truth, son. Our ancestors and generations are your priests since your family was established as royalty.

Your family holds the power of fire. They had the symbol of the sun.

The lost chosen one was 1000 years ago. " He explained, and I took a deep breath.

" Can't my family have a minute of peace? " I thought.

" If this power was extinct 1000 years ago, then why now? " I asked in frustration.

The priest looked at me for a minute and smiled.

" I can see that you are worried for your child. But dear, the chosen one is very lucky to be chosen by God.

As for your question,

When the earth is tried to be taken over by an evil spirit, Then a good power is born by God to fight that evil power. So that evil or darkness may never rule our earth.

So that people can live their life happily and peacefully!

If this power has taken birth after 1000 years, then it means that a great war is about to begin! This means all powers will come together to face the evil forces, and all these powers will be led by your son, Tejshak. "

I looked at him in disbelief.

" Then why didn't Mritunjay be born as a chosen one? He is the one who was the first born in our family. " I asked.

He chuckled and took a step toward me.

" It's not the rule the chosen has to be the first born. Even in this family, many chosen one was the third born or fifth born.

Remember one thing, child.

Power chose the person. A person can never choose his/her powers. " The priest explained, and I looked at my son who was playing with Bubbly's hair.

I took him in my arms and said, " I will do everything to protect him from the danger he is born with at any cost. "

I looked at the priest with determination, and he smiled.

" May God bless you! " He said, and he turned to Akaash's parents and the royal elders.

" It's time for me to leave. " The priest said, and they joined their hands.

" Akaash and Teja will take you outside. " Papa Ji said, and we nodded.

Akaash and I took him outside and then he looked around us.

When he didn't find anyone, he looked at us and said, " Akaash and Teja, there is one thing, I didn't tell you.

Your daughter is a chosen one too.

But I don't know the powers she was born with.

When your children turn 21, at the time, Mahashivratri will come.

That day, every chosen one powers are revealed, and they will know what kind of power they have. " The priest explained, and we nodded.

I got more worried about my children.

He left, and then one servant came running toward us and said, " Young master and young miss, please come inside. The baby girl is crying. "

We nodded and came back to the hall.

I looked at everyone and sighed.

" This secret has never leaked. Please make sure of that. " I said, and everyone nodded while looking at me with concern.

I took Aku in my arms and made her calm down.

I looked at my children in my arms and kissed their foreheads.

" Akaash, it's time for their feeding. I am taking them to my room. " I said, and everyone nodded.

I took them to their room and sat on the bed in Indian style.

I put them on my lap, and I unclipped my bra and raised my shirt a little.

I gave my children my nipples to suck the milk and covered them with my shirt.

Luckily my shirt is fluffy and loose.

The door opened, and Akaash entered with a glass of juice.

" Teja, are you okay? " Akaash asked, and I sighed.

He sat beside me and looked at me carefully.

" No, I am not. Akaash, you heard what the priest said.

If this is true, then our children. They will always be in danger.

After facing everything, I just wanted a peaceful life.

Why can't we live a peaceful life with our family and children? " I asked in desperation.

" Teja, we are living a peaceful life.

As for our children's safety, we will make sure no one ever hurt our children.

Vihaan, Tejashk, and Akshaa, I will make sure of their safety.

So, don't worry.

If it was their fate to fight with evil, they will do it, we couldn't able to do anything.

So, for now, let's not do anything about it and live a peaceful life with our children and family. " Akaash exclaimed, and I sighed.

I put my head on his shoulder.

" You are right, Akaash.

At least, we can give them a peaceful life as much as possible before they face their fate. " I replied, and he kissed my forehead.

" I bought juice for you. Drink it. " Akaash said and raised the glass in front of me with a straw.

I drank it with the help of Akaash and smiled.

When the children were done with their milk, Akaash picked them up while I adjusted my clothes.

We went downstairs and saw everyone was talking and enjoying themselves.

When Arjun saw me, he said, " Well, now, my sister and brother-in-law are here. I would like to announce something. "

We sat and waited for him to announce.

Arjun held Kavita's hand and smiled.

" Kavita and I decided that after we graduate this year, we will marry. " Arjun announced, and everyone cheered.

Everyone congratulated them, and we enjoyed the whole day with happiness.