Rule 9: Lead

Mr Gate and Zain are at the cinema, they search for the beggars around and find one.

They approached him and were about to ask him some questions but he said " I know why you are here, you will get what you ask for but at a price".

Mr Gate replies " don't worry about the price cause it's gonna be written all over you soon " he approaches the beggar and wants to give him a beating, but from nowhere came beggars.

Rick and Mr Gate are outnumbered.

The beggar then said, " a bounty has been placed on his head, my boys are heading over there to steal him from the torture twins and claim the price".

The person seems to be the leader of the Rats.

Zain who is a calm headed person got angry and decides to fight even being outnumbered. Mr Gate joins him though.

the fight went on and on and the outnumbered ones were with the upper hand.

Then one of the beggars shot Mr Gate 5 times, but it didn't penetrate. " He is a hybrid " they shout at their boss.

Mr Gate continues to fight ( he fights like a boxer, and uses only his hands).

Gate fights real hardstyle and he fights Bare knuckles, that one punch sends each person flying and knocks them out immediately.

Gate and Zain are having the upper hand here, as Zain uses his flexible martial arts skills, while Gate uses his strength and bare knuckles that are pretty fearsome.

They soon beat all the beggars and it's remaining the boss who tries to run for his life.

They immediately go grab him and give him a proper beating.

" This is their boss ". Gate says. " I'll need you for questioning ". He continues.

He replies " Banana state, that's for sure, I don't know any more information any further".

Zain then calls the ottomansion and tells them he has a head start on Rick.

Mr Rich was called from the ottomansion and was told the situation. Immediately he called his assistant and told him to tell his cousin " and also tell him I want my son unharmed ".

He told his assistant to leave the room, so he could call someone and talk telling the person he has a lead on his son already.

The Rabbits tells Bony and Clyde about the bounty and where Rick is.

Then Konan calls from school and asks if Rick was dead already. Bony replies " yes he is dead, we killed him already" then Konan laughs and cuts the call.

" The boy is pure evil, killing his classmate". Said Clyde. " Like you are any different," said Bony with a giggle on his face. Then Bony received an alert on his phone. " He is just wicked and not smart at all, he just sent the remaining money now, I don't think we need the Rick guy anymore" Bony said. And Clyde replies " but what of the bounty, we can kill two birds with a stone". The couple then journeys to Banana state to claim the price also.

November 22

The Torture twins are in the room with Rick.

With them is a masked man and their masked speaker who is also dressed differently from the other minions of the Twins.

" Let me go ". Rick says with his feint voice.

" You aren't going anywhere ". Says one of the masked men who is the speaker for the Twins. Because the twins don't say anything.

But soon, they begin to hear footsteps. As the footsteps begin to grow nearer and nearer.

Before they could figure anything out, some people entered. And it's the American specialist.

Pros: the Rats is also a gang in World and they have a leader. Who is now held by Gate Ferdinand?