Rule 10: Sabotage.

Immediately the American troop( specialist ) sneaked into the room. They recognised who their enemy was and got frightened because the twins are famous in the underground world.

The Twins are also a great threat and they have a record in the USA, they give the Americas big trouble.

Immediately, the Americans know they are at a disadvantage but they immediately start firing their guns and did avoid shooting Rick.

" Go rescue the hostage ". The specialist says within themselves.

The shooting continues and they are a minion in the room, then the masked speaker and the Twins.

The torture twins and the other two masked men in the room engaged in a fight with the Americans, with their guns which the other masked men wore.

. Although the twins' group are outnumbered, it doesn't stop them from having the upper hand, as they killed a lot of the troops. The twins were shot and stabbed, but they survived cause they are hybrids. The shots and stabs didn't even penetrate their skin.

One of the masked men in the room was killed by an American, it wasn't easy though.

Now it's three against the Americans who were still more than expected and their current number in the room is about 10.

A masked man who wasn't in the room before comes in from the window and akes Rick and headed for the exit at the back. But was killed by a sniper whom the shooter was about 3 km away in the only neighbourhood building around.

The fight continues, between the Torture twins and the American specialist.

While the twins masked speaker goes into hiding.

The Torture twins skins aren't penetrable. It gives them the upper hand to butcher the Americans one by one with their axe.

Blood and bullets everywhere.

After a long bloody fight. All the Americans were killed but a troop, Noelle who the twins intentionally left alive. They departed the room with Rick.

The only survivor tries to rescue her teammates and called for backup from the troops outside, but unfortunately, there is no backup. The twins had killed all the troops in the area. She cries as the torture twins

And outside the building is the woods, the nearby house is about 5 kilometres away.

The Torture twins are with Rick in a car, as they decide to change location. They drive in the woods which the road is all rough and sloppy so it slows them down.

in the car, a masked man is driving, a twin sits in front and the other with Rick who was thoroughly tied and the masked speaker with them.

They continue driving.

They drive past the woods, which is 5km.

They moved for about a kilometre when the other masked man noticed they are being followed by a certain car, but this time, they've left the woods and are now in a city in Banana state.

The car stalking them, someone from the car pulled out a gun and started shooting at the torture twins car.

" It looks like the rats ". The other masked man says.

It becomes a car chase between the Rats and the Torture twins.

The Rats continues with their chase after the Torture twins. Because they of course want the one million WD.

The Rats shoot as they continue the chase.

And soon, they successfully aim the tyre of the Torture twins vehicle.

The car immediately hits a stop and stumbles. It rolls and rolls all over again till it hits a position that that side down.

But no one is hurt, including Rick.

The rats approach the car with caution and in their hands' electric guns. They know who the twins are, so the best way is to knock them out.

As they got closer to the Torture twins vehicle.

They got closer.

" I hope we didn't kill the kid ". One of the Twins says.

But, the Torture twins pop out from the car and they begin to fight the Rats.

Once again, the Twins are outnumbered but the Rats of course don't stand a chance against the Twins.

* Pow * pow *. The Rats shoot.

The Twins who don't use guns but secondary weapons fight back, killing as many Rats as possible.

The fight goes on for sometime

Meanwhile, Rick was tied and placed down. " Help, help "! He screams.

But soon, an anonymous man and woman to pick him up.

The man is with a Chaichainsawa weapon. While the girl is with a cross bag.

The girl carries Rick and runs into the car they had brought with them. The man with Chainsaw immediately backs her up, with his Chainsaw.

The Rats notice them and go to fight them, but the Chainsaw guy is pretty ruthless and gives no sympathy for human lives as he Chainsaw the Rats like they are some log of wood.

He sends blood flying everywhere.

The Rats kept coming, and the Chainsaw guy continues to split them into two with his Chainsaw.

Soon, a Twin appears and the Chainsaw knows he has met a worthy opponent.

. The guy with the chainsaw fights the twin, they both fight like they are evenly matched, but the twin is still stronger as he fights very skilled and hard.

The Chainsaw soon knows he can't keep up longer and soon plan on retreating.

The twin uses his axe as the other guy uses his chainsaw.

As they continue, the girl comes to pick the Chainsaw and he immediately enters the car

The Twins immediately jumps on the back of the car.

" Shake him off ". The Chainsaw shouts at the person driving.

The person immediately drifts and drops off the Twin.

The Twin was pained.


The only surviving specialist from American has faced a complete tragedy as her teammates are mostly dead.

The ones still breathing can barely keep up and she's using her quack doctor abilities to try and save them.

She is in complete agony.

She sees her very close friend and runs up to her.

She reminisces about how they had gone to missions together as her friend is dying.

Soon, she dies and Noelle agony increase.

" I swear to avenge you ". Noelle cries.

Soon, some guys.

It is Bony and Clyde of course with their sports equipment tied around them. They see the dead bodies and the ones trying their best to stay alive. Only Noelle lives in full health.

They are definitely for the troops, but they are more focused on Rick and their price.

" Military can't survive in the Underground, mafia, gangsters, Hybrid ". Bony says.

He then asks Noelle. " Where is Rick "? He continues. " We was outnumbered at first ".

Before Noelle can say anything. Another group appears and one of them asks Bony.

"Who is your target "?

So you are the one who kidnapped Rick". It was Zain who asked those questions and he appears with Mr Gate and the leader of the Rats, Joe.