Zain asks again " where did you keep Rick? "
Bony replies " you are misunderstanding me here ". I don't know any Rick.
Mr Gate then asks " but we overheard you asking of your target "?
Now the two groups continue with their arguments and pull up a fight.
" I think you are involved with the kidnappers ". Zain says.
" No, we aren't ". Bony replies.
" Then who are you "? Zain asks.
" We are just here for the price on his head ". Bony replies.
" That's a lie ". Zain shouts and they both continue arguing and are about to fight each other.
When Noelle who is lying helpless screams " I need help here please. Help me before you kill yourself, please. Don't even fight. Have seen a lot of blood today"
Mr Gate did comply and told Zain to help the ones still breathing and take them to the SUV they brought with them.
Noelle wants to go with them but Bony told the guys that the tyre print on the soft soil is still fresh, meaning they are near and the car Bony has is a fast mountain car.
" It's the woods, the sloppy road will slow their movements, my car should catch up in no time," Bony says.
Hearing this, Noelle is filled with rage and wants to avenge her comrades. So she decides to tag along, Mr Gate also wants to tag along, so he asks Zain to drive the injured troops to a nearby clinic. But there is a huge problem. Zain can't drive.
Just when they all are confused on who would drive. Coming out of the woods is Lim.
"Weirdo, where did you creep out of?" Zain screams with confusion
"Forget about that, I can drive, let me help". Said Lim. " Since you can trust him. Let him take my comrades". Said Noelle. Lim took Noelle comrades in search of a clinic.
Now Noelle, Mr Gate, Zain, Bony and Clyde and let's not forget the leader of the Rat who is the guide of Mr gate and Zain.
Noelle seeks quick avenging for her comrades.
Mr Gate wants to repay a favour
Zain wants to save his friend
Bony and Clyde, well. Just want the one million dollars.
And let's not forget the Rat member. Who was forced by Gate to come here, And has nothing to do with anyone here.
Immediately, they got on the mountain car and drive as fast as they can to catch up with the kidnappers.
In a short time, they arrive at the fight scene where the Rats and the Twins had a showdown.
The scene is still fresh.
They met some survivors who are members of the Rats.
They see their boss, Joe and assume he's in danger and they all draw out their guns for another fight.
" You guys don't get tired of fighting, " Bony says.
Joe answers himself saying " don't worry, am not in any danger ". His members felt relief and told Joe that some chainsaw guy and his babe double-crossed the torture twins and went away with Rick.
"Dang, it. How many double-crossing is gonna happen with just a kid". Said Clyde.
" That reminds me. You didn't answer my questions". Says Zain to Clyde.
Mr Gate then deduce that if they wanted Rick dead. He should be by now. Let's take our time and figure out where they are hiding him and why they did so." Joe. Tell your boys to stalk them and pinpoint their location. And that's a wrap-up today. But in the meantime. Let's stay in Banana till we find out the enemy next move."
It's night already
Mr Gate and Zain are in a hotel. Noelle has gone to meet her comrades who survived at the hospital. Bony and Clyde are in another room in the hotel.
They all are waiting for feedback. Joe has gone to get updates from his comrades on Rick.
Three hours have passed now and they're no answers from Joe.
Then Mr Gate phone rings, it was Joe. He said something
" Rick has been found, currently in Bronze city in bronze state with the bronze police station".