Zain is still at Lim's house.
His phone rings. He checks it, it was an anonymous number.
Zain picks the phone. " Who is this"? He asks
" If you want your boy back?.am still around," the person says.
" Are you the spanner guy?" Zain asks.
" Yeah you can call me that" he replies
" What do you want? Mr spanner".
Mr spanner doesn't answer. And Zain asks of Lim. He wants to hear his voice at least to confirm that he is truly in his custody.
" I don't want Lim. It's you I want. And I just want a one on one deathmatch with you" Mr spanner replies
Zain asks no further questions after hearing Kim's scream over the phone and tells me spanner to set a location.
Mr spanner sets a location. And tells them to meet in three to four days
Mr Dan suggests that three to four days is too much. But Mr spanner cut the call.
Current day
In the air. North of the world
An aeroplane is in the air. Just ready for land.
It takes its time till it finally lands. And the passengers exit the plane
In it are Gate Ferdinand and Noelle who comes out of the plane
Their current location is Naples in Italy on a personal mission to find the famous and deadly Hybrids. * The terror twins"
They got out of the airport and board a taxi.
" How are you planning on getting information from the twins ?" Noelle asks
" Let's get the twins first. And the next step will sprout out from the mind" Gate replies
Back in World.
Arto peritti is on the phone as Mr Rich comes into the room
Arto immediately drops the phone
" Arto. I have an idea on topping the presidential chart." Says Mr Rich
He checks the chart. Vinson and Bjorn are ahead of him in the charts
Well, Rich used to be ahead of the chart always leading the other candidates. Now he drops from the top till the third. His incident with the abduction of his son might be the reason. Cause a rumour goes around world as some say his son was the abducted even if it's true, some didn't bring themselves to believe it in any way.
" Get your things ready peritti. We are going to soul to feed the poor. This should be able to take me to the top back" rich concludes evenly like he just won a girl's heart.
It's the night already
Still November 27
In the ottomansion
Rick is in on the top of the mansion.
On the top of the mansion is where the pool lies.
Rick Laying his back flat as he calms down to stare at the beautiful stars with nebula in the sky. Not long after, Tracey comes in
" May I keep you company?. Rick " she asks
Tracey is the only one who calls Rick by his name and not * young master* most especially directly to him
" No problems. I need the company. I kinda feel forlorn" Rick answers
" Forlorn?. What is the problem, Rick?"
" It's the old man, he cares less about me. Ave only seen him once this year. And that's because I was abducted. And after that, he barely calls".
" That shouldn't bother you Ric,k. You are a strong kid." Tracey says with a taunting look.
Rick looks back at her and smiles as he wiped his eyes which are all wet.
" And by the way, Rick. What do you have with the Debbie louton of a girl? " Tracey asks
" Well, I like her. And am planning on asking her out and dating her after all these security and exams stuff dies down"
Rick looks at Tracey and sees jealousy in her eyes.
" Are you jealous, Tracey? Am sorry for that"
" No. Don't be. There would be no future for both of us. We both know that. Debbie would be a good or the best girl for you with her character and the status of her father also.
But for me, am just a farmers daughter" Tracey concludes with a serious face
Rick gives no reply as he just stares at her forwarding his head towards her.
Well, Tracey knew what he was trying to do and didn't budge. In fact., Her head got moved faster as she starts kissing.
Well, they kiss for twenty minutes.
And then Tracey strips leaving only her bikini as she dives into the pool. Rick for sure was no slack as he knows the game. He dives in with her. They continue their kissing in the pool.
The senior maid calls on Tracey back in the house. But Hannah tells her she is with the young master keeping his company for him.
" Well. He needs it now" the senior maid concludes.
The rabbits are celebrating for they've retrieved back their base from the buccaneers.
But down in his office is koln who was still reflecting on what the buccaneers leader had told him.
Not long after, his phone rings and he picks it. It was the Rabbits he has sent to cane to investigate the death of Bobsleigh Weir.
The person told him that the loyal dogs were blackmailed. The killers are not original members of the dogs. The real member is all in hiding from the mafia and the cops.
Koln says to himself " just like what happened with the buccaneers ".
" What of the Loyal dogs in hiding "? Koln asks.
" I don't know anything about that sire " the person replies.