Koln went to the BandC store to visit the couple. Along with Right and Left. he trusts the most.
He tells them the situation. ( Bony and Clyde ) about the information on the Loyal dogs.
" Then they just died as martyrs. The buccaneers will forever be remembered as the gangs who died for fun". Bony says in full sarcasm.
Shut up Bony. This is a serious matter" Clyde shouts at him
" What is your plan koln"? Clyde turns at Koln who seems to have a hard time lately.
" I don't know what this person wants. But I think he wants disorder in the mafia world. Gangsters with it. I have no plan yet. But my plan would be, to get the brain behind all this blackmailing of gangs." Koln replies.
" Maybe we should ask the Rats" Bony suggests
" Yeah. But I have no ties with the rats. We are enemies." Koln tells Bony with a worry face
" Me either. I hate the rats. They reek always. They are also snitch" Bony suggests
" Wait. I remember that Gate guy was accompanied by a kid and a rat. " Clyde exclamates
Koln decides to leave them up to it and tells them he would gather all the gangs in soul and form an alliance with them so no imposter or blackmailing would happen.
On getting back to base.
One of Koln boys comes up to him and tells him he has a visitor
" Let him in " koln replies
" Am from Mr Rich ottomans " the visitor suggests
Koln asks what the politician wants.
The visitor tells his Mr Rich needs protection. He is coming to soul for a peaceful protest and to assist the people of soul by giving and sharing Foodstuffs.
The guy gave koln a cheque. Which koln denies.
" I don't take cheques, am a mafia. It's dangerous for me. Bring the money in cash and your boss protection is guaranteed in a hundred percent" Koln says with a serious mafia face
The guy suggests coming back with cash
The Ottomansion.
Rick has been on lockdown and in protection since he was kidnapped and rescued.
He has been studying alone for the final exams.
Rick worries that Zain hasn't come to visit lately. It's the fourth day. He even barely calls. Then he decides to call
But Rick phone was busy. " Well, maybe he really busy." He'll call when he is ready.
Rick then goes back to what's he's doing.
He brings out his holographic laptop.
Zain sees Rick phone call , he cuts it. And realized he has four missed calls already, all from Zain. He doesn't want to bother Rick, he feels he had been through enough.
Zain set off to the bus stop. He boards a bus
The bus heads to the next town from Bronze city to beach city but passes through the road in the wood, and that's where zain drops down. He then heads inside the wood
As he advances further, he sees Mr Dan who was already a step ahead of him
" Mr Dan, why didn't you call me?" He asks.
" Well, you didn't call me either" Dan replies
" And I asked you to bring cops yesterday. Where are they?"
Zain remembers when he was asked to bring cops in school yesterday but was carried away because when Dan told him yesterday and after he was dismissed. He went up to two girls, so he must have forgotten the task handed to him.
Zain then mutter to himself
" Well, let's quit calling the cops. Maybe nature doesn't want the cops involved in this case. And the fact that in 2030 cops all around the world and most especially world is highly corrupt. So I can imagine the cops deserting us even if we brought them. It is also risky to bring cops as the Mr spanner has ordered us not to"
They advance
" By the way. How's Rick? " Dan's asks
" He is okay "
" You know before you helped him gain the school mafia boss, he had it in hand before and was a bad leader"
" Really?. I was told that but never told he was a bad boss" Zain replies with anxiety
Zain tries to imagine Rick with a wicked face and found it weird cause it doesn't fit him
They then advance and finally, they see Mr spanner who is masked with another masked person
" Where is Lim " Zain asks
Another masked person comes with Lim who was tied up to his mouth. His mouth is tied because he is a bad talkative. And he is also passed out.
Mr Dan can tell he is still breathing and he told zain
Not long after. Mr spanner pics up his spanner and Zain draws out a pocket knife
" Hey. You are still my student you know. Pocket knife is deadly" Mr Dan tells Rick with authority on his face
" Teacher. You don't expect me to fight barehanded and the guys hold a weirdly large spanner. And again don't act like you aren't a gangster. I can tell you know"
" Well I quit being a gangster seven years and am now......."
Mr spanner didn't allow him to finish speaking as he broke their conversation
" Do you guys think it's a joke? This is a deathmatch you know"
" Shut up. Am speaking with my teacher" Zain answers as he puts back the knife in his pocket
Mr spanner got angry and charges at Zain.
Zain dodges the attack from the spanner Mr spanner swings aimlessly at his head.
Their fight starts.
The fight goes on for about 20 minutes and Zain was losing badly. As he is bleeding and crawling.
"So this is the special Zain, all the schools in Bronze is talking about. I guess u suck. Compared to the rumours about you"
Dan wants to intervene but is stopped by the remaining 3 masked men who points a gun at him
Zain is crawling and bleeding.
" Have gotten weak these past few days ". Zain says to himself.
Mr Dan is a teacher at Bronze high school and a Christian after quitting gangster life 7 years ago
Rick was a bad gangster before Konan took over. But has had a change of heart since getting him dominance back. Thanks to Zain.