Rule 27: The first seven nWo

It's December 16 2030

Snow of course still dominates the weather. Even though having fallen on December 1st.

It took quite some time before the snow fell in bronze

And another low-class gang is extinct again but this time, by the hands of the capos claiming they were ambushed first by the low gangs

Rick is with Kurt.

They discuss for a while

He asks Kurt if he had heard from the Japanese bald man that approached him

Well, Kurt hasn't heard from the Japanese and the low gang he joined hasn't disturbed him also. They are a low gang so they aren't relevant

" What of the trainer guy that taught you martial arts?" Rick asks

" I haven't heard from him.

What do you need him for? " Kurt asks

" Let's go meet him. He might have a clue about this Japanese guy. And this Japanese guy, I want to know who he is." Rick replies.


They both depart and went to the gym where the trainer who tutored Kurt is.

Soon. They reach the Dojo.

They ask one of the workers where master Raj is

" You guys didn't hear. Master Raj is dead for about a week now " said the anonymous worker.

Despair fills Kurt eyes as he reminisces how hard master Raj trains him.

" What killed him? " Rick asks

" He was murdered. His head was sliced off and * A * was drawn on his back with a sword." The worker answers.

" Drawing *A* on a deceased is something mafia, " Rick thinks.

Rick is back at home in the Ottomansion.

He browses on his computer and searches for the * A * trademark usually drawn on a deceased.

After a long hour of search, he finds an answer.

*At least in a year, twenty deceased have the * A * trademark on them of which ten are deaths in Japan and the remaining ten in other countries "

He sees a site that says the * A * trademark trails to the Akuma of the Japanese.

It's a death signature that the hitmen of Akuma use.

" Why will you kill one of your own.

Or did another person impersonate their kind of killing

No. No one would want to kill in that manner, no one would want to taunt the Akuma" all these thoughts fill Rick's mind.

As he continues. Tracey enters his room and sees what he is browsing.

" What do you have with the Akuma. Just because you just made your mafia doesn't mean you can challenge the top mafia" Tracey says

" No. Am not after them.

Wait, you know the Akuma. " Rick asks

" Who doesn't know the Akuma" Tracey answers.

" Am not after them, someone was killed lately in style so I just searched who it was."

" Whatever just leave The Akuma. Even the cops don't dare to get to them" Tracey concludes.

Tracey then taps Rick's head

" Why haven't you apologized to Lia yet. What's your problem" Tracey shouts at Rick.

" I have that under control already.

Have planned to buy a lot of flowers for an apology and if she agrees to date me I'll get give her the frame and the onesie necklace " Rick answers her with full confidence

" That approach was clever. Am certain it wasn't your ideal." Tracey concludes

" Well....... " Rick becomes speechless

" Just make sure you do that before you go to the East " Tracey suggests as she departs

Zain is in the hospital and waits for his mom who happens to be a Nurse.

She is Bella, and she's very pretty, with her light blue eyes and stunning shape.

After waiting for a while she attends to him and tells him

Mr Dan had called earlier for a permit for the school final excursion for graduating students before Prom.

" Go well boy and don't forget to introduce me to Rick and get yourself a girlfriend " she shouts as Zain departs

" MOM!!!!!! You are embarrassing me about a girlfriend. Bye mom " Rick leaves

Gun Christophers and Tolo Junior are neighbours.

Their families are pretty close to each other. Having been Best friends, Gun and Tolo are like Brothers.

Both of their families are also huge. So it's no surprise for the best friend being so huge

Their families IBS are above normal. Even the other neighbours fear them a lot but they are quite friendly. But don't test them.

Their families occupations are also the same. They are cops

They are well-respected cops in the whole of Bronze and are quite famous in Bronze city

Gun has two siblings. Two girls. He takes responsibility as he is the Elder Brother

Tolo on the other hand is the last son in a family of only boys ( four of them )

Their parents are outside discussing on teacher Dan who called that the children are going for the last excursion

And if Gun is allowed to go. Tolo is also allowed cause their families are also aware of their close friendship.

The Christophers and the Tolos all agree for their children to go on the excursion.

The seven of the nWo ( including Lim ) all gather at a local airport.

Rick, Zain, Gun, Tolo, Jessica, Lim and Kurt.

" I guess our parents permitted us all . Thanks to Mr Dan "

" Why did he help cajole our parents it's an excursion. I thought he doesn't want us in any Gang-related activity " Gun asks

" Well, guess he changed his mind since we might remind him of his Gang days" Tolo suggests

" Well. That's not clear evidence. But since he talked to our parents. It means to our parents we are going to have fun like a graduating excursion" Lim says

" Well, either way, I don't trust that man. He must have another plan " Rick rubs his chin as he speaks

" Technically. We going to have fun " As Zain clench his fists

The seven of them moved on the escalator.

All prep is being made as they clear their passports and wait a while for the next arriving train

" Where is the train headed again? " Lim asks

An announcement is made in the airport

* The next arriving plane is heading to Seol and departs in twenty minutes after Boarding.