Rule 28: All set for something.

They all board the plane heading towards Seol

The seven of them all get seated and the plane set for flight.

Then just when the plane is about to set for flight, and voila a sudden hullabaloo at the door of the plane

A commotion from some voices of a male and a female shouting at the Air hostess.

" Hey, how can you set off without us. How insolent of you" the male voice shouts

" All these b*****s have been doing rubbish. Do they know who we are?

If we decide to stop this flight, there's is nothing anyone can do about it " the female voice adds

" We are sorry for almost taking off without you " the Air hostess apologies

" Yeah whatever".

Now the commotion has let every passenger divert their attention.

As Rick whose attention is also diverted sights the trouble makers.

He sees a male with a blue hoodie on and with a scanty goatee, and a female with hair covering her eyes

" Oh it's Bony and Clyde I guess? " he asks Zain who nods his head indicating * yes *

Zain has told Rick about the Bizarre couple Because, during the whole rescue, he was unconscious.

" What are you guys doing here ?" He asks

" Hey, isn't that the Abducted kid?

How has freedom been like? " Bony shouts

Then someone whispers " keep it down. This plane might be filled with spies or people who are up to no good "

As Bony turns to check who it is

It's Gate Ferdinand

" You as well !!! " Zain shouts

" What are you doing here also? " He asks Gate.

Gate is also in the plane with Noelle

Gate then adjourn his seat to sit behind Rick and Zain, which happens to be empty.

" Dan told me to check on you guys " Gate claims

" Wait. You know teacher Dan? " Zain asks

" I said it. I don't trust that man " Rick held his fist like he scored a goal

" Well, how do you know Mr Dan " ? Rick asks.

" It's almost a decade now but I'll tell you about it later " Gate replies.

" Rick, meet Mr Gate, the owner of Gateway

And Mr Gate meets Rick Ottomans" Zain introduces Rick and Mr Gate since this is their first time meeting face to face.

But Zain has told him about the story with the Terror twins.

Shortly everyone begins to introduce each other.

The Pilot announces his Take off as he does immediately after the announcements.

The plane first drive on land for some minutes then takes off in

Now the plane is fifty thousand feet from the ground.

Well. Bony is scared of height as he shivers. Clyde tries her best to ignore him

Zain sees them and asks Mr Gate what they are doing here

Mr Gate replies telling him he hired them since they are a gang for hire

Zain also agrees and sees hiring them as pretty clever since they are useful and full of skill but their personality stinks.

Rick chats with Tolo and tells him how efficient his plan was and that it worked for Debbie ( Lia ). Before they had come to the airport, Rick took Tolo's advice and won back Kia's heart. Now they are both in a relationship. At first, it was hard for Lia to forgive Rick but she later opens back her heart to him and accepts him back.

Gun and Tolo are watching a movie

Jessica is listening to music along with Kurt

Noelle is taking a nap

Lim is fast asleep

Then Gate whispers to Zain if Zain has found any clue or any betrayal from Lim so far.

" Well, not any movement from him at the movement, and it seems the person who sent him hasn't made any contact in some time now" Zain concludes

" Well, better be careful of him, but yet don't rush things he would soon be busted" Gate suggests

Is he truly bad or it was just influenced?

That's all we need to know now. Who sent Lim

" My number one clue is Akuma leader. I can't say his name since Mr Gate had said earlier that we should mind our speech. " Rick suggests

" Akuma is the Japanese mafia that rules world

What does he have to do with a loser like Lim?" Gate asks

" Yeah, I made my research and I deduce that he mistakenly came across a Hitman for an Akuma boss when he was forlorn. So that one just gives him some little morale. And asked him to join some random gang" Rick suggests.

" But that's just a hunch. And if that's what happened, then we will have to bug Lim's calls and track his every call he makes so we will know if he still contacts the Hitman." Rick continues his speech

" You a clever boy. You gonna be useful to your gang " Gate congratulates Rick

" Yeah, Thank you.

And by the way, you are officially a nWo " Rick says

" nWo? What is that? " Gate asks in surprise

" That's the name of our gang and you are officially a member " Rick answers.

"That isn't a nice thing. You guys are too small to be gangsters and besides ganging isn't good for any age.

Well don't add me to your gang " Gate concludes

" Hmmmmm. I'll try again later " as Rick turns back his head and calls a Hostess to come to serve him.

In kun city.

A city in Bronze state.

It's where a lot of skyscrapers breeds in Bronze state

And one of the scrapers is a large building of seventy floors

It's *The Ottophone building.*

In the building are Reece and Rich in a really large office like it is a viewing centre for sports.

" Do you know where your son is now? " Reece asks Rich

" He is at the home of course playing his video games or his virtual reality " Rich replies.

" Look at you. Irresponsible father. That's why my daughter left you. " Reece insults Rich.

" What's it now old man. ? " Rich asks Reece.

" Your son sneaked out to Seol with some couple of his friends, " Reece tells Rich

" OMG!!!!! , Is he safe ?" Rich exclamates

" Your reaction even seems poor. Don't worry have sent someone I trust to stalk them, monitor their movements and act as a low key bodyguard"

" That's why I like you, " Rich says

" Shut up. You are gross " Reece concludes as he departs

Immediately he departs he picks up his phone, which was ringing

It's a call from his personal Hitman ( that's how his number is saved in his phone )

He then tells Reece he has something important to tell him about Rick's friend.