It's morning
December 18th 2030
Bony wakes Clyde up and tells her Reece called, sent some money so they would protect his grandchild. Well, they didn't know Reece was related to Rick, so they also didn't know Reece is the real owner of Ottophone. But now they know.
The nWo knows what is about to happen on this day and are getting set in the hotel.
They are all set to go.
Yesterday, Viksel had told them during the time he was about getting tossed from the bus. He told them that there is going to be a fight between The Judes and The Leagues.
He also told them the cause which was a provocation That was anchored by him. He played a Jude and infiltrated one of The Leagues bases to blow it up and left a trademark indicating it's The Jude.
So the nWo plan is to get to both sides of the gang before the fight and stop it as soon as possible before they clash.
They all plan on separating into two groups
Kurt, Lim, Gate, Noelle, Gun and Tolo would head over to The Judes.
Rick, Zain, Jessica, Bony and Clyde head over to The Leagues.
" Remember. No one dies, we have Christmas to spend and Prom to celebrate. " Rick tells his classmates.
" Don't also die. You are a member of nWo" Rick also turns at Gate and Noelle
" Well, I don't care about both of you," Rick tells Bony and Clyde. But they are not sure if it's sarcasm or he is for real.
They then depart the Hotel.
Gate's party gets a taxi and set to leave to the west part of Seol where a branch of The Judes is located.
While Rick's party set to leave with the bus that was used to capture Viksel. They set for the North of Seol to meet up with The Judes.
" Where did you even get this bus?" Rick asks Bony
" Well, that doesn't matter now. Abducted boy" Bony answers.
They both depart.
Koln( the leader of The Rabbits ) and Bunny ( the leader of Kudos ) are having a conversation on the phone.
" Hey, mehn. Finally, that old geezer has finally decided to call a truce " Bunny tells Koln
" Well, I won't call it a truce, I'll call it help. He needs our help against The Akuma
And let's face it, we also need his help against these infiltrating, framing and blackmailing" koln replies
" That's true mehn. I agree with you there " Koln concludes
" I'll make arrangements with the other leaders in West and south and you do the same in the north and east." Koln concludes as they both cut the call.
Back at Seol
The group in the bus are moving as fast as they can to catch up with The Leagues
Then suddenly, their bus is stopped
" What's going on Clyde?" Rick asks Clyde who happens to be the driver.
" Well. I think it's the tyres ( she looks out of the window ) they are all dead " Clyde answers
" Someone threw knives at them " Zain points at the tyres
Then suddenly, some weird people dressed as Assasins approaches the bus
" Hey, it's Assasin creed," Clyde says with sarcasm.
" Aren't these the guys who attacked us back at the Ottomansion? " Rick screams.
" They are the East Assassins, and also gang for hire, just like Bony and I " Clyde answers Rick rhetorical question as she picks up her golf balls.
She picks a ball, tosses it at Bony who swings his bat as he hits the ball with it. The ball went flying, hits the front glass, makes a hole through it, hits an assassin.
" They are five assassins," Jessica says as she counts them and gets out of the bus to fight.
He then throws a ball at an Assasin, but his Stealth nature dodges it.
The rest of them also gets out and are ready to engage in a battle with the assassins
" Be careful kids. These guys are all hybrids and are considered highly dangerous. " Bony tells his people.
" Don't worry, am considered more dangerous " Zain tells Bony as they all engage in battle.
The other party heading to The Judes are in two taxies
Then suddenly, the two taxies are on the road, because some couple of people are in the road. Just two of them.
" Can't you just run them over?" Lim asks the taxi driver
" No, that'll be too callous, I can't do that" the driver replies.
" Wait. Can't you see that they are with various weapons?" Lim tells the driver
" More reasons we should be careful " the driver replies.
One of them holds a chainsaw ( a male )
And the other holds a hand grenade ( a female ) and she is wearing a cross bag.
They are the guys who double-crossed The torture Twins during their fight with The Rats. Back in Rule( chapter ) 10.
" Wait isn't that chainsaw guy familiar " Gate says to himself.
The girl throws a grenade at the two taxies. Immediately, they all evacuate the taxies even the drivers also and the taxies blows up.
" Let's beat these guys up. And don't get killed. " Gate tells the children.