Rule 34: The new chainsaw

The girl throws a grenade at the two taxies. Immediately, they all evacuate the taxies even the drivers also and the taxies blow up.

" Let's beat these guys up. And don't get killed. " Gate tells the kids.

" Let me introduce myself.

Am the hitman they call chainsaw. And this with me is my assistant " The chainsaw guy tells them with a British accent.

" Chainsaw? I guess have heard that name before. But that guy wasn't a hitman but a gang for hire. " Gate replies

" Well, am not that guy, but that guy is my enemy. " The chainsaw tells them.


Summary back at when chainsaw and Ferdinand Gate story in London in rule chapter ( rule ) 30.


When chainsaw annihilated the whole Boxing day.

Immediately he cleared them all, he departed the villa, forgetting his chainsaw in the scene. And right when, chainsaw first bust into the Boxing day boss room, he tried calling someone on his landline. It was his Nephew.

Why didn't he call the cops or troops?

That's because his nephew is a Hybrid.

But unfortunately, he came late to the scene, Dan( the Chainsaw at that time ) had finished the work and left the scene.

But Bill ( the current chainsaw ) comes late to the scene, but came before the cops or the media, he then greif a bit and sights the chainsaw Dan left behind and vowed to be the new chainsaw and avenge his uncle's death.


After chainsaw explains it to them, he then asks them if they know who the previous chainsaw was, because he is out there for revenge.

" Why would I tell you about the current chainsaw ?" Gate says to himself.

" But, for the meantime, am here to stop you from this mission. Those gangs must cancel each other " chainsaw tells them.

" Why would stop us? What does any European gang have to do with us? " Gun asks them.

They engage in battle.

Rick and his party are fighting the East Assasins

Of course Rick can't fight so he tries to dodge them.

Jessica also isn't good at fighting, but she is trying her best

But Zain, Bony and Clyde are no slouch as they go toe to toe with their opponents.

The East Assasins are pretty strong and fierce.

" Hey, you guys came to attack me in my house can you explain who sent you?" Rick asks the question form one of the Assasins.

He got no reply

" I know you guys retreated because you didn't know Reece who is the leader of Underlings is the owner of that house. So, at the sight of Reece, you scrammed off " Rick adds.

" Yeah, that's true. And immediately we departed the house. We told our contractor we don't want the mission anymore " the Assassin replies

" Well, that's what I want to know. Who hired you to kill me?" Rick asks

Rick still got no reply as the Assasin go mute.

The Assasin chases him, he dodges the shuriken being thrown at him.

He tries to evade the Assasin, but the Assasin finally gets him in a corner.

Fortunately for Rick, Bony comes to save him by hitting the Assasin head with his bat.

Bony then calls Rick a spoilt brat for having no combat abilities.

Rick then smirks and replies that he has the brains at least.

The fight continues as The East Assasins seems pretty hard to pass by.

" Who hired you guys?" Bony asks one of them

" You know I can't tell you that. We are a fellow gang for hire.

But what I can tell you is that we were just sent to stop you from engaging in the battle between The Judes and leagues." The Assasin replies

" That ain't possible, you know you can't stop me, " Bony tells the Assasin

" Don't be so full of yourself, it's almost an hour now since we stopped the bus. And by now they should be getting at it" the Assasin replies.

They continue the fight

Rich Ottomans just came out of an interview room in a TV station building with Arto peritti and his vice President who is a female

" Am going now " his vice president tells him as she goes away

Rich waves back at her telling her he would get in touch.

Rich then calls Arto and explains what happened in the Ottophone building between Yamashita.

" What do you suggest I do about that.

And if these citizens find out my secret being a mafia. My competitors would use it against me and I might loose followers." Rich explains to Arto

" Well, I suggest you just kill this Yamashita " Arto tells him

" You know I can't do that, Yamashita is known in the whole of Asia, killing him is like provoking his other associates " Rich tells Arto

" Well, you can just threaten him " Arto suggests

" That's nice. I'll tell the old man ( Reece ) " Rich says rubbing his chin.

They both depart the TV station building.

Immediately they step out of the building, the media and press all came to Rich, asking various questions.

Arto stayed behind and called someone anonymous and said " the big dogs are on a verge for taking each other out".