Then after a very long fight in Seol
Gate, Kurt and Noelle who are handling the Chainsaw man and the cross girl simultaneously
They are pretty hard to fight as they tried avoiding a cut from the Chainsaw man and also avoid getting exploded from the grenade of the cross girl.
Later, they drive them off by beating down the cross girl
Chainsaw is now really down at a disadvantage
He then picks up cross girl and departs with her
Gate and the rest continue on their mission to stop the war.
They get a taxi and take off.
After some time, they eventually get to the war front, an open place in the city
But unfortunately, the war has ended.
They also met Rick's party who also explains that they just came in late also.
They all are forlorn, the eleven of them
They couldn't even stop the war.
A lot of people both from the Judes and Leagues are dead, even unfortunate civilians who get caught in the war are also dead.
" So what's the next step now?" Zain asks Rick
" Let's get that Viksel guy. We need more questioning " Rick replies
*Later that day*.
They went to the hospital where Viksel was admitted and question him more.
They still couldn't get more information from him, so they decide to leave him and they plan on something.
" The Assasins know something, especially about those British gang for hire, " Bony tells Gate.
" That's what we need to do now, we ambush the East Assasins and make them talk " Rick suggests.
Koln is at home,
He just spoke with a mafia leader on the *truce meeting* Reece called for.
Then he watches the news and sees that The Jude's and Leagues had a war not quite long and about two hundred people are dead
Koln is fully pissed off, he pics his phone and calls Bunny, who was meant to call the mafia leaders from the East and North for the meeting.
He calls him and tells him what he just saw on the news.
" Am sorry Koln, I should have called earlier, I didn't even realize they were about to war," Bunny tells him.
" You should have called them earlier Bunny. whatever, I just hope you can still contact them " Koln says
" I can contact them for the meeting for sure. But only one of them" koln replies
" Why only one of them?" Koln asks
" That's because the Judes bosses were killed along with their families. " Bunny replies
" You mean the two bosses of The Judes and their families? " koln asks.
" Yes. But I can still call Sanjay ( the boss of Leagues ) for the meeting. " Bunny replies
" Just contact the rest of them before this unknown enemy strikes again" Koln concludes with a firm voice as he close the call.
Gate comes arrives at the hotel where they stayed before.
They had gotten some information on the East Assassins from Viksel, Gate tells them he has planned a meeting with the Assasins by luring them, thinking he has a job for them.
Of course, they don't know he is with Bony and Clyde.
" The meeting time is two days from now, " Gate tells the rest.
" That's still 20th of this month? " Gun asks anonymously
" Yeah. "Lim answers.
" I just hope I make it home before Christmas " Gun suggests.
Rick is sitting down, thinking to himself, Jessica comes to meet him.
" Hey what are you thinking about? " She asks him
" Nothing much, just reminiscing, how an Hybrid like me can advance to a level two like you " Rick replies.
" Well, have never heard of that before. We are usually born with the ability of an Hybrid. To change stages is impossible of course " Jessica replies.
" I'll just have to make history if that's all it takes " Rick concludes.
Not long after their conversation, Zain comes bugging in
" Hey, buddy. Let me in all the talk, would you? "
" Nothing much, we were just having a conversation about Hybrids and if it's possible to adjust levels.
By the way, Zain, what level of Hybrid are you? " Rick asks
" I won't tell. " Zain replies
" But what I can tell you for sure is that have got a lot of combat skills to take on any kind of Hybrid, either level one to five " he adds.
" Yeah, true that. With you Zain, I don't need any combat skills of any form " Rick tells Zain.
Jessica tries to excuse herself to exit the hotel and go shopping. unfortunately, Rick sits her down, makes plain to her, Mr Gate said no one to go out. The crisis between The Judes and Leagues stirred up some squabble between the lower gangs leading to conflict in the area, it's practically isn't safe for anyone now.
Another reason is they need to lay low till they get at least, an East Assasin member captive. Which of course won't be easy.
While they are at it, Bony and Clyde are in a room to themselves, doing only what GOD knows. Gun and Tolo are at the poolside of the hotel, of course enjoying themselves. While Lim on the other hand is all by himself.
Down at the restaurant of the hotel is Mr Gate and Noelle
At the table, trying to have a moment to themselves.
Noelle feels uneasy, clenching her fist on the dinner table
"What is it dear ?" Gate asks
" It's this trauma back at the building when I and my comrades raided The Torture Twins." Noelle replies.
" I know how you feel " Gate tries to cajole her into eating and worrying less.
" No, you don't know " she replies.
Noelle has been a US marine since the age of eighteen.
Things have been * on the fence* for her
She seldom fights in battles, but seeing her comrades getting massacred is something that gives her nightmares.
" Can't we just kill this Lim kid already? I can't even stand watching him" she suggests, clenching her fists again on the poor table.
" No. Kill a kid? " Gate asks
We need to go easy on the kid. Rick and Lim have known each other for a very long time now. There must be a reason he did all these, and besides, why convert only your anger at the kid, I mean. The Torture Twins killed them. " Gate asks
" Yeah, don't worry about the Twins, my people ( the Americans ) are on them now.
I think they are trying to hire our own dangerous Hybrid, to kill them, they have made quite a lot of trouble for the US. Lim is my only mission I must focus on". Noelle smiles as she says these words.
" Well, that explains why you didn't even think of the twins. You Americans with your back up plans" Gate says
Pros: Hybrids only possess abilities to be almost immortal or immune to death. They don't have supernatural abilities.
But stage 5 has supernatural abilities.