A Chance Encounter

As Dune exited through the gate he said hello to the the guardsmen on duty. The guardsmen by this time had gotten used to seeing Dune pass through as it was a daily thing.

"Stay safe out there" said Ben, the older guardsmen. "Don't know if you know this but the crazed Swordsman has been spotted around here". Dune was surprised since this was the second time someone had mentioned that name in the last 30 mins.

"Of course, you know me, I'm always safe" Dune joked. The guardsmen had a good laugh at this since Dune never failed to come back without some type of injury.

"Welp, I'll be seeing you at the same time, correct" Ben asked.

"Of course, I just took the slime quest again" Dune replied. Dune then waved to Ben as he walked towards the plains where the slimes reside.


After 10 minutes of walking Dune arrived at the slime plains and quicky prepared his sword. Dune prefered to keep his sword in a stealth on his hip. The sword he was using was a katana made by one of the blacksmith in the city. This katana actually cost him all his money, but so far it was worth it since he was able to kill monsters without a skill with this weapon. Which was extremely helpful when he didn't know if his skill would activate half the time.

As dune saw the first slime hopping along he drew his sword out of the sheath and prepared to use his skills again.

"Skill activate INFUSION" Dune stated. He then had to build up the mana before it fully activated. Dune then walked up to the slime.

"Skill activate SWORD SLASH" Dune said. then there was a moment of nothing happening then dune dropped his sword.

"Ha...ha...of course I still can't concentrate properly every time" Dune panted out of breath. The reason that Dune had so much trouble with his skills was because he couldn't consentrate on two different skills at once.

Dune decided to just attack the slime without a skill while he gets his breath and mind under control. As Dune got closer to the slime the monster turned towards him and jumped. Dune surprised by the quick attack, as a slime is not usually this fast, tried to back up and tripped over his own feat. As he looked up at the slime falling towards him Dune Rolled to the side.

"Fucking hell, that caught me off guard, when did a slime seem so strong" cursed Dune "I'll have to pay more attention to this one".

Dune quickly got up almost slipping back over. The slime sat there giving off a feeling of superiority, which pissed Dune off. 'Who said this slime could think it was better then me, slimes are the weakest mobs in the game' Dune thought. As he circled around the slime to see what it would do Dune got impatient and just charged at it hopping that he would catch it off guard. The slime easily dodge Dune and the jumped at his chest knocking him back.

"What! that attack alone took of a quarter of my health" Dune exclaimed. "What is wrong with this slime, the most damage I have ever taken from one is 10 HP".

Dune then decided to use the slimes feeling of superiority against it. Since the slime seemed like it was playing with Dune by not attacking back anymore, he should be able to use his skill. 'If I can get my skills to work then this puny slime will be nothing'. Dune put a few more steps between him and the slime and activated his first skill.

"Skill activate INFUSION ..... skill activate SWORD SLASH" Dune yelled, putting his all into the activation. Dune felt his blade heat up and start to slightly vibrate. 'Yes it's working'. Dune then look at the slime and smirked.

"You may be the most formidable opponent I have come against, but under the power of my skill you are but an ant" he stated confidently. Dune knew that when he activated his skill then his power was extremely strong, especially against weak mobs.

Dune then ran towards the slime and swung his sword at it. The slime thinking it was invincible against any attack this kid could use didn't move. As the sword got closer the slime could feel the power coming off the blade and realised it's mistake. The slime tried to move but it was to slow and the blade cleanly cut through its body, destroying the gem inside.





You have gained 4 levels

-The player -Dune- has successfully killed the mini boss mob -Slime Prince(?)-

Dune looked at the text that appeared Infront of him stunned. 'That was a mini boss, but how did it appear'. Dune clicked on the name of the boss and some information popped up.

Species: Slime Prince

Rank: Mini boss

Info: The slime prince is a mini boss that will only appear after the player has eliminated a certain amount of slimes (100). The chance of one spawning is 10%.

Dune was stunned, he actually managed to defeat a mini boss. Sure it was the weakest mini boss in the game but he was the first person to defeat the slime boss seeing as how no one fought slimes for that long. By the time players had reached a point where the could fight the slime mini boss the would have gone away to fight higher level mobs.

As Dune was looking at the menu he noticed a glimmer in the corner of his eye. As he looked over saw a ring on the floor where the slime was just beaten. Dune walked over and picket it up stunned because this was his first mob drop. Mob drops tend to only happen when the mob is over level 20, because lower level mobs don't have enough mana in there body to produce a drop.

-Slime ring-

-A green ring droped by the Slime prince. The ring allows the user to control a certain amount of slimes under the level of the user wearing it. Ring is able to evolve-

Dune was left stunned once again today. This ring was extremely useful for low level people who are trying to level up. It would allow him to control slimes and kill them without the worry about something going wrong. Slimes may be a low level mob but in certain areas they could be found in abundance.

"Ok time to finish this quest and get back" Dune said. "hopefully I will be able to make it back for diner". Dune suddenly starts to shiver as he gets a feeling he is being watched. He looks around him but all he can see is a forest to the east and plains every where else. ' I must be starting to lose my mind thinking I'm being watched, who would want to watch me'. Dune shakes off the feeling and continues on his quest.


"Ok that was the last one, this slime ring is really useful I don't even have to try too much anymore, " Dune happily said. Throughout the quest Dune had leveled up another time. He decided to check his stats.

Name: Dune

Class: Magic Weapon User (?)

Sub Class: Magic Swordsman (?)

Title: Slime Slayer (?)

Level: 15



HP: 130



INT: 25





Sword skills

Sword stab: Lv 3 (?)

sword slash: Lv 8 (?)


Magic Skills

Infusion: Lv 8 (?)


Skill points: 50

Dune was stunned, he had actually gone up 5 levels today. " That slime prince must have been a high level mob to have given me this much levels". Dune was stunned once again as he saw his skill points.

"What! I should only get 2 skill points by level, where did the extra points come from" he exclaimed. The only thing Dune could think of that was different was the defeating of the slime prince. Who would have thought it would give out so many points. This was the first time he had received skill points from defeating a mob.

Dune still hasn't made up his mind if he should put points into his stats or buy a new skill. All he skills that he would be interested in buying all cost in the hundreds. So for the moment he decided to hold onto his points untill he had some time to figure it out.

"I should start heading home now the sun will be setting in an hour and I don't want to worry anyone" Dune muttered. As Dune went to leave he once again felt like someone was watching him. He turned to where it seemed like it was coming from, the forrest towards his east. As he was facing that way he could see someone coming out of the forrest. This person was dressed in a full body cape and a hood meaning Dune could not see anything about them except for their height.

Dune had a sudden realisation as he remembered what the receptionist and the guardsman had warned him about. "Holly shit that's the east Forrest where the crazed Swordsman has been sighted" Dune cursed. As Dune realised this he started to turn around to escape.

"Hold up I need to talk with you" the covered person said. Dune turned around cursing himself for not leaving earlier when he first got a feeling.