Chapter 16

Many shipgirls have gathered around the stage where San Diego usually performs her (annoying) songs, but today was different because the Admiral will be having an announcement for the whole base involving the Azur Lane Tournament. While waiting for the Admiral to arrive the shipgirls were talking amongst each other.

"What's this announcement about? The Admiral usually announces things through the intercom system around the base." A random shipgirl said.

"Must be something very important since we were gathered here." Another shipgirl commented.

The shipgirls wondered to themselves what was the reason they were gathered there, many think that the Admiral is going to propose to someone in front of everyone, another shipgirl has arrived or something else. However, their questions will be answered as the Admiral goes up the stage, and stands in front of the mic. The shipgirls went quiet.

Enterprise was beside the Admiral wearing a maid outfit similar to Belfast's design maid outfit. The shipgirls weren't questioning why is Enterprise was wearing a maid outfit except for Yamato, who was very confused as hell.

"{Alright everyone, thank you for coming here. I apologize if you were doing something important, and my request for all of you to come here was unexpected.}" Justin said. "{Anyway, I believe all of you by now know that next month is the yearly Azur Lane Tournament, where bases around the world fight.}"

"Are we joining this year, Admiral?!" A shipgirl shouted.

"{Yes! We are joining this year's tournament, we will crush the other bases like how we crush Sirens! No one will stop us from reaching victory!}" Justin said. "{The tournament has four rounds, elimination, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and lastly Finals. I will personally pick the shipgirls who will be fighting in the tournament, two which are already picked. Enterprise, and Yamato!}"

"Eh?? What?" Yamato said in shock.

"Wow! Congratulations sister!!" Shinano said, hugging the still shocked Yamato.

"[Why did you pick me, Admiral?! I don't want to join some Tournament! Like what's this shit? Some kind of tournament arc?!]" Yamato thought.


After the announcement of the Admiral, the Empress heads to the office because she wants to know why the Admiral picked her. It's kinda obvious that Yamato is overpowered, especially her skills, and her wave motion shield that blocks any attacks being thrown at her. She does want to know what was the reason too.

When Yamato arrived outside of the office, she bursted inside without knocking to see the Admiral on his knees kneeling down in front of Enterprise as he rested on his head on her lap while the white haired carrier stroked his hair before turning to Yamato with an angry expression.

"Admiral! I demand right now, why did you pick me for the tournament?!" Yamato rudely asked.

"How dare you speak like that to the Admiral! You're a royal, yet have no manners! What kind of Empress are you!?" Enterprise shouted.

"The gentle, but a tyrant type!" Yamato replied.

"Enough both of you." Justin said, standing up as he looked at Yamato, and Enterprise in their eyes easily intimidated them. "The reason why I picked you, Yamato, is because of your firepower, heavy armour, and your skills, especially your shield that blocks any kind of attack. It's my fault for not informing you about this, as a sorry. I will let you do anything to me if you want."

The Admiral continues to stare at Yamato's eyes without moving any muscle, the Empress thinks a way to answer the Admiral after getting such an interesting offer because she wants to slap the Admiral on the face, but having strength that surpasses the strongest person on earth, the Admiral can be easily killed by Yamato. The Empress clicks her tongue.

"Forget about it, next time, tell me beforehand." Yamato said.

The Empress leaves the office without any word, Enterprise was pissed at Yamato once again for talking rudely to the Admiral, yet. The Admiral seemed to be smiling after Yamato left.

"Enterprise, tell fleet 6, 12, 4, and 9, to go to different bases to spy on them. So, we will know who we will be fighting against. If needed, sabotage them." Justin said.

"But, honey, isn't that cheating?" Enterprise asked.

"Since when have we started playing fairly?" Justin said.

Both Admiral, and Enterprise laughed together. Unknown to them, Yamato didn't actually leave, but instead was listening on the other side of the office door. She quickly leaves for real this time after she heard the Admiral, and Enterprise laughing.

"[So, the Admiral resulted in using cheats to give him unfair advantage? He's no different from my boyfriend. Well, whatever lets you win.]" Yamato thought, and her stomach suddenly started growling. "I'm hungry for some noodles."


In The evening, Yamato decided to check out the blueprint on her ship's computers on the bridge. The Empress noticed a few things in the blueprint such as the wave motion engine of the original space battleship Yamato was twice larger.

"Hmmm, the engine is larger than the original one. This must be the resurrection engine that is capable of firing the wave motion gun six times." Yamato said to herself, clicking on another blueprint. "Wait… The wave motion gun acts like from the Andromeda that splits? That's overpowered."

Yamato took out the chip from the computer as her curiosity sparked, she went to the internet to check the previous Azur Lane Tournaments. What she was interested to say.

"Azur Lane base 8 is the winner"

"Azur Lane base 8 is the best base ever?"

"Another win for Azur Lane base 8!!"

"The unbeatable Azur Lane base 8 wins again!!!"

Yamato sees multiple new articles talking about Azur Lane base 8, the Empress went ahead, and read more articles to know why base 8 seemed to be unbeatable. However, she didn't find anything suspicious about the base other than they kept winning in tournaments for 5 years now.

"This is interesting, I should ask Shinano if she knows something about base 8." Yamato said.