Chapter 17

A massive tall pillar of water arose from the ocean, the pillar was so tall it can be seen for miles, and miles away. What caused the pillar to appear in the first place? Well, when the water started to go back down on the ocean it revealed the center of the pillar was New Jersey using her turret's barrel to block the sharp part of Yamato's katana. The American battleship smirked at the Empress as she was flung backwards by New Jersey.

Yamato landed back on the water easily, and was ready to launch another attack, but New Jersey appeared in front of Yamato so fast. The Empress was barely able to block the American battleship's fist heading towards her face since Yamato can't use her wave motion shield, so they could have a fair fight, and Yamato not passing out due to exhaustion. The Empress really needs to rely on her hand to hand combat skills.

"Fuck! Eat shit, New Jersey!" Yamato shouted as she fired her main, and secondary guns.

Massive 18 inch shells flew in the air, and landed beside New Jersey as she continued to dodge them skillfully. Yamato used her 2nd skill to heal herself, and boosted her stats temporarily as both battleships from different factions engaged in another hand to hand fight. Yamato unintentionally opened a spot that New Jersey used.

The American battleship launched a punch on that open spot, hitting Yamato right on the face forcing her head to go down on the left side as New Jersey launched another punch right there hitting Yamato's facing once again. New Jersey did a full 360 spin then kicked Yamato right on the guts causing the Empress to spit out her saliva before flying backwards, skipping on the ocean's surface for a few times until she stopped.

Yamato tried to stand up, but New Jersey appeared beside her then kicked her on the stomach again, causing the Empress to fly upwards. New Jersey timed when Yamato would go back on Earth as she punched the Empress, sending her flying once again.

"What's up, Empress?! Can't block my attacks with your stupid shield? Hahahaha!!!" New Jersey taunted.

Yamato didn't respond to New Jersey, the black dragon dashed towards the Empress, and attacked her again, and again until she was very injured. New Jersey moved away from the Empress to try some breathing because she was very exhausted. Yamato only stands up on the ocean's surface with her face all beaten, and bloodied up. She begins to laugh, confusing New Jersey.

"Why are you laughing!?" New Jersey loudly asked.

"You're a fool, New Jersey." Yamato said. "The reason why I let you attack me was because I was making you tired! And it worked!"

New Jersey got hit by realization as Yamato used her skill to heal herself, all the bruises on her face instantly gone. The black dragon tried to attack the Empress, but Yamato casually dodge her sloppy, predictable, and wide open attacks before countering it with a powerful right hook punch.

The Empress didn't stop there, she launched a barrage of attacks on the black dragon, and a point blank range attack from her triple 155mm secondary gun. New Jersey got flung across the ocean, and skipped on the surface severely injuring her also knocking her out.

"{That's enough, Yamato, New Jersey is knocked out.}" Justin radioed out of nowhere."{Vestal, go heal New Jersey.}"

"{Yes, Admiral.}" Vestal radioed.


Yamato finishes her 10th bowl of noodles as Shinano just watches awkwardly across from her on the table, after the fight against New Jersey. The Empress returned back to base quickly to find Shinano, and eat her noodles. Also, she wanted to talk about base 8.

"That hits the spot." Yamato said, slapping her stomach.

"So… Sister… Why did you bring me here?" Shinano asked.

"Oh, right! I want to know about base 8 since I heard they keep winning tournaments, and getting dubbed as the "best" base." Yamato said.

"Hmmm… From what I know is that the Admiral of base 8 is a few years ahead of our Admiral in the Academy, and the fights they had in the tournaments were well executed, their attacks sometimes are unpredictable, and they are very well trained like us." Shinano said.

"I see if we are going to fight against them, do we have a chance to win?" Yamato asked.

"Of course! With the Admiral, we can always defeat any enemy who stands in our way of victory!" Shinano replied.

The Empress kinda doubts the praise for the Admiral by her little sister since she doesn't know much about the Admiral except things like his real name. Yamato just hopes for the best as the Admiral is capable of adapting to the ever changing battlefield like SCP-682 or the hard to destroy reptile.


Yamato arrived at the medical facility of the base to check up on New Jersey since she had fired her 155mm guns at point blank range at the black dragon from earlier. Yamato walked the halls until she saw a door with New Jersey's name on the label. She entered the room to see New Jersey changing the channel of the TV on the medical bed. She had many bandages applied on her by Vestal.

"So, how are ya?" Yamato asked.

"In pain, also fuck you bitch for firing your 155mm at point blank. It still fucking hurts like the first time the Admiral shoved his—" New Jersey stopped talking when Yamato interfere.

"Stop, stop. I don't want to know how the Admiral shoved his whatever to wherever, you humiliation loving kinky ass battleship." Yamato said. "Anyway, I want to know something from you."

"Oh ho! What does the great Yamato want from an injured famous American battleship?" New Jersey said.

"I want to know about base 8." Yamato said.

"Ah… Base 8… That base's Admiral does love to bribe, and manipulate people to get what he wants." New Jersey said with a sigh at the end.