*Boss Room
"Need help for this one?"
Akira asked in a calm low voice
"If I get badly injured, then save me, but for now, step aside and watch!
'I'm... So excited!'
Kei clenched his sword and looked at the now risen red ogre
'it is observing me? Damn it, its not just a stronger version, it's also smarter... Probably.'
"Fine, I'll attack first, coward."
The aura around Kei's sword became brighter as he started confronting the giant monster
'Eclipse steps'
~step step step step~
Kei run at the ogre with his head completely calm and clear, so clear in fact that he had yet to think of how he would attack the ogre
'ill just leave it to fate'
Kei moved close and the ogre swung a giant club at him, it looked different than the other clubs, it had runes on it's hilt
It swept sideways at Kei and he ducked barely dodging it, but keeping his cool
Kei swung his sword and made a small cut on the ogres arm
"You weren't all that much after all"
What Kei said angered the ogre and its movements were momentarily faster
~SWOOSH~ ~Clang~
The ogre attacked with a vertical Slash,
But Kei hadn't the time to dodge so he could only block
~boom ~crack~
'D-damn it!'
Kei blocked with his sword and thankfully, the sword held out,
but the ground under Kei's feet was now shattered
"Haha, I shouldnt expect less from a boss monster"
Keisuke quickly jumped up at the ogre and
Kei was aiming for its neck but it dodged and he slashed its right eye instead
"I won't let you get me again with that rage boost or whatever"
Kei backed away before it has a chance to attack him again
It screams, alike a mental patient who has lost all his sanity and sense of self, screaming for all of eternity
Blood trickled on the club and on the club's runes. Then the runes lit up and right away the club was bathed in flames
"The fuck is this? Fire aspect?!"
Truly the club was currently eating up the ogres vitality and lifespan in order to boost it's capabilities
'I shouldn't get hit by that... Fire bad'
The ogre started dashing at Kei so he returned the favour by doing the same
It was faster than before
'Well, it's to be expected, now what to do?'
Kei looked around and he saw a small puddle, small for an ogre at least
"When life gives you lemons, use em"
Keisuke dashed at the little body of water and stepped in, the ogre followed behind and readied its club by holding it above its head in a threatening manner
Kei turned around in order to be ready to dodge in time
'all or nothing'
~swoosh~ ~splashh~
Kei dodges as it swings down its club hitting the water
'Hehe, exactly according to cake.'
Right away the water evaporated and the vapour clouded the ogre's already impeded vision
Without missing a beat Kei manoeuvred to the ogre's neck while it was still confused
A deep wound formed on the ogres neck after Kei slashed at it
But not deep enough to kill it right away.
It swung its club sideways and Kei barely blocked it with his sword in time.
~clang~ ~air sounds~ ~boom~
Kei was in the air as he jumped to its neck before, so he couldn't dodge.
As it hit Kei, he got launched through the air and hit the cave wall, the wall around him cracked behind the power and momentum of Kei hitting it
Kei coughed up blood
"Damn it. I might need Akira's help after all"
Then all of a sudden I see Akira right above me
"You alright?" Akira was as helpful as ever
"I'll live, but I don't think I can beat the ogre, I was cocky for nothing."
As Kei was getting all depressed Akira opened his mouth
"What are you talking about? You already killed it"
Akira announced in a monotonous voice
"WHAT? "
Kei got up to see. It really had fallen to the ground
'I have to move fast'
Keisuke dashed at the ogre's body
And got the mana stone out
"what a beautiful red colour"
'no, this isn't the time'
Kei put the stone in his bag
"Kei why are you in such a hurry?"
-"Don't you know?! When you defeat the boss the dungeon closes!"
Kei quickly searched around at the ogre's sleeping lounge and found a weird book
Kei searched its body as well and found some earings that emanated some unknown power.
He took them.
"Now let's head off!"
Akira nodded and followed right behind Kei
They backtracked and eventually made it back to where they fist stepped foot inside the gate, the portal was still there
"Well then, let's go back!"
Announced Keisuke
*After heading back
After heading back to the sect Kei skimmed through the magic book and found that it talked about ways to become stronger, , as a mage...
"Well this is useless, to me. But maybe I could use this on a normal human..."
'since Gates started appearing, making humans stronger for their own safety would be the top priority, even if the monsters are gods slave- wait a minute, they didn't have a slave mark... The monsters in the dungeons weren't his slaves... They would have massacred every human they saw. They wouldn't even know I was the main target'
'I need to quickly find someone to inherit this book and teach the rest of the humans, I'll make a note about why they need to become stronger and drop it off at a humans house or something'
*writing note*
| note: God has gone crazy, sending monsters to this world to kill people, become a strong mage through this book and teach more humans about this, you have to survive. Btw don't go in strong dungeons I'll take care of that!
Yours truly
-universe cultivator|
'yep, now I just need to find the right guy, someone with influence, someone who can contact a lot of people quickly, someone that can be trusted...'
*next day in the kitchen
"Are you sure this is for the best?"
Akira asked Keisuke as he was worried
"Well, its the best choice for now"
'even I'm doubting myself, this was the only choice'
"let's check the news..."
Akira opened the TV and went to the news channel
News guy~ "-Folks, you won't believe it, I was contacted by an unknown person calling himself University cultivator"
Keisuke coughed blood at the mispronunciation of his new nickname, and had second thoughts about whether this was truly the best option
News guy~ " -He taught me about what the monsters we've been seeing lately actually are, and he gave me a book on magic that will let me fight them, now I didn't believe him at first but after studying it a little I started being able to feel a certain "thing" the book calls mana, I felt it for real!
Now this person wrote in his letter that I need to teach more people about this and that I need to survive, I will hold lessons tomorrow outside our office building. Everyone who wants to learn is welcome to come, to SURVIVE!"
Akira turned the TV off
" Are you sure this was for the best?"
" Akira. Now I'm certain that it was for the best... THAT MAN HAS TALLENT FOR MAGIC! HE ACTUALLY FELT MANA JUST FROM STUDYING A LITTLE. This is the start of something beautiful."
Naturally Keisuke knew that it wasn't so easy to even sense mana for normal people, but the news guy managed to do it right away. He must have an amazing constitution or amazing talent. Perhaps even both, only time will truly tell
Of course Kei having already trained in Qi as well as having fought opponents who used mana, was able to easily sense mana
"Well if you say so" Akira didn't understand the concept of magic
"I have made a copy of the book so it's fine. Well then, we said something about making pills in the dungeon remember?"
*To be continued
Authors second coming : done done done done done done done done done done done done done