
Kei and Akira walked to the opposite side of the sect and there was a room there

(The sect was big, it housed all of the Aikawa family and it had training places, of course it had enough space for potential disciples as well)

Akira opened the door to the room they had reached

"Oh, my, God."

Kei was stunned, after all, he finally saw 'IT'

"An alchemy furnace!"

Kei had the same reaction an eight year old girl would have after getting a pony for her birthday

Kei had read a lot about alchemy in the past, he had studied a bit of the recipes the system gave him as well, so he knew the basic principles behind alchemy

"You don't have to be that excited, this one is for trainee alchemists, you can only make up to Rank 2 pills here"

Akira dropping truth bombs with an expressionless face

"Well, I can only try for Rank one pills at the moment so it's the best I could have, I'm very thankful"

"Pfff, only Rank one, Guess what Rank pills I can make"

Akira had a feeling of wanting to flex on Keisuke

"I don't know, Rank three?"

Then a smirk appeared on Akira's face

He thought that Kei's naivety was funny

"Rank 5"

"Rank 5?! Then why haven't you given me any pills to boost my cultivation!?"

"In this day and age cultivation materials are scarce, I barely have enough for myself, and I HAVE given you a pill"

"Damn, but now that God is trying to kill me..."

"That's right it's an opportunity, not just for me, but every cultivator. We can get otherworldly materials for our cultivation"

Akira was hopeful about the future, he thought that maybe he too, just like the legends could ascend and become an immortal

"Hah, then I shouldnt worry about some crazy cultivator trying to kill me in order to stop gods wrath... Probably..."

"I wouldn't bet on that, even if cultivators with an intact mind won't try to kill you, maybe God can control the ones who have lost their minds. Just like how he made that man attack you on the first day of "everything" "

Akira made some solid points

'ill have to be careful, even from cultivators, now that I think about it they won't have to lose their mind to attack me.. If they get a message from god telling them that I'm the cause of all of this, my life will be in danger, even if they are sane, they can still be manipulated.'

"Well shall I try and make a pill then?"

Akira nodded

Kei asked for permission to use the alchemy furnace

It was a worn out furnace but it was still good enough

"Ok so my recipe for Qi pills needs something with energy, we have that, the mana stones, but I also need  some spirit grass, got some?"

"Spirit grass? That's easy, we treat it more like a weed than an ingredient, it grows at places where Qi is concentrated, and since the dojo has a Qi formation you can guess, its everywhere, everywhere we let it be that is. I'll go get some from the garden, wait here"

Akira went to get spirit grass while Kei waited patiently for him to come back

"la la lalala lalalaa"

Akira came back after little time

"Here, I've got your grass "

Akira put the spirit grass on the table

Kei took out a few cobolt mana stones to test his ability and grabbed a handful of the spirit grass

"Now then, time to start"

Kei fired up the alchemy furnace with his true Qi and placed the grass inside

"I have to be careful not to burn it"

The grass became a liquid and Kei placed in 3 cobolt mana stones

After a while they too liquified, Kei mixed them with the grass liquid and separated the concoction into 3 parts

He then hardened and condenced all the of them into a circular pill

"I'm done!"

Akira looked at Keisuke mortified but he didn't know why

Kei took the three pills out of the furnace and showed them to Akira while he also took a look at them

They were black and had a gold line in the middle

'Hmm, I think the gold line is a good thing'

"You monster... Do you know how long it took me to even complete one pill when I fist started? But you completed 3 at the same time... AND they are good quality, my self esteem will deteriorate if I stay with you..."

"Well, I guess God wants to isekai me for a reason, teehee"

Taking a closer look at the pills, Kei felt that they would have a much better effect than straight up using mana stones

*Kei made every other stone into a pill*

At last Kei used the Red ogre's mana stone to make a pill, this pill was different from the rest, it had two gold lines and its colour was grey

"Woah, would you look at that, well with this many pills I'll be able to breakthrough to Martial body realm in no time, and perhaps even surpass it. But for now, I feel tired, I think I will sleep for a while, Akira can you take me to a guest room?"

Keisuke asked Akira for yet another favour, knowing that he'll give him what he want

" Of course, can you give me 5 pills, I believe they'll help me in loosening my bottleneck"

"Hohοο? Our young master has a bottleneck?"

Keisuke teased Akira

(Note:In cultivation many hit bottlenecks in their cultivation at points, these "bottlenecks" basically mean that said person has a hard time passing a certain level)

"Don't tease me, I'm sure you'll hit a bottleneck soon as well"

Akira didn't like getting teased so Kei stopped

"here you go, on the house"

Kei handed him 4 pills made from orcs and one made from an ogre



They then huged as true friends and Kei went to the guest room to finally sleep

Authors note: The author is sleep deprived

Author's second coming: "done" small chapter