Haven's monster teacher

Every since I became a teacher my days have been full. I would spend most teaching at the academy. While my nights were spent with Lela. I also focused more on my cultivation. Thanks to that I made it to foundation building realm. With it came the ability to use spells. Thus far my Netherworldly summoning technique has reach the second level. Which is awesome because with the tarantula he could teleport.

The moment I gained this ability I immediately went to Salem. At first she was surprised but remembering who I was she ignored it. Of course taking advantage I would every so often drop by. After a while I even brought Lela. Originally I was worried if they would get along but my concern was unfounded. When they first met there was some tension. That was until Lela proposed we have a threescore to help them bet to know each other. Not one to say no to something so hot I agreed. And Salem agreed because she did not want to lose to Lela. At the start things were still awkward but as time went on they got closer. By the end of our fun they started getting into it.

From then we continued to have threesomes. They would even play with each other which made things hotter. Although I was happy they got along apart of me can not help but be worried. It was a common trope that when a character brings new harem members there would be a fight. As I stewed in my fears I heard Lela and Salem talking.

Lela: I have to admit at first I did not like the idea of sharing him. But as time went on it became hard to keep up. I know he doesn't care but I want to make sure he is satisfied too.

Salem: I know right. After our first time together I realized one woman alone is not enough. That night he just kept going no matter how many times I came. And the sad part is even after hours I told tell he can keep going. So I decided to make a harem for him. Of course not just anyone can be apart of it I refuse to allow anyone who would stab him in the back.

Their conversation went on like that as they discuss the details of my harem. Salem even recommended taking over Remnant and allowing to pick any woman who caught my eye. Lela agreed but set the rule that they can not be forced. Also the conquest most be done in the way with the least amount of deaths. Salem of course agreed saying she refused to let my rule be tainted. Moved by their feelings I hugged them both.

Back to the present right now I am stand in a classroom giving a lecture about beowolf pack tactics. As I talk everyone are taking notes with vigor. When I became a teacher all of the students combat abilities improved. Most of them had even killed a beowolf alpha solo. This feat shocked the council because third years can barely pull that off. With news that it was thanks to my teaching my name spread to the other academies. There have been requests from other academies to have me come and teach.

Sword/Escanor: Do to the stellar results of the class we have been invited to a joint training with Atlas academy. So we will be gone for at least one week. Pack appropriately also make sure that while there you avoid trouble. I am sure you know this ,but Atlas academy is ran by the government.

I announced to my students who were all sprawled on the floor of the stadium after our sparing. Everytime we have class we would first have lectures. Then we will have sparing. They will either fight each other , a Grimm and occasionally myself. These sessions served to help them found any weaknesses and flaws in their teamwork. I would even sometimes have them switch teams. With all the training I gave them their chances of survival. But I digress back to class looking at the time I wrapped things up.

I quickly found a secluded alley to teleport back to Salem and Lela. When I arrived what greeted me was Salem and Lela wearing see through lingerie. As if that was not hot enough they were both making out with each other. Salem is wearing her hair down which was rare. Not able to hold back anymore I pounced on the bed. Hours later we lay on the bed that is drenched in our sweat. My one eye monster is still standing with its chest out. I realized that it was due to my high physical status. At moments like this it really drives home that I need a harem. Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone who could be a good choice. Of course Raven is on the list but I have to wait until she gives birth to yang. The same can be said about Summer.

Suddenly I remembered that although she is still young there is another future member waiting for me. Right that moment I leaped out of the bed and teleported back to Mistral. Once there I quickly headed for to the lower level. I walked for like 15 minutes until I found a woman carrying a baby. The woman looked young about 17-18 years old. She has long raven black hair and a pair of beautiful amber eyes. The young woman is currently standing in front of an orphanage. She would peek at the baby in her arms struggling to make a decision. If you have not guessed who she is. Then I can tell that this woman infront of me is Cinder Fall's mother. Truth be told I found her a long time ago but I decided to wait so I can seduce her. Luckily I came back to check on her.

Sword: You know rather than choosing between two really crappy choices why not pick a better third one. How about you come and work as my housekeeper. Not only will I pay you but you and your daughter can also have room and board.

Hearing my words she spun her head to me and ask.

???: Please although look young I am not dumb enough to fall for another man's sweet talk. So let me guess you want my body...

Sword: While you are correct you are also incorrect. What I want from you is your everything. I want to completely and utterly to belong to me and me alone. Of course your daughter is included in the package. And no need to worry I meant that she will become my daughter. In return for your everything then I will give you anything.

After I was done speaking she just gazed deeply in my eyes trying to see if I am telling the truth. Without breaking her gaze I also peered into her eyes.

(Thrid POV)

Ember has always lived her life in the slums of Mistral for as long as she can remember. And for as long as she can remember she has been trying to get out. She even tried to become a huntress but failed. As time went on she slowly started to lose hope. Until one day while she was working at a bar frequent by hunters and huntress. There she met a hunter claiming to be an up and coming a star hunter employed by the council. Looking back it was an obvious that he was lying but she truly wanted to believe. So she went ahead to try and seduce him. Her attempt proved successful because within the week she manage to get into his bed. Their relationship continued until the day she found she was pregnant. When he found out she was pregnant ,the bastard who knocked her up, left her saying the kid was not his.

Afterwards she was left with to struggle,and feed another mouth which by herself was practically impossible. At first she thought she could pull it off on her own. But as time went on the stress from working and raising a child alone finally got to her. Until today when she thought to leave Cinder in an orphanage. Originally she thought her choice would easy to fallow through with, but the more she looked at Cinder the greater her hesitation.

As she hesitated a voice came from behind her so she turned to look. What greeted her was absurbably handsome man with his honey brown eyes and black hair. His body while not bulky seemed to be filled with explosive power. As she sized him up she replied to his earlier statement. To which he fallowed with words that were normally only came from kings. Once he finished talking she just stared into his eyes while deliberating.