A Schnee is Always Number One

Finally getting her to agree I brought Ember to house I bought near the academy. Ember's face when she confirmed I was telling the truth was truly adorable. It took everything in me not to swoop her up into my arms. I then showed her around the house.

Sword: So this room will belong to the both of you at least until Cinder is old enough to be on her own. After all I imagine that being separated from her right now is the last thing you want. Of course if there is ever anything you need you can either ask me or the other person living here. And do not forget that you are mine so anything you need is yours.

I informed her as I used my hand to slightly lift her chain. Her eyes looking into mine as I leaned in for a kiss ,but remembering I need to move slowly kissed her forehead instead. Ember could barely hide her embarrassment adding further to her cuteness.I left to stop myself from going farther. Until now I have always just sped through seduction and headed straight for the bed. This time however I plan to take this slowly as I make Ember need me. Done showing her the house I went to my room for some meditation. As I practiced something occurred to me. Even if I do not boost my status I can still enhance control of my skills. With that in mind I went to work to master my voice like Zebra from the anime. Thus I went to work increasing my mastery.

Three days later it is time for my students and I to head for Atlas. As we piled into the bullhead I took a quick look at my new skill.

[Sound Master: As a true master of sound you now have near perfect control over sound itself. Your can be used in anyway that you can imagine. The only limit is if your throat can handle it.(Skill Zebra's cell has been created)]

With this new skill I can preform any of Zebra's techniques and I can even make some of my own. The day I got it the skill I quickly tested it. I used it to send my voice behind a student as I trained them. It took everything in me to not laugh when turned around and punched his friend in the face. Of course I practiced creating sound armor. I also discovered I can create unique frequencies to have special effects. But I digress as the students board the bullhead Leoheart showed them to their seats.

The reason it was not me is because right now I am hold Cinder in my arms rocking her to sleep. If you are wondering why she is here it is because I "convinced" the head master to let me. So I brought her and Ember with me. I had to because as part of my practice I decided use a special sound to put Cender to sleep. Which evidently she liked so much that now she won't sleep without it. When everyone is finally on the plane we finally took off to Atlas. The ride only took us around five hours to get there. As we were approaching the academy I looked to window. Atlas looks like one of those cities of the future with skyscrapers everywhere. Cargo transport buzzed around in the air most head to what appears to be a military base.

Ember: Wow I can not believe that not only did I make it out of the slums but also got the chance to see two academies.

Her words are not that surprising because in Mistral of you grow up in the slums ,then unless you're lucky you won't see more of the word. I have to admit that I can only feel disgust at this thought. For all his talk about saving the world Ozpin never tried to improve the people's way of life. No matter how many killing Grimm is not enough. Once we touched down the hatch opened revealing soldiers lined up on both sides. Standing beyond the soldiers was interestingly only four people two females and two males. As I wonder who they are one of them a man with Sliver white hair and with Ice blue eyes.

????: Hello visitors from Haven academy my name is Nicholas Schnee and this is my wife daughter and her fiance. Willow Jacques and Winter come forward to introducing yourselves to our guests.(AN: Grandma Schnee was never named and I suck at names. So now Winter is named after her Grandmother)

All (except Nicholas): It is a honor to meet you all.

A smile appeared on my face when heard that they are the Schnees. Willow and her daughters were of course on my list but now that I get the chance to see her. I am definitely adding Winter. I mean who wouldn't with her being a picture of the word Milf. I returned Nicholas's greeting as I checked out both his wife and daughter.

Sword: Thank you for allowing us to take part in this joint training exercise and we look forward to working with you.

Nicholas: Of course the feeling is mutual but we were hoping you would not mind a demonstration of both sides skill.

Seeing his smug smile I can already guess he recommended the spar as a means to humiliate us. It is kinda of cute that they think this little trick will actually working. But since I am bored why not spice things up.

Sword: Of course we agree but we would like it to be a demonstration between teachers. After all my kids are probably tried from the trip. While I as a pro huntsman am always ready for a fight.

Taking me as an arrogant fool who is overestimated his strength Nicholas just shook his head. But since I offered to make a fool of myself he definitely won't refused. After agreeing to the challenge the Schnee family lead us to a training area.Once there the students stood to the side of a stage as I took my place waiting for my opponent. Luckily I did not need to wait long because Winter joined me on the stage. In her hand there is a rapier with a revolver chamber. Bowing to me she took a combat weapon in hand while she stared me down with her light blue eyes.

I also assumed a combat stance with a confident smile and winked at her. My actions apparently pissed her off because her face slowly turned a crimson red face. Before our fight started Nicholas who was referee mouthed "a Schnee is always number one" to his wife. Right as he said that his hand dropped signaling the start of our battle.