Searching for the Maidens

Later after a dinner filled with secret flirting between Winter and I. When we were done eating Ember and I returned to our room. As she went to sleep for the night I teleported back to Salem's castle to find her sitting on her throne. Sitting on her throne with a face of pure annoyance tapping her foot on the ground. See her expression I went behind her to wrap my arms around her as I kissed her neck. Feeling me behind her, she reached out and ran her fingers through my hair.

Escanor: Is there something that has been causing my beautiful Queen trouble. If there is then my pride as a knight requires me to remove it with extreme prejudice.

Salem: There is nothing that you need concern yourself my dear knight. I am just dealing with some problems that my dambass Ex Ozama has made trouble for me. After the gods left the world the only people who still possess the ability to use magic are me and him. So when I originally planned to find a way to siphon it for you to use I did some research. Only to find out that he gave it out to four random girls that happened to catch his eye.

Her words reminded me that in the show there were four girls that are gifted with magic. Each of the girls are also guardians of the four seals hiding four relics. To be honest until Salem brought it up I totally forgot about the Maidens. After all maidens are already hard to track then there is the possibility of them killing their selves. When that happens their powers are transfers to whatever girl went through her mind at the time. As I was thinking about them a system message popped into my head.

[Harem Quest: As the man chosen by the gods of Remnants, Ozpin's magical aura has traces of the gods powers. As a result of this his magical aura has an affect that is similar and comparable to the fountain of life. So you should go out to claim this power for you and the women of your life. Rewards: Yang Bloodline/4 maidens/???]

Whoop there it is the system looking out for with all the answers I will ever need. The answer has always been right Infront of me this whole entire time. If I can not claim the power for myself then I can just give it to my women. With that decision made I informed Salem of my thoughts and made arrangements for the future.

After hearing my thoughts the matter I can already see the wheels in her head turning to from the perfect scheme. With that out of the way I scooped her up to take her to the bedroom for some release. We only went at it for two hours because I needed to hurry up to get back to the Schnee residence. When I came back to mine and Ember's room I noticed it is completely silent without a single sound. I looked over to the bed. On it the mother daughter pair are sleeping with only faint sleeping. Cinder even has a sweet smile as if nothing in the world could ever harm her. Seeing her like that I felt something in my heart screaming at me to slaughter anything that can harm her.

Escanor: From this day forward we are family little Cinder nothing in this world can ever harm you again. My precious beloved dear princess.

As I told her that I gently rubbed her head with a calm smile. I could also hear Ember stirring to the side trying her hardest to pretend that she is asleep. Times like these are a reminder of just how cute she can be. Smiling I climbed into the bed on Cinder's other side so that she is sleeping in between Ember and I. If no one knew any better they would think we are the picture of a loving and caring family. The remainder of the night passed quicky as the sunlight softly filled the room. Rousing from our sleep we took a quick bath ,sperate of course, got dressed and headed to the dinning room. Already seated at the table are Winter and Willow silently eating "enjoying" their meal.

Escanor: Good morning Madame Schnee same to you young miss. How has this beautiful morning been treating you lovely ladies.

My words caused both Willow and Winter's cheeks turned crimson red from embarrassment. Seeing the two putting up a shy innocent demeanor filled my heart with one of the greatest sense of pride. Before coming to this world or even meet Eirian I can not by any definition of the word be called popular. As a matter of fact girls pretty much ignored my existence. Now however I am almost completely irresistible to them. Once breakfast is done we gather together to head for the academy. Upon our arrival a teacher appeared to give us a message from Nicholas. Basically he assigned both Winter and Willow as our liaisons for the duration of our stay. Again I am shocked by how proud/stupid this jackass can be. My thoughts then turned to spreading my map over the campus. At my current level it extends to about a fourth of the school's size which is not bad considering how much info I get.

As my map began to form Winter led us to the classroom reserved for the lectures I will be giving a mix of Atlas and Haven students. Before entering the room I found a whiteboard eraser above my heard. Unable to hold myself I shook my head at simple these kids are yet I noticed that the eraser is covered in dust. Not enough to kill someone mind you but just enough to cause some injuries. I then heard a sound from the classroom. Some kids were arguing with the culprit telling him he should stop. I am quite impressed that even in this military ran school there is one with some backbone. No longer delaying my entry into the room strutted through the door. As the eraser fell I just stood in the door as the prankster laughed. Right as it was about to hit me I leaped up turned upside down and kicked it. The eraser flew straight at for the joke's forehead knocking him back out of his chair. As he rolled on the floor in pain I walked toward a podium.

Escanor: Good morning kids my name is Sword and for the next week I will be your Grimm combat instructor. A few things I want you to know before we start class for today. While I am OK with you pulling pranks on me just a friendly reminder I believe in repaying in kind.