Gaining Another Heavenly King's Powers

After my introduction was over I quickly went over some basic knowledge while speaking of my experience. Over time as I fought an increasing number of Grimm I noticed that they're a lot smarter than the show gave credit for. The description given in the show is that they mindless creatures bent on destruction as their purpose. But damn is that wrong as it turns out Grimm serve as more of a hive mind. In other words they all share the same info after fighting huntsman, which is why they will often avoid certain places. Therefore the first thing I taught them is to always end their fights quickly. I lectured for a while until the bell went off signaling the end of class.

Escanor: Alright we end class here for now but later after the brake we teachers will be taking you for some combat experience.

As they left class leaving only both mother daughter pairs and I alone Ember talked to Willow about where we will eat. While they conversed I continued to think of ways to find maidens. In the originally storyline Salem was only able to find them because she had a dean feeding her information. My mind still focused on my thoughts I followed the ladies to the dinning hall. The hall is designed in a style similar. I went through the skill tab repeatedly to see if there is anything that can aid my search. Unfortunately nothing popped out as helpful. Our food in hand we sat down to eat. Through nothing to write home about the food is pretty good. As I ate wondering what to do about my little maiden problem until the heavens gave me my answer.

[System his detected a slight amount of poison now creating to antibodies for combating it.]

That's it how can I forget that I have a Toriko system which means any of that world's powers. Thinking there I opened the system to the bloodline tab and found what I am looking for.

[Coco gourmet cells: Gourmet cells of Coco from the four heavenly kings ,which give the recipient all his powers.]

After thinking for a moment I decided to wait before I purchase Coco's cells because I am unsure what could happen. Normally in a story when a character acquires a new bloodline the experience of fusing with it is excruciating pain. I personally want to avoid something like that. As I was feeling proud of myself for not being a stupid protagonist. Suddenly I heard something that made my heart sink.

[Purchase of Coco's gourmet cells confirmed now will begin the process of fusing with the blood. Fusing process will last for only last for only 30 seconds.]

(Third pov)

In a room completely dark with only the light of a computer screen to slightly illuminates it. Upon closer inspection one would notice a bed with pink blankets and sheets. Stuffed teddy bears along with a variety of others are littered all over the floor. If one word is used to describe the room it would be adolescent female. In front of the computer screen sitting on a comfortable padded chair, is beautiful woman with long platinum hair. She is watching the screen with an amused smile like someone who successfully pulled a prank. Who else could this be except for Eirian the goddess of pleasure.

Eirian: My silly husband did you really think that I would let you pass over such an amusing cliché. The look on your face when you realized that system just fused the bloodline. Hehe he, even more surprising is that after all this time he has not realized that I am running the system.

Since Escanor left for the world of Rwby she has watched every step of his journey. Although she could not directly help by giving him the answers but she could give him quest for hints. Which if you ask him has been beyond helpful. One thing she did not expect is that her Grandmother would not only give him another system but also make it connected to previous system. Until now her Grandmother has been against the idea of her having a mortal husband. When asked about it her grandmother only said that "fate changes". Back to Escanor who is currently trying his hardest not to scream in pain. At the time so was choosing her future husband she had all but given up hope. Every man she looked over seemed to always fall short. Until now everyone of them was only worried about how to satisfy their selves. So her requirement is simply someone open to all froms of pleasure. Including the pleasure of satisfying others needs.

After a long search she finally found someone who is a perfect fit. Who not only stays true to his desire but also respects the desires of others as well. Finally finding the perfect guy she leaped at the chance. To be totally honest she as the more time went on her satisfaction with her decision increased. While he pursues his wish for a harem he makes sure to take care of their needs and feelings. He does all this while staying ture to his desires.

Eirian: My love please keep pushing and make sure that when we meet I will have a ton of sisters.

With a gentle smile on her face she watch Escanor as he stands back up while thinking what perks to give him next. Her future is definitely looking up.

(First POV)

After I heard that system notification the cells in my body suddenly felt as though they become active. Under my skin the cells within me rushed through my veins. My body began to feel like it is heating up while my skin turned slightly purple. Then the heat began coursing to my eyes causing a pain that I can not describe. Finally it was over with another notice popping in to my head.

[Bloodline fusion complete now releasing skills. Due to you already possessing a mastery skill poison manipulation is evolved into poison mastery.

Poison mastery: After becoming one with poison itself you now not only have near immunity but also the ability to create it. Poison generation costs AE depending on the intensity and amount of poison.]

Before I had time to worry about my new skill something else took my focus. My sense of sight before was pretty impressive but now it had increased by a monstrous amount. Right now I can detect things that a normal human can never see. For example now I can actually see the aura around a person's body. Normally huntsmen and huntresses have to use either a vague sixth sense or specialized equipment. Now however I can see how much someone has and even tell what their semblance is. As for telling the future like Coco does I vaguely can tell what they are thinking. While I am enjoying my newly gained eyes prowess a soft hand shook my shoulder.

Ember: Are you okay just now you looked like you were in a lot of pain.

Picking up on Ember's concern I looked towards her and a heartfelt smile. After I comforted her, when I smiled at the other girls to give them a peace of mind something surprised me. When I got Cocos powers to find maidens I originally thought it would take a while. But now right in front of me I found exactly what I am looking for.