Found The Winter Maiden

My eyes remained locked on Winter as I was completely last in thought because of what I see. Surrounding Winter's body there is two different auras ,one that is pure light blue. While the other aura coating the first is made of gold trimmed in white. To be honest I am surprised with how easily I found my first maiden. Although, when I think about it somehow it makes sense that she the Winter maiden. After all, Nicholas being the self important ass he is of course he wouldn't take anyone with a lower lineage. From their conversation the other day I picked up that Winter did not come from a wealthy family. But if she is a maiden then her background is no long an issue. Noticing my eyes locked on to her Winter blushed faintly. Realizing that I have been staring at her for too long I went back to my food.

Later like I had said before lunch I took the students to a training arena that is different from yesterday. The area this time is actually separated into two different parts. One part looks like a normal dualing stadium with four stages. While the other has eight pods lined up facing each other with a massive TV screen stationed in the middle. This is Atlas acadamy's prided combat simulator which allow students to fight without fear of injury. In my humble opinion I think that this tech should be in all schools. This way students can gain experience while in a "safe environment ". "Why the quotes you may ask" ,the answer is simply because although your body is without injury you still feel the pain. That's right to ensure that the training sessions are taken seriously they still allow a somewhat dulled sensation of pain.

Escanor: Alright kiddos I imagine you are looking forward to showing of your skills especially you boys. Unfortunately since you kids will be fighting the greatness that is me you will not have the chance.

I explained with an annoying shit eating grin on my face as I looked over my students. My words were apparently not to the liking of my class because when I was done talk they all burst into booing. I even heard some of them call me an arrogant bastard. Of that only applies for the people who do not know me. As the students that did on their faces are wary smiles. Their smiles stained because they know how much of a monster I can be. In the entire time I have taught at Haven academy not once have they even hit me. Even if they had more than 30 people it still proved difficult to touch me yet alone hit me. And this was before I got a massive boost from Coco's cells.

[Name: Escanor



Titles: Goddess's husband/Huntsman/Grimm Knight

Job:Maki knight (lvl-11)

HP(×10 CON):730/Regen 7 per min=>910/Regen 90 per min

AE(×10 INT):400/Regen 1 AE per min=>1,200/Regen 50 per min








Sound Master: As a true master of sound you now have near perfect control over sound itself. Your can be used in anyway that you can imagine. The only limit is if your throat can handle it.(Passive)

Poison mastery: After becoming one with poison itself you now not only have near immunity but also the ability to create it. Poison generation costs AE depending on the intensity and amount of poison.(Passive)

Zebra's cells: As you have mastered sound the use of Zebra's techniques have become second nature. So second nature in fact that your own cells have evolved to be similar to his. Now what ever ingredients actives his will now do the same for yous.

Coco's cells:As you have mastered Poison the use of Coco's techniques have become second nature. So second nature in fact that your own cells have evolved to be similar to his. Now what ever ingredients actives his will now do the same for yous.

Knight's physique(level 3): As a knight of Maki your body must in at the peak. Therefore when level up you will receive +6 to all physical status. Your bonus increases by two as you level up this skill. (passive)

Predator's intimidation: Due to the awakening of your gourmet cells you have become able release aura of intimidation. When faced against a beast opponent your presence has a chance to weaken them. If the opponent is far weaker than you then they will cower before you. Effect is based on how high your charisma is.


Thanks to Coco's gourmet cells my status really ranked up which is especially true for intelligence and wisdom. There is also the boost to my regeneration. Not only that but with the enhancement to my eyes I feel completely invincible. Standing there in front of everyone in the class I can feel my intent and lust for battle reach an all time high. I was so excited to I forgot to restraint my Predator's intimidation. My mistake greatly effected the kids causing most to be afraid and others kept taking steps back. Until today I never have wanted to fight more than I do right now. Seeing their hesitation I began to get pissed off. I even started to growl showing them my teeth and my eyes slowly turned red. Right when I was about pounce my actions were stopped by crying. Finally calming myself down I looked to the crying to see bady Cinder.

Escanor: Sorry about that class it seems that I have lost myself a little there and was quite rude. But that can be seen as another lesson, a lesson on dealing with pressure. Sometimes you will face a situation that seems impossible but if you remain calm you can handle it.

Done speaking I arranged them into teams so that them can spar against one another. While I on the side correct any flaws that I can see. While I am doing that my mind keeps on wondering to what had just happened. Although I often enjoy fights to the point of somewhat loosing myself. I have never so easily lost control or aimed my battle lust at my students. However this time I barely stopped myself from ripping they apart. As I was wrapped up in my thoughts I could feel my stomach was empty.

(Third pov)

After an uneventful lunch the students of the two academies were lined up standing on a stage. In front of them is the monster teacher of Haven that they were warned about. Thus far although he is pretty impressive they still had doubts about his monster status. They waited for him to speak and when he did it through them into a rage some even cursed him. That of course only applies to the Atlas students, as for the Haven students they knew the truth. Out of all the Atlas students only one somewhat believed what Escanor said. Jackson who had pulled the prank earlier could tell that there is a lot more to this teacher. As if to prove him right while they gotready to fight something about him changed. If before Escanor just seemed a little overconfident but at the same time well in control. Now however he transformed into an apex predator that is looking playfully over it's prey. Behind his back there is a vague shadow of a beast standing there like a guardian spirit.