The Demon Within

After my little outburst class went on without a single hitch but the whole time everyone was on edge. Every so often their eyes would fall onto my body as if trying to figure out if I would lose control again. Even Ember appeared a little worried that I would go on a rampage. Although I managed to restrain my aura I could still feel something in me stir. If I had to pick a word to describe what I am feeling it would be instinct. It is as if something that has been sleeping in me final wake up and it refuses to be ignored. Finally the day came to an end so I and the ladies returned to the Schnee residence. Once we were back I could no longer hold myself back any longer. Entering our room I quickly gave Cinder and Ember a kiss on the forehead before teleporting to Salem's castle. When I arrived, I went straight for Salem.

Finding her walking down the hall to me, I rushed right to her and started to violently kissing her. As my tongue explored her mouth I moved my hand to her leg so I can left her. With her back against the wall and her legs wrapped around my waist I got more turned on. Every second that pasted only served increased our passion. My hands holding, squeezing her soft supple thighs trying to leave a print marking them. Needing air our lips parted. As we tried to catch our breath we gazed into each others' eyes. In her eyes I could see feel other love and even a bit of dependence. My animalistic desire seemed to find this natural.

Escanor: My queen you know that I love you right. So I want you to know that you belong to me and no one will ever hurt you again. I swear to find those godes that dare curse you and slaughter them.

As I said that Salem's eyes told me that my words were exactly what she wanted to hear. Reflected in her eyes is even deeper love than before. Letting out a lot growl I began kissing down her neck. When made it to her ivory white breast I first kissed between her cleavage. Then I moved to her erect nipples lightly biting one. Once I did my actions earned a sensual moan which signaled her small orgasm. Feeling the wetness from her crotch one of my hands reached for her panties to remove them. Panties gone I made my way to her wet lips and gently fingered her. One finger inside her my thumb rubbed over her clit getting even louder moans. Only seconds later she squirted all over my hand. Take my hand back I brought to my mouth to give it a lick. As I did Salem had a massive blush on her face holding her head down. Obviously she is embarrassed which is ridiculously cute. Not able to hold back anymore with her still pressed against the wall I pulled my dick out. Taking aim I plunged into her causing to dig her nails in my back. Once more I began kissing Salem as I slowly move my hips.

The more she moaned and the deeper her nails dug the greater my desire to breed her. Like a beast in heat I kept pounding her. After a whole of my assault a companied by her screams of pleasure Salem passed out. As a good measure when pulled and she slide to the floor I came once more covering her alabaster skin in my white cream. Standing over her I observed her face with her rolled backed eyes and tongue sticking out. My pride at an all time looking at the hentai scene in front of me I picked Salem up. Back in the bedroom I found Lela asleep so I decided to go to sleep next her and Salem after cleaning her off.

Later as I was sleeping I found myself in a massive and expansive black field with nothing in it. At least I thought there was nothing but after looking harder in the distance there was a gigantic monster. The monster looked like a combination of a dragon and lion towering over me. It was covered in fur with black scales and a mane. Most of it's features were hard to make out but it clearly had those qualities. While I watched it the monster opened its mouth and said.

Monster: We can no longer get by with the amount you are eating now and it needs to be more tasty.

After it said that my eyes open to stare at the ceiling, while my stomach continued to growl loudly. Checking the time I quickly teleported back to the Schnee family mansion. Luckily I arrived just in time for breakfast. Again we sat around the table for our lovely meal. Except this time I ate like a starving beast that has not eating anything in years. When I was done the entire table of food was completely gone vanished into my stomach. Still although I ate so much food I am still a pretty hungry. With no more time left we head for the academy for our lessons. Again I challenge all the students at the same time but this time my demon is under control. At least I did not scare the ever loving shit out of the poor kids. When class was over we once again returned to the Schnee residence to relax. Once there Ember and I went to our room where I told her I need to tell her something.

Escanor: Ember you probably already figured it out but I am not from this world. As a matter of fact my name isn't really Sword it actually is Escanor. I hail from a world that is on a higher plane so I can do a number of things that are hard to explain.

Saying that I held out my hands and had the system make a rainbow fruit appear. When she saw the large multi colored fruit Ember's expression was full of confusion. I then cut a piece of the fruit and gave it to her for a try. Once the fruit entered her mouth her eyes widened into saucers.

Ember: What was that it tasted like I ate five different fruits at the same time. Each flavor came through without being over powered by the other even a little.

Escanor: That was a rainbow fruit which is also from another world. The world it is from is filled with different foods and ingredients. To be honest there are even things that are better then the rainbow fruit.

After I finished talking I waited hear her response to the truth. But what came from her mouth caused my jaw to drop.

Ember:Does that mean you can get me some to practice cooking with. To be honest I have always wanted to to be helpful to you but I am not much of a fighter. So I thought to do the cooking and cleaning. Sadly no matter what I made I could tell it doesn't satisfy you. But now I know that it is because the food you are used is better than anything in this world.

Her words actually had a point until now I barely noticed,but everything I ate here while tasty are missing something. Only now do I realize that it is because I need more nutrition. Looking at Ember's expectant eyes I decided to give it a shot. I quickly looked through the skill store and bought what I needed.
