Meeting again

It has been about half a month since the announcement that the Vytal Festival will be held in Mistral and more importantly Haven. Excitement is filling the air as Lela and I walk down the street. One of the main topics being discussed is the tournament and who will win. My reputation in Mistral is actually even higher than the dean so when news about me training the winner spread. Well let's just say that everyone became even more pumped. This is especially true for the students at the academy. Everyone has seen first hand how good of a teacher I am so it is easy to guess what will happen if they got one on one lessons. While I was looking forward to seeing if my pride skill finally stopped being a pain in ass. While we walked the streets I also noticed a number of new people slowly filling into the crowds.

Escanor: It looks likes the city is starting to see alot more visitors soon we may not be able to walk through the streets.

Lela: Not really surprising there after all the Vytal Festival is an event celebrating the ending to the war. As a matter of fact my brother messaged me saying that he will also be coming and that he has someone he wants me to meet.

As we talked while looking around I was going through the system to see if something can solve my lack of points. So far nothing seemed useful under the explanation section. Thus I decided to take a chance and look in the store thinking made something will increase the amount I receive, ,like in video games. I kept on strolling until something strange caught my eye. It was a skill that actually only costed me 10 GP which screams suspicious. Then again I have no better options so I took a look.

[Skill Food luck: As anyone can tell you skill/technique is very important but there is something else luck. No matter if it is a chief accidentally finding the perfect way to bring a dishes flavor out ,or a hunt stumbling across a hidden ingredient. Luck is there help even if we do not wish to admit it. Cost:10 Gourmet Points]

If I were to go by how things went in the anime then food luck should be one of the most ridiculously overpowered abilities. After all take a look at that dumbass from the show who should have died. Just because his high food luck he never actually died no matter the situation. Basically food luck is if plot armor went on steroids.

When we finally made it back house Lela went to the living room to hangout with the mother daughter duo. While they giggle having fun I headed for my room and closed the door. Taking a deep breathe I selected purchasing the food luck skill. Once I did nothing had actually changed which really bummed me out because I was hoping for something.

[Ding..... Congratulations host you have unlocked yet another new feature for the system. You have acquired the ability to use Gourmet Hunt feature.]

Before I could even ask the system was already answering all of my questions.

System: Host Gourmet Hunt is a feature that will transport you to a location in the gourmet world. There you are tasked with find ingredients in any way that you deem as fit. Anything you find can either be brought back with you or exchanged for more GP. Of course such a handy feature can only be used once a week but you are free to replay locations.

Hearing the system's explanation made an uncontrollable smile appear on my face. With this new function my concerns over where to bet GP have been handled and I can get ingredients. Not only that but I can even use this to level up thus getting strong.

System: I must correct the host on something. Although, you will be fighting beasts, everything defeated there will not give experience. But fear not because it is set up so that area bosses and Apex predators will give them.

With that it went on to say that Gourmet Hunt has different levels and that the hard it is the more rewarding.To be honest with my current level I believe it should be easy for me to do most of them. For now I decided to wait before I used the new feature. My business done I went to where everyone else is to spend time with them.

The next day I went to the academy which is welcoming the students that arrived from the other academies. Looking through the crowds I happen to see a figure I have not seen for sometime. With smooth pale white skin, red jewel like eyes and long black hair. A smile creeped up on my face seeing her. Without any hesitation I walked up to give her my greetings.

Escanor: Look who it is I have not seen you siblings since that day we parted so how have you been Raven and Crow.

Hearing my voice the two of them turned toward me with Crow simply giving me a smile. While Raven broke into one of the absolute brightest smiles I have ever seen in my life. I could tell she was using every once of her self control to not just leap into my arms. Right when she was about to open her mouth I quickly spoke up because when we first met I told them my real name.

Escanor: Good evening kids allow me to reintroduce myself in case Raven and Crow don't remember me. My name is Sword I am currently working as a teacher for Haven academy.

I can already see realization dawning on the Bowen siblings' faces as soon as I finished talking.

Summer: HI my name is Summer this is Tai ,you already know both Crow and Raven. We are team STRC from Beacon academy.

A cheerfully smiling girl came forward to introduce everyone in their group. Summer actually looks a lot like Ruby from the show with short black hair and red tips. Of course she still has silver eyes but unlike Rudy Summer prefers to wear a white robe rather than red. Tai looked pretty much the same except without his beard and a pair of golden gauntlets. Well then this year's festival going to be fun and filled with surprises. At least that is what I am planning on making sure will happen.