Gourmet Hunting

It has been a few hours since my meeting of team STRC and I have since returned home. I came back because I really wanted to try out the gourmet hunt feature. Strolling through the possible hunts I noticed that some have been greyed out. If you were to go by the law of video games then they must be locked right now. I went through until I came across the Baron archipelago. Although the place doesn't have much in the way of vegetables it does however have the Gala gator which would resolve at least the meat issue. Besides in the show Toriko's first opponent on the screen was a Gala gator so of course the idea of it being my first hunt is beyond appealing. Before going in I went to the girls to give them a heads up that I am going to disappear for a while. With me being who I am they hardly showed concern and simply wished my good luck.

At last it is finally time for my first hunt to began and my excitement is at the highest it has ever been. After pressing the button a light wrapped around me. The next thing I knew I was standing in a swamp filled with the sound of wildlife. Cracking my neck I immediately went to work hunting. It has been about three hours since I started to hunt down everything in the swamp. Although it took a while I clearing everything out except for the final boss. My battles so far have been pretty easy which help boost my confidence. Finally it is time face the area boss. Without any further delay I headed for the marshlands while keeping an eye out for my target. Soon echolocation pick up on the Gala gator hiding under the swamp waiting to jump out at me. I walked up to the end of the water and waited for it to attack. Before it appeared I did make some preparations just in case. A few seconds later the water began to stir as a massive rose from it. The beast before me was actually twice as big as the one that Toriko killed in the first episode.

It was covered in steel like scale that were purple and with sharp fangs coming out of it's mouth. I have to admit looking at this guy up close did make me a little nervous but I sucked it up. With my sword in my hands I no longer hesitated and charged it. After that initial charge I fought the Gala gator using everything I had for so long that I lost track of time. During this time the destruction of our fight reached everything in our surroundings. Most annoying part was that even my sword broke but for an upside I fatality wounded the little shit. Still the fight did not get easier even when it was blinded in one eye. I have to say ever since I reincarnated this is the most difficult fight I have ever been in. My current situation is definitely like those in anime where the main character is running on empty.

Escanor: Shit, if this were an anime or something then right about now I would a power up or some shit. Still too bad for you I am the kind of guy that likes to always look as badass as possible.

As I said that the attack I used a while ago was finally ready to take effect. The Gala gator started to wail in pain as it thrashed around. Not missing this chance I attacked one last time using all of my remaining AP. I used a maxed out sound bazooka that deal the finally blow and at last it was dead. Seeing that it was no longer moving I finally relaxed for the first time since our fight started. To be honest there was more then a few times that I thought this may be my last. Luckily I used a neurotoxin that heightened its sense of pain.

[Congratulations on completing gourmet hunt: Baron archipelago. As a reward you will now receive 10,000 GP. Additional as a reward for clearing the hunt on Heavenly king difficulty you will receive another 20,000 as well as 2 rainbow fruit.]

Once that message appeared my body grew stiff after I read. To make sure that I am not going crazy I reread the message over twenty times. However no matter how much I read it what it said never changed. After taking a few seconds to process my eye started to frantically twitch. When I first used gourmet hunt the thought that it might have levels never once crossed my mind. As it turns out gourmet hunt has different for each hunt. On the heavenly king difficulty the boss will also be around one level stronger than me. To be honest I am thankful for it ,afterall thanks Heavenly king difficulty I know how much my skills need improvement. Until now I have been overly reliant on my higher stats and the result my my strategy sucks. During my fight against the Gala gator I simply just attacked without even trying to create a strategy.

Now that I know my goal from here on out is to improve my battle tactics. First however I need to go check on the girls. Just in case I teleported outside the house while creating an illusion of me walking back home. I then opened the door behind which I can hear Ember talking to someone. I opened the door to reveal Ozpin sitting at the table enjoying a cup of tea. Noticing my presence Ozpin turned to face me with an annoying smile on his face.

Ozpin: I am happy to see that you weren't running away because you did not want to train my students.

Escanor: I see so your students were the champions then. Don't worry I of course have no problem training them ,but I had something come up so I left to handle it.