Time Skips are Helpful

If my life were a novel then the number of time skips in it are way too many. It has been a few years since the tournament and there have been some interesting events. First was that the members of the original cast were finally born. I thought that Raven and Tai would get together so I would have to cuck him. Luckily in this world there was an experiment that basically artificially inseminates the subject. Thus Rave is still a virgin even though she already has a daughter. More interestingly was that Summer also took part in the experiment. Second was that Nicholas died leaving the Scheen family in the hands of Willow and her fiancee. During this time there has been a shift in their policies. Most of which were met with great resistance.

The biggest was their new and to be honest poor treatment of Faunus. Some more good was the birth of two daughters and still yet born son. The oldest was named after Willow's missing mother Winter and their second oldest was named Weiss. Third thing is that after alot of work I finally became the dean of Haven academy. As dean I naturally became a part of Ozpin's inner circle. Right now I have done everything I could do so the only thing to do is wait for the main story to start. Currently I am sitting at my desk reading a report about how the spring maiden is getting a new bodyguard. Apparently Ozpin pushed for Raven to be assigned because she is familiar with the area. I am thankful for this because it will allow us time to get closer. Additionally I can make sure her relationship with her daughter will remain in tact or at least better than it was in the show. As I was pouring over the documents there was a knock at the door to my office.

Assistant: Excuse me, Mr.Sword I did not wish to bother but a huntress by the name of Raven is here to see you.

Escanor: Don't worry about it I was actually wanting for her to show up.

After I said that my assistant opened the door to my office allowing Raven to come inside. As she was coming toward my desk she looked around the office. Since I only ever come here to work there was not much except for my desk and something for my guests to sit on.

Raven: Sword it is great to see you and congrats on becoming a dean.

Raven's voice sounded a little tense probably because after joining the inner circle she learned about Salem. Her reaction was hardly shocking considering the way Ozpin talked about Salem. if I had not met her personally even I would be somewhat afraid of her. Seeing Raven with a hard expression i stood up from seat and walked toward her. Once I was in front of her I wrapped my arms around her. Feeling my embrace at first she stiffened but soon relaxed. I spoke while stroking her hair.

Sword: Don't worry, no matter who may want to do something to you I swear nothing will ever happen.

We just stood there hugging for a while until I could feel her emotions settle down. After she relaxed we sat down to talk more about her assignment and where she will be staying. I made arrangements to have both her and the maiden stay at my place. One reason is that the current spring maiden is an orphan so my idea made sense. More importantly it made it easier for me to assist Raven if necessary at least that is the excuse I gave. We continued to talk for a minute before deciding to head home. Once we enter the house there was already food on the table with everyone sitting around it. We joined them eating the delicious feast or should I say my snack. As time went by not only did I get stronger but so I did my appetite.

[Name: Escanor



Titles: Goddess's husband/Huntsman/Grimm Knight/Pride

Job:Maki knight (lvl-20)/Knight (lvl-7)

HP(×10 CON):1,300/Regen 120 per min=>2,900/Regen 290 per min

AE(×10 INT):12,000/Regen 510 per min=>15,000/Regen 550 per min








Sound Master(Passive)

Poison mastery(Passive)

Zebra's cells

Coco's cells

Knight's physique[level Max](passive)

Predator's intimidation[Level Max]

Swordmanship[Level 5]


My improvements were definitely something to be proud of ,but I still hit the wall in whether this world world would allow me to get stronger. Good news is that my gourmet points continue to grow since I have been abusing the gourmet hunt feature. Another improvement was that I started considering if I should learn a crafting skill. Even until now my sword has been sitting in my inventory without me repairing it. I thought about doing it at one point but gave up due to me not having the necessary skills. Now that I think about I could learn how from the shop. I quickly looked through the skill list before finding the crafting skill.

[Crafting: This skill allows one to learn how to create different things such as weapons, armor and medicine. The result of what maybe crafted will be influenced by your Dex stat.]

Buying it I quickly learned the skill but when I did something surprising happened.

[Skill ■■■ ■■■ has activated newly aquired skill crafting has automatically reached its max level.]

A surge of information about how to craft weapons and protective gear jumped into my head. This came with both good news and bad news. Good news is that I have knowledge of how to create weapons and stuff from Rwby. Bad news is I still don't know how to fix my sword however I still have hope. For now I will just another weapon to use until my Garo Ken is repaired.