My New Weapon is......

Dinner last night was quite fun since there were more people in the house. Since I got my new skill I spent most of last night thinking about what I should.make. I can not make something that relies on a special energy. For example I can't make a zanpakuto since I don't have access to reishi. I can still just make the basic form ,but I will lose its special properties making it pretty much worthless. Thus my garo sword will just have to wait for now. Back to my current problem in terms of what I can make there are a few choices. Due to the presence of dust weapon catalog became even more diverse. In all honesty if I was forced to pick I would go with something a little flashy.

My mind continued to think over which weapon I could make. I soon arrived at the school and headed straight to the arena. While being the dean I also will sometimes hold combat classes. As I was walking through the hall I continued thinking while the students chatter. Finally I made to the arena where my class was already standing with their weapons in hand. I glanced them over hoping to get inspiration, when suddenly it hit me. In all of the anime I have watched there is one that can take advantage of Remnant's crafting methods. I ironed out the details in my head as the class went on. Finally class was over so I quickly left to get everything I will need. Afterwards I secured a place to work and told everyone that I will be busy for a few days.

(Third Pov)

It has already been two days since Escanor started to create his weapon. During this time Raven and the spring maiden have already adjusted to living in Escanor's house. One of things she enjoyed most was watching Cinder. As a mother herself seeing a girl similar in age to hers Raven couldn't help but smile. Apart of her regrets leaving her daughter ,who she named yang, with Tai. In Raven's eye Tai was nothing but a sperm donor so he had no rights to see her daughter. Unfortunately Ozpin forbade her from bringing Yang leaving little choice. As Raven watch Cinder running around more doubts toward Ozpin formed. She was deep in her thoughts until she felt a tug on her clothes.

Cinder: Excuse me miss Raven but when will my daddy come out to play with me again.

When Raven first heard Cinder call Escanor daddy she felt her whole world started to spin. It was only later she found out that Cinder only called him daddy.

Raven: I am not sure but he said it should only take around a week or two.

Raven's reply earned a pout as the little girl turned around to play somewhere else. Her never failed to be at peace watch the little girl especially when she is with Escanor. Times like these made it hard to not have a few doubt. Most of which was pointed to the mysterious bean of beacon academy Ozpin. Even until now she felt like he had some sort of hidden agenda that no one knows. She also noticed that he for some reason gave team STRC preferential treatment. It did not long for Raven to start to feel suspicious of everything he did. Sighing Raven went to her so she can relax.

Quickly another five days passed and at long last Escanor exited from his laboratory. In his hands was a massive blade that is a combined with a specialized high caliber assault rifle. There was also a 'small' buckler attached.

(First Pov)

I standing in front of the girls holding my newly created weapon which I took inspiration from God eater to make. It was designed to look like the ammit tree weapons from GE3. In terms of size, it can be compared to a claymore that was used in the middle ages. To be honest it may be a little bit but I digress. Everyone was looking at it with sparkles in their eyes.

Escanor: Okay everyone I know you are curious about what I made but first let's get something to eat first.

Hearing what I said we all went to the table to enjoy the meal Ember made for us. The entire time they bombarded me with questions most of which about my weapon.

Escanor: Alright, first of all this weapon is designed to be able to switch between three forms. The first one is it's current one which is a long blade. The second is a high caliber assault rifle gun and last is a shield.

Cinder: Wow it is amazing daddy can you make one for me too.

I simply smiled at Cinder rather than answering because I knew no body except me can use it. Due to its size the of the whole thing is ridiculously heavy. Even when I used gravity dust it weighs like a ton. Without the dust just holding I would break the ground as I walked. It was after dinner I decided to go out and try my new weapon. I teleported back to the grim lands to find a test subject or two. After looking for a few minutes I found a pack of at 20 beowolves. I shifted my God arc to gun mode and started firing rounds into the pack. Each round accurately found the head of a different Beowolf. After taking about half of the pack I switched to close quarters combat. The gun quickly transformed into it's blade form as I jumped at the pack. Pieces of Beowolves went flying all over the place, while I swung my blade. While fighting an alpha managed to get behind me so I used the shield mode. Finally I finished my test and was more than a little happy with the results. Satisfied I decided to go visit my queen and naughty kitten for some fun.

AN: If you guys have any ideas as for what i should name the God Arc.