I’m in naruto!

As I walk down the street, a truck approaches, intending to murder me. As the truck approaches at full speed, I dodge into an alleyway. I dodge out of the way as a pipe crashes down "that sure would've killed me"I pat myself on the back as I walk down the alley way, I hear something loud approaching and glance up to see a helicopter approaching full power. I dash out of the alleyway as quickly as I can.

I'm sprinting towards my residence, wary of my surroundings.

When I get there, I try to open my door, but as soon as I touch the handle, a grande is hurled at me, and I run as fast as I can to the end of the hallway, where a shrapnel grazes my ankle. I yelled in agony and exclaimed, "Fuckkk!!"

I grip my heart as it tightens, the world spinning around me.I throw up,as everything goes black

I I awoke in a white nothingness. Hello Omir, my name is god, and you have survived three times, so you get three wishes and whatever planet you want to visit, even anime worlds the middle-aged guy remarked.

I consider it and decide that my first want is for a karma seal, my second request is 5 tails levels of chakra , and my third wish is for my own Dojutsu. I want my djutsu to have heightened visual prowess, be able to predict movement, recognize weak spots, copy and master techniques and build barriers and illusions from the target's worst nightmares over and over to make the opponent insane.

God pauses for a moment before responding, "All of your wishes have been granted, where would you like to be?"

I rub my chin, thinking about where I'd like to be, and I say, "Can you also make me four when I transport over there?in the leaf village"

Yes, God said, "Have fun in your next life."

I wake up in a bed of poor quality. I take a peek around and notice a message, so I get out of bed. But then I fall off with a loud thump, and I think to myself, "Wow, that was embarrassing," as sweat drips down my face. When I get out of bed, I walk over to the note and open it to find a note that says to look on your hand and under the bed.

I look down at my palm after putting the letter down and see a Diamond shape mark. I look shocked as I understand I have the power to become the best shinobi for a while and when the otsutsuki appears.... I shook my head

I remember there's something under my bed, so I get down on the ground and look below the bed for a scroll. I reach down to grab it, but my hands are too short I get in the bed to get it ,I squirm out of the bed once I get the scroll and put the scroll on the bed to open it.

When I open it I see how I activate the karma seal,how to control chakra,tree walking,water walking and three million ryo

When I comprehend it, I put chakra in my eyes everything is so much clearer, and if I focus hard enough, I can see a mote of dust. I glance at the scroll again, but I get a headache, so this is the price, I remark as I hold my head.

I cut the chakra connected to my eyes and everything returns to normal. I then look at the dark purple colored mark on my hand and apply chakra to it as the dark purple colored mark grows to my arm and then to my neck. I feel power rushing through me as memories of a pale man who has fought in many wars flood my mind. I know I wasn't the man in the memories, it was just the karma seal. The number of bodies on the floor makes me vomit.

I walk up to the door and open the knob with difficulty because the knob was rusted; I open the door to see a bathroom; I walk towards the mirror and jump trying to see myself; I get a chair from my room and place it in front of the mirror; I climb up top to see a milk chocolate colored skin 4 year old boy with dark black hair in a bun and grey eyes

Actually, I'm quite good looking. Now for the key part, I exit the bathroom and proceed to the windows, where I glance to my left to see the hokage heads, and I see the 4th head, indicating that the 9 tails attack has occurred already.

I put on the jumpsuit like the one naruto wore in shippuden but smaller and gray and black once I'm ready I head out

When I get out of the apartment , I ask the nearest adult where the park is and, in a naive attempt to play the 4 year old role, the man smirks and says, "I can take You there".While waggled finger and urged "my mother said don't go with strangers!", I continued walking while sensing the man following me. I went to an alleyway and when he followed me in, he said in a frightening tone, "Come with me you brat, you don't have a choice."

As I triggered my dojutsu and karma seal, this time giving me a horn, the man was taken aback and said, "What are you!" I notice a kunai pouch on his thigh and use my dojustu to put him in his worst nightmare while he's preoccupied. I sprint over to him, grab his kunai, and throw it at his eyes, killing him.

My karma and dojutsu are turned off. While sighing, I return home and examine my dojutsu in the mirror. It appears to be similar to the sharigan, but with six tomoes and a teal color similar to the byakugan. I then come up with the name Hangan.

I then decide to go outside again, this time without asking anyone where anything is, and I arrive at a training ground where I activate my karma seal and imagine making a chakra rod. A black rod (pause) emerges from my hand, which I pull out and test for durability and sharpness before slashing at the log, which is cut in half.

I remember that the karma seal also allows you to fly, but when I think of the word fly, I begin to float, but memories of how to fly come flooding back, allowing me to regain complete control of my flight. I then think about flying again, allowing me to return to land. The use of space time ninjutsu is next on the list. I think about making a portal, but nothing happens. I try again and again, but nothing happens, so I claim that I haven't unlocked it.

The other abilities that come with the karma seal, such as chakra and ninjutsu absorption, require another person, and no one would willingly perform a jutsu on a four-year-old. Next on my list is copying jutsu from the library.

I'm in the library, but not in my original form, but in a mastered transformed joinin thanks to my Hangan, and I'm looking at a jutsu called Whirlpool that creates a wave with a hole in the middle, sucking the victim in. If the user allows the jutsu to continue, the hole will close and the victim will be crushed by the pressure. I activate my Hangan and master it. I then think I need a healing technique for my headaches, and just in case, I see a jutsu called self heal. I activate my Hangan and use the jutsu, and the headaches vanish. I return to the b ranks jutsu and master all of the elemental bullets, the water earth wall, and head hunt.

I figure I'll call it a day, so I return to my apartment and morph back to my natural state before going to sleep.