Meeting naruto

Sorry for not making chapters, but I have a big project coming up in a few days, so that's been my major focus. I can give you a chapter though, even if it's a short one, so enjoy author out.

I dress up and stroll out the door to the park, where I find Konoha 12 running around laughing and having a good time. I move my gaze to the far left, where I notice a blonde with whiskers on his cheeks, a fat boy, and a spiky-haired boy gazing at the clouds. When I approached them and asked if I may sit with them, the blonde haired boy replied, "Sure, my name is Naruto, and this is Choji and Shikamaru." Which one is witch, and what is your name? My name is....., I say enthusiastically. For a moment, I don't believe it's that strange that we forget our names, especially because we're four. My name is Onara Takumo. I prefer to be addressed as Onara.

Onara is a great name! Naruto is overjoyed at the prospect of making a new friend.

Thank you, Naruto, and what are you doing?

We're just looking at clouds shikamaru said lazily

Ok I said plainly

After squandering time, I believe it is time to go, as I mentioned earlier, I have to see you guys tomorrow? No, tomorrow we're heading to the academy! Naruto exclaims ecstatically.

I forgot about the academy, so if it gets too boring, I'll just send a clone there. I remembered that I was already signed up, so it'll be my first day there.

When I return home, I meditate in the hopes of contacting the mysterious otsutsuki in my karma seal. After that, I believe it is time for me to sleep in my bed.

But, while he does so, we notice a mysterious pale man flying around Onara, and he says,This is the being that killed me in disgust,but he's intriguing, has the intellect and maturity of a grown man, just wait tell I get out of this jail.

It's morning, and Onara gets out of bed and prepares for school by brushing his teeth, cleaning his face, and so on. When he arrives at the academy, he sits next to Naruto in the rear, who smiles widely because no one else sits next to him.

After a while, Iruka comes in and says class, we're going outside to practice kunai aiming. Everyone gets excited once we get outside and go to the practice kunai aiming training grounds once iruka is done teaching us how to use a kunai everyone goes as Sasuke goes up the girls cheer his name, and naruto looks annoyed as he whispers stupid sasuke what's so special about him. Iruka gives Sasuke an 8 out of 10 for his performance.

Naruto stands up, clutches the kunai sloppily, and throws it. When it misses the target, he becomes embarrassed and throws them all at once, missing them all but three. Everyone begins to laugh. Naruto flees, tears streaming down his face, and Iruka sighs as he says, Class, you have free time till I return,as he chases after Naruto. When he returns with Naruto, he says sternly,I do not want bullying in my classroom now apologize to Naruto,and everyone apologizes.

I approach the target, which is deafeningly quiet since they don't want that to happen again. I take the kunai and fling it. The kunai hits the target. I repeat this process several times, each time hitting a bullseye. I go back completely oblivious to the shock and envy I was feeling as Sasuke scowls at me and Naruto is awestruck.

After everyone has left, Sasuke and Naruto are the first to arrive at the taijutsu fields. Sasuke waits until Naruto rushes up to him and attempts to hit him in the face. Sasuke avoids it and counters with a blow to Naruto's face. Naruto holds his ground and punches Sasuke in the guts. Because Sasuke is surprised, he holds his stomach. Naruto seized the opportunity and slapped his fists together in a hammer motion, slamming it down on Sasuke as he rolled out of the path. Sasuke regained his composure and stopped taking Naruto as a joke. As Naruto collapses to the ground, Sasuke punches him in the face, putting an end to the fight.

Now it's my turn to face Makisu, a canon fodder. When Makisu throws a left hook at me, I go into a position called Identical Flash, which is a counter-attack fighting style that redirects attacks 20 times faster and stronger. Once he throws a kick at me, I doge it.

After Makisu became exhausted, he forfeited, giving me the victory. Everyone is surprised because they have never seen me try anything in school, so this is the day I get a fan club.