Shen Ander

It's already evening in Afghanistan on January 24, 2094, while the world is in peace the country of Afghanistan is weeping from a surprise attack that came from an unknown terrorist.

Heavy gunshots can be heard anywhere, sounds of women and children are screaming and crying from fear. These terrorists are planning to take over this country once again.

Killing, raping, bombing, and other crimes are happening here and the Afghanistan military seems to have no chance to stop their advance.

"Hey young lady come here if you don't want to die," a middle-aged terrorist said to a young lady that is cowering in fear.

"Please don't do anything to me, mister, I'm still young and I still have my dreams," the young lady said while crying.

"F*CK! Just come here already if you don't want to die," the middle-aged man grasps the hair of the young lady and drags her in the corner.

"You're so young and beautiful it's a waste to kill you here," he put down his pants and show his genitals forcing her to swallow it.

But before his genitals could reach the tip of the lady's mouth he suddenly drop dead.

A young man suddenly appeared on his back and cut his throat. The young man look at the young lady in the eyes and said,

"There is a military base near here in the south go directly there and ask for help."

The young lady is thankful for saving his life and hurriedly goes away in the area.

The young man proceeds with his mission once again, he's facing is covered in a mask, and wears a high-tech camo that can hide his presence even if there is night vision.

Advancing deeper in the terrorist base. He carries a Hi-Tech Rifle in his hands and a submachine gun on his back.

He is extremely pissed by the actions of terrorist and kills everyone that he come across.

He looks like a reaper as he brings death wherever he went.

Numerous terrorists are alerted by the sound of gunshots but can't pinpoint where exactly is the culprit located.

Numerous dead bodies are on the ground no matter where the young man goes it's a bloodbath.

The terrorist leader orders his men to group up and patrol the area to easily find the culprit who is killing their men non-stop.

The casualties are cannot be ignored as it is nearing a thousand in a single night.

Even with night vision, the man that is terrorizing them can't still be found.

The young men rest inside an abandoned building exhausted and focusing on breathing " There are too many terrorists this time, I don't have any significant wounds but the fatigue will kill me eventually.

" I don't think I can survive this one but this is also a good place to die," the young man said without regret.

His actions are now limited and he never even thought of running away or escaping. With the place being searched all over it's only a matter of time before he would get caught.

"BANG BANG," bullets pass through in the tip of his hair, "FUCK" he said while hiding behind the walls.

He also retaliates by shooting his enemies but they are too many of them.

The terrorist leader orders them to charge at him "kill that bastard!"

The young man throws an explosive causing several people to die and blow their bodies to pieces.

"Don't underestimate me motherfucker, I won't die without fighting back."

"Bastard you already killed hundreds of my men that's enough, just die already," the leader of the terrorist said.

"Shit, I have no way out now I guess I can't complete this mission," the young man said as he saw the large wall in front of him it's a dead end.

"Don't run anymore Shen Ander, you have no way out. Don't think that I don't know you, you're an infamous mercenary." As he said this numerous bullets hit Shen Ander but he didn't even flinch as he also make his last stand firing his favorite gun.

But before the terrorists could completely kill Ander Shen the reinforcements arrive just in time bombing and firing their guns on the cramped terrorists annihilating them.

"I guess I get to see another day again" closing his eyes Shen Ander said this with his body full of blood. Rescue immediately comes and tries to save him by applying a first aid kit increasing his chance of survival.