A New Beginning

A handsome young man is lying on the bed trying to get up.

He has shiny long black hair, a pointed nose, and rough skin with ripped muscles. Numerous scars can be seen on his body.

With a young face that looks like a teenager, it would be shocking for others to see that his body surely survive numerous wars.

This is Shen Ander and beside him is a tall brown-haired man that has a huge body and stands over 180cm.

The name of this man is Chester, he is the leader of Shen known as the "King of Battlefield" and the one who manage the most legendary mercenary group

"Linkin Sphere."

There are only a few members of this group but every one of them has a war-changing ability.

No matter what are the odds as long as a mercenary of "Linkin Sphere" is on your side then you're on the winning side.

They can turn the results of war upside down with their ability and skills.

"Shen, your last mission is already 2 years ago, how are you now?" Chester said.

"I'm already healed, a few more days and I think I can work again," Shen said without any emotion.

"Saving Afghanistan in the shadow that's quite a feat you did there, but we already decided along with the other members that you live a different life."

"What are you saying leader?" with a confused face Shen is baffled by what his leader said.

"We are disbanding the Linkin Sphere, I'm already 58 years old. With my body, although I'm still strong it is not enough to handle all of you."

"But leader I don't know what to do, this is all I know and we don't have any money to live a normal life."

"I guess it's my fault, the only thing we do is kill and save people from war, fighting is all we got but it's not too late for us the world Is

already in peace."

"We won't know in the future may be another insurgency will occur or large terrorism will attack again in different parts of the world."

"No, it won't happen again the UN now develops a new satellite that can track and monitor anyone. With this, no one would dare to do anything as they would get caught immediately."

"The technology is so advanced today that no one would dare to cause any war in the world today," Shen said while thinking hard.

"With this mercenaries are not needed anymore, we must live a normal life and we have to start from scratch. The United Nations rewards us to have citizenship to any country we choose to live in."

"So leader where do you want to go?" Shen asks.

"For me, I think I will go to Russia living in the mountains is where I belong," Chester said with a smiling face.

" I will think hard for this and choose a country that suits my taste, but what about the others."

"Don't mind them they already decided where they will go, alright kid I'm going now just contact me whenever you need my help. It's also the same for others" Chester hands an advanced phone that contains all the contacts with other members of Linkin Sphere.

They bid farewell to each other and a new beginning awaits in the journey of Shen.