
After living here for almost a month. Shen now is slightly accustomed to the way of living here.

Every day he trains his body and does various things to keep himself fit.

The owner of the guest house doesn't usually stay here so he had no one to socialize here.

The only person he knows in this neighborhood is Jose the street sweeper who always greets him.

Aside from him, nobody is wandering around in this neighborhood.

After his training, Shen decided to eat his dinner and watch the news.

-News Report-

Hello everyone this is Ted Corpuz your news anchor, today we are in shock about this wonderful event.

Chris Josh who is known as the number 1 genius in history, finally created the first-ever Virtual Reality Game.

The purpose of this game is to give entertainment to everyone.

This game is considered to be one of the most revolutionary inventions because this game has a 100% synchronization rate and freedom like no other.

You can be whatever you want to be a Hero, Villain, Pope, King, Emperor, and possibly a God.

It means that you can create your path in whichever direction you want.

here is the sample trailer inside the virtual reality game.

The video shows the boundless landscapes different and bodies of water with small to large monsters.

Terrifying monsters and NPC fighting is high quality it looks like the reality.

The Continent of Grisia is dominated by four countries with each of them having thousands of years histories.

The quality of the video is super high and it showed the realistic beauty of the game.

Okay, everyone that is just only the sample given by the company of Chris Josh, they said that the currency and item from this world can be sold and bought limited only from user to user.

This means the Company that owns these games don't sell any of this.

Players must hunt and provide for themselves these concepts promote those who want to have a full-time job to be a gamer and work in the game.

Tomorrow is the release of this game, you can only buy it online and the company will surely deliver it to you.

After seeing the news Shen watch it with excitement in his eyes.

Seeing a brand new fantasy world is every child's fantasy.

Although he lives all of his life in war, Shen is just only 19 years old.

He is quite mature but seeing this news the child within him suddenly grows excited.

"I want to give this game a try, maybe I can take my time to enjoy my life once again."

Today is April 20, 2096. 12 PM

Shen didn't get any sleep thinking about this game it's only 12midnight and he quickly order his own Axon Gear.

Axon Gear is the helmet-like thing we use to fully dive into the virtual world.