Full Dive

Today is April 20, 2096

Waking up Shen hides his excitement waiting for the Axon Gear to arrive. He did his morning daily routine, exercising and working out his body.

After that, he washes his body patiently waits for the delivery to arrive.

"It's already noon but the delivery still hasn't arrived," as soon as he heard the sound of the doorbell ringing.

He immediately runs into the door and opens it, a delivery man with a smile on his face is holding the thing that he ordered.

"Hello sir, this is the Axon Gear that you ordered. We are very sorry if there is a delay in delivery because this place is quite isolated so we have a hard time finding your house,'' he said with an apologetic tone.

"That's okay I don't mind, the important thing is now that you're here," Shen replied with a smile on his face.

"Okay sir thank you for your consideration, can you please sign this receipt before you open the box so that we can have the proof that your order has already arrived." the delivery man handed a pen and paper.

Shen sign it and bid goodbye to the man.

After his transaction with the delivery man, Shen opens the box and holds the Axon Gear.

The Axon Gear is like an advanced type of helmet, there are several wires that you need to connect in your head for you to have a full dive into the virtual reality world.

There is also a manual beside it that teaches you how to properly use it.

Shen follows the manual and he lay on his bed and closes his eyes preparing for his full dive experience.

After connecting Shen suddenly entered a semiconscious state just like a lucid dream, it's like Shen's consciousness is sucked by the void.

When he tried to open his eyes, all he could see is a space that's white all over the place.

"Hello User 4693, I'm the AI of this game. I'm here to help you create a character.'' a moving light suddenly talks in his back.

Shen doesn't even have time to reply when the AI shows him his character screen.

'' To access your character screen you just need to imagine and it will automatically appear in your screen, take note in character you can only choose your appearance, race and what place you will spawn in the game, aside from that everything that you want you can get it once you enter the game. This is all for the introduction Good Luck User 4693.''

Different Race immediately appear on the screen of Shen

Human - Jack of all trades

Elf - Master of archery and has high dexterity and agility

Dwarf - They have a high affinity for crafting

Demon - They have a high affinity for dark magic

Aside from these their is also Monster Type Race such as Goblins, Orcs, Vampires, Dhampirs, and many more.

'' I want to choose a Demon Race because I think it will be cool to have and it's my taste but the Human Race doesn't sound bad either it's versatile and you have nothing to lose picking this Race." Shen ponder for a moment before picking his race, it is essential for his future.

He finalizes his thoughts and picks the Human Race.

" User 4693, now pick your character name before finalizing everything." The AI suddenly said.

'' Okay, I'm done now creating my character, just use my appearance I don't change it.''

Name: Ashen

Race: Human

Hit Points: 50/50

Mana: 25/25

Attack Damage: 5

Magical Damage: 5

Physical Defense: 5

Magical Defense: 0

Job Class: None

Sub Class: None

< Strength: 13>

< Agility: 18>

< Intelligence: 5>

< Vitality: 5>

Skills: None

Titles: None

Authors Note: I want to call Shen by his in-game name when he is inside the game and if he is in the real world I'm going to call him by his real name.