Liberty Online

< Welcome To Liberty Online >

[ Respawning into a random starting village]


[ Entering Timber Village ]

After these few notifications in the head of Shen, he is already standing in a crowd of people.

"So the game is called Liberty Online, " Ashen thought.

Different faces are flooding the area with small houses, shops, and stalls.

Shen is in awe of the realism within this game, he looks at his hands and can't believe how real it is.

"Wow, this is really like the real world it's almost unbelievable if you don't play this game first hand," He said with excitement.

Just like Shen, almost everyone here is also shocked by this outcome. They didn't expect the realism to be so high.

This is the first-ever Virtual Reality Game so they didn't expect the perfect outcome, but with this experience.

Everyone can't help themselves but praise the genius behind this game, making their dreams come true and didn't disappoint them with the outcome.

While almost everyone was still in shock, several people already made their move to the monster zone.

Shen is one of them he is excited to try fighting in this world.

With his combat experience and 100% synchronization rate Shen didn't know that his stats are based on his abilities in real life.

Normal people had an average of 6 stats in their focus while the above-average people would have 8- starting stats in their main focus.

The experts in real life just like MMA fighters or professional boxers had an advantage as they would have 9-10 starting stats in their main focus.

Shen didn't know any of this as he had almost expert stats in every category. In short, Ashen is a monster.

Heading into the field Shen encountered a

[ Timber Wolf ] it's similar to a normal wolf but a little bit bigger and stronger.

[ Timber Wolf ]

Level: 2

Hit Points 50/50

Mana: 0

Damage: 8 - 10

Defense: 3

Skills: Bite, Swipe

Shen fights this monster without any weapon or armor.

The [Timber Wolf] sees Ashen as prey.

The monster rush at Ashen with his full speed trying to bite him.

But Ashen evade it with ease. His experience in the real world helps him not panic and keep his guard up.

Ashen makes his moves and kicks the wolf in the head. The kick was so flawless and perfect that if it is the real world the

[Timber Wolf] would die in a single hit

Critical Hit - 8 HP

The [ Timber Wolf ] is dizzy with the kick in the head.

"What it's still alive? That is a perfect kick in the head how does a dog could endure it," Ashen complain.

Then he barrages the monster with various kicks and punches.

- 8

- 8

- 8....

The [ Timber Wolf ] dies without a chance to retaliate.


You learned a passive skill [ Martial Arts LVL1]


You gain 25 experience points

You kill a monster that is higher level than you.

+25 experience points


You're the first ever to kill a [ Timber Wolf ]

Experience gain will be double.

You gain 100 experience points


You have leveled up.

Shen heard the notification in his head and look at the ground.

( Timber Wolf Tooth Knife ) [ common ]

Physical Attack: 8

Magical Attack: 0

Attributes: None

Shen equip this item and look at his Character Screen

Name: Ashen

Race: Human

Level: 2

Experience Bar: 0 / 200

Hit Points: 50/50

Mana: 25/25

Physical Attack: 5-8 | + 8

Magical Attack: 5

Physical Defense: 5

Magical Defense: 5

Job Class: None

Sub Class: None

< Strength: 13>

< Agility: 18>

< Intelligence: 5>

< Vitality: 5>

Attribute Points Remaining: 5

Skills: Martial Arts

Titles: None


Weapon :

( Timber Wolf Tooth Knife ) [ common]

+ 8 Physical Damage

Torso: None

Belt: None

Shoulder: None

Gloves: None

Bracers: None

Legs: None

Shoes: None


Amulet: None

Earrings: None

Rings: None

Trinkets: None

Pet System

Pets: None

Mounts: None