First Quest

Shen is advancing non-stop in the forest. He kills every one that comes in his way.

With his efficiency, he already reached LVL 8. No monster could be a threat to him in this forest.

He already has different types of trash items.

As he slays another group of [ Goblin ], he heard a scream of a young girl nearby.

"Somebody out there please help us!" the girl shouted in distress.

Ashen immediately found the girl that asks for help.

The girl has short brown hair and brown eyes. With a pointy nose and white skin.

He just looks like an above-average girl but she's still beautiful in his own right.

As he arrived at the scene, the girl asks for help from him.

" Mister, please help my uncle. " The girl is crying while pleading for help.


[ Quest: Help! ]

[ Difficulty F ]

Help the young lady and her uncle, eliminate all potential enemies, and don't let anyone die.

Reward: 500 Experience Points

[ Accept ] [ Ignore]

Ashen accept the quest as he watches the surrounding.

In front of a young girl, is an old man holding a sword is facing several [ Goblins ] and [ Hobgoblins ] alone.

The skill and strength of the old man are not that bad, but he's not fast enough to dodge every attacks the enemies throw at him.

The old man suffers wounds in different parts of his body. Exhaustion is also hindering him.

The [ Hobgoblin ] that uses an ax tries to end his life, " No! " the girl shouted she shouted as she close her eyes.

The old man isn't willing to accept his death as he must protect the girl behind him.

He tried to block the ax using his sword, but before he could feel the impact. Ashen slash the throat of the [ Hobgoblin ]

Vital Hit!

- 50 Hit Points

The [ Hobgoblin ] scream in agony and tried to run. His comrades immediately rush at Ashen trying to hit him.

He easily evades their barrage of attack as he counters the attack with his arsenal of unique movements.

" Is this all you can do? Stupid midgets do something better, " smirking like an evil guy Ashen insults the Goblins.

Hearing these remarks the [ Goblins ] is very angry with him as they look like a fool being toyed.

They scream at him and angrily swing their weapons at him.

Ashen slowly stab and slash them one at a time, eliminating all the possible threats in the surrounding.

After a few minutes of battle, it finally ended.


[ Quest Completed ]

Reward: 500 Experience Points


You have leveled up

Ashen is already 8 and a few levels away before LVL 10.

" Thank you for your help mister, you really save our lives," the girl gives her thanks to him.

" No problem, but what are you doing here in the middle of the forest," Ashen is curious as to what is the reason why they are here.

" Before I answer your question, first I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Villaflor, I'm the daughter of a village head near here. We were raided by a large number of Goblins and they are being led by a

[ Goblin King ].

" My name is Ashen, I'd also like to ask where is your village located." Ashen already thought about what happened in their village but he still wants to go there and help.

Rebecca is slightly surprised by his question.

" The village is located just 5 kilometers away in the East from here."

He immediately rushes there to help anyone who is still alive.

But before he could go far away, Rebecca stop him for a moment.

" Wait! Before you go please save our village and find my father. They must take him as a prisoner along with the other villagers."


[Quest: Save the Village and Find the Father of Rebecca Villaflor ]

[ Difficulty D ]

The Village in the East is being raided by the Goblin King. Save the villagers, eliminate all the Goblins and find the father of Rebecca.

Rewards: 10 Silver Coins

[ Accept ] [ Ignore ]

He accepted the quest and immediately rush his way to the East.