
Ashen's journey didn't take long after almost 2 hours of walking he immediately arrive at the scene.

He scout the area for a bit before jumping into action right away. He saw many villagers that are being captivated by the filthy Goblins.

He felt rage as he watches the humans being treated as livestock inside a cage, but he hold himself back for him to be successful.

'' I need to calm myself first,''

After a bit of time, he inspects how many enemies he will be facing this time. He saw many normal Goblin and Hobgoblins patrolling the village. But no matter where he looks he couldn't find the [ Goblin King ]

Although [ Goblins ] is not a problem for him but a horde of [ Hobgoblins ] are a different story they can use arrows that can restrict his movements big time.

" I need to figure this out immediately or else the casualty will be severe,'' he is thinking of a perfect plan to save the village and villagers, as well as eliminate the

[ Goblin King ]

Ashen checks his Character Information first, preparing and upgrading himself for a hard fight.

Name: Ashen

Race: Human

Level: 8

Experience Bar: 1,780 / 6, 000

Hit Points: 130/130

Mana: 25/25

Physical Attack: 5-8 | + 8

Magical Attack: 5

Physical Defense: 5 | + 23

Magical Defense: 5

Job Class: None

Sub Class: None

< Strength: 13>

< Agility: 18>

< Intelligence: 5>

< Vitality: 5>

Attribute Points Remaining: 40


Active - None

Passive - (Martial Arts LVL 1), ( Vital Strike )

Titles: None


Weapon :

( Timber Wolf Tooth Knife ) [ common]

+ 8 physical attack damage

Torso: ( Timber Wolf Torso Pelt ) [ common ]

+ 8 Physical Defense

Belt: None

Shoulder: None

Bracers: None

Legs: ( Timber Wolf Leg Pelt ) [ common ]

+ 5 Physical Defense

Shoes: ( Timber Wolf Fur Shoe ) [ common ]

+ 5 Physical Defense

Cape: ( Timber Wolf Fur Cape ) [ common ]

+ 5 Physical Defense


Amulet: None

Earrings: None

Bracelet: None

Rings: None

Trinkets: None

Pet System

Pets: None

Mounts: None

Ashen added + 7 attributes in Strength, + 7 in Agility, + 5 in Dexterity, and + 5 in Vitality a total of 24 attributes, he only had 16 free attributes left. With this, almost all of his stats are now 20 except for his Vitality and Intelligence.

He feels his body becoming stronger and faster with just these attributes added. The confidence in his eyes is now showing.

'' With this, I don't need to worry from the arrows being fired at me, as I am too agile to be hit with those poor archery skills.''

After this he enters the village from the back, ambushing the Goblins one by one.

Ashen stabs the Goblin from the heart using his Timber Wolf Tooth Knife as it pierces the heart of the Goblin.

You deal a critical hit!

- 48 Hit Points

Before it could scream from pain Ashen follows up another slash from the throat


You killed a [ Goblin ]

Experience points + 15

Ashen did this steadily killing Goblin and Hobgoblins on his way to the center of the village.


You killed a [ Goblin ]

Experience points + 15


You killed a [ Goblin ]

Experience points + 15


You killed a [ Hobgoblin ]

Experience points + 25

The color green blood of the goblins is dripping on the ground as Ashen continues the massacre.

But before he could continue his way to the center of the village Ashen didn't notice a Large Goblin above a small house watching him slaughter all his kins.

It's the [ Goblin King ] stalking Ashen on his way through the captives. He doesn't see Ashen as an equal but as a mere prey in his eyes.

Later on, this will be his biggest regret.....