Anguish Forest

Authors Note: In the previous chapters I make a couple of mistakes so I had to change the character system. I forgot to put something between physical and magical damage as well as the physical and magical defense so you could look at it again in the previous chapter to know what it looks like now.


After arriving home Shen directly went online.

- Welcome Back -

Ashen check and equip his new sword.

[ Damascus Blade ] ( Uncommon )

Physical Attack: 24

Magical Attack: 0

Attributes: None

Although Ashen is not an expert sword user he can manage. The damage of this blade is tripled compared to his knife so he's satisfied with this.

" Hey, Ashen prepared yourself we're departing " Alex shouted at him.

Ashen instantly ready himself and went to Alex.

" Line up everyone, " Alex ordered them.

" Let's go eliminate some monkeys, and protect the back of your teammates"

" Yes sir! " everyone replied.

" I hope we can all go back without anyone dying,"

After that small command from Alex, they went outside the castle. Surprisingly other Battalions are already here.

The place was noisy as you can hear everyone boasting and talking to each other.

Most of the soldiers look like this is their first mission as you can see fear and nervousness in their eyes.

A huge man comes into the front and suddenly everyone shut their mouth.

The man looks like a giant for Ashen who is only 166 centimeters. Approximately the height of this man is 210 centimeters with a bulky body and dark armor protecting his body. What is shocking is in the back of this man is a great sword just as big as he is.

This guy reminds Ashen of his former leader Chester.

Pyro ( 2nd Rank Dark Knight )


" As expected I can't even know his level, so this is Pyro, this guy looks so strong, "

Although he isn't scared Ashen instinct tells him not to mess with this man.

" I'm here because the king has ordered me to eliminate all the Troilo before they could become a bigger threat to the citizens so every one of you needs to cooperate for our kingdom, that's all prepare yourselves and we will depart, "


[ Quest: Troilo Extermination ]

[ Difficulty: Unknown ]

Every time the Troilo's appear they are increasing in a ridiculous amount of number eliminate them before they become a greater threat.

Rewards: Depends on your contribution

[ Accept ]

Ashen was slightly concerned with the difficulty being unknown but his fearless nature was telling him not to be afraid.

" Ashen come here, " Alex called him.

" Do you have something to say? "

" That huge man there is Pyro, I know you want to get near him but first you need to have enough contribution to talk to him so make sure to stand out later, "

" That's okay for me, "

Then after a few conversations, the soldier of the kingdom marches their way to the

Anguish, according to the kingdom investigation this is where the large number of Troilo suddenly appeared.

- Anguish Forest -

The environment here doesn't seem to appear like what the forest is named from.

Tall fruit-bearing trees and a lot of flowers could be seen in this place it's doesn't look like anguish at all Ashen thought to himself.

" I know a lot of you are new here so don't let the appearance of this place let your guard down this place is called Anguish Forest for a reason, " one of the battalion leaders warn the new soldiers here.

But most of the soldiers don't seem to care as to what could possibly kill them in this crowd of soldiers and with the protection of battalion leaders.

After those warning by their leader, a howl from the pack of wolves could be heard coming to them.

" Everyone brace yourselves and prepare for battle!" Alex shouted.