Orcs Swamp

I " Heqet, how large is our territory, and how many people are living inside this village?

" Chief Ashen, currently our territory is about 37 Square kilometers, and we have about 300 people all over our territory but here in the main village we only have 120 including men, women, and children," Heqet explains.

" Gather all men who have experience in fighting,"

" Yes chief, " Heqet follows his command and immediately finds everyone that has fighting experience.

Within just thirty minutes twenty-four men are lining outside of his manor.

" Chief this is all of them, "

Jaecar ( Hunter )

Level: 18

Laito ( Swordsman )

Level: 18


The two most notable villager here is Laito and Jaecar because their level is higher compared to others.

" I'm gathering you here today I need everyone's help, our territory is having a hard time getting food because monsters are rampant in our area so I need to make a two, twelve-man team. The first team will be the assault team while the second one will be the safeguard team, each of the teams will have thirteen members including the team leader,"

Nobody seems to disagree so Ashen began to choose the composition of the team and balance them.


You have created a team!


You have created a team!

" For now I will lead the assault team to the southern part of our territory to exterminate the monsters there and the safeguard team will have to protect the village for the time being, "

" Chief, may I ask something? " Jaecar said.

" Speak, "

" I know this sounds selfish but what do we get by doing this? "

" Don't worry about this I will pay everyone 1 silver coin after this quest, " Ashen said.

" Thank you chief, " Jaecar replied.

So the Assault Team went on a mission to the southern part of the territory.

Jaecar was the one leading in front as they began to travel because Ashen is still not familiar with the places here.

They didn't even walk far enough when they encounter a group of savage [ Orc Swamp ].

[ Orc Swamp ]

Level: 20

Hit Points: 1,000/1,000

Mana Points: 120/120

Physical Attack: 80

Magical Attack: 80

Skills: ( Vine Manipulation )


Orcs Swamp is feared in the Timber Kingdom for their savage way of killing their foes in the messiest, gory manner possible using their two-handed ax. In battle, they use a twisting network of vines that binds and disrupt the enemies.

There are five of them and they could annihilate the entire team of Ashen if they make a mistake.

All of the Orc Swamp screams and charges at them, two at the right side and two at the left side, and one at the front.

" Rarrgh!!"

" Split the team into two, six at the right and six at the left, try to hold the enemies down and I will quickly finish the one at the front, " Ashen command.

Ashen still doesn't have any weapon but as a wizard does he need one?

Ashen tried to circulate the force within his body and uses it to accelerate his movements.


You have learned a passive skill

[ Force Manipulation ]

[ Force Manipulation ] Manipulating the force within your body to strengthen it.

The Orc Swamp was caught off guard by the sudden burst of his speed but the Orc Swamp didn't panic and uses the vines to hinder the movement of Ashen.

" Sh!t, " Ashen curse as his foot almost got tangled with one of the vines in the ground but he is skilled enough to avoid it within a blink of an eye.

After a few strides, Ashen came face to face with the Orc. It's so big upfront that he didn't even think of choking it or would try receiving hits from it.

The Orc swings his ax at him with full strength. Ashen fade away his body from the reach of the orc swamp and cast his magic " " Burning Bomb "

- 336 Hit Points

The area where the Orc is standing was destroyed and both of its legs were injured.

Without any delay, Ashen uses his " Freezing Hands " and it coated his hands that look like a glove.

Ashen punch the swamp orc in the head and followed it up with an uppercut.

- 93 Hit Points

- 177 Hit Points

The Orc Swamp Is Dizzy!

Ashen uses his martial arts in real life to combo, kicking and punching it in his vital spots.

Vital Strikes!

- 44 Hit Points

- 42 Hit Points

- 52 Hit Points


Every attack Ashen makes could be considered fatal in real life but here inside the game no matter how strong and precise his attacks it's still not enough to one-hit an opponent.


+ 218 Experience Points

The swamp orc drops two items a two-handed ax weapon and a pouch of dust.

( Crude Ax ) [ Common ]

Physical Attack: 20

( Swamp Dust ) [ Uncommon ]

Dungeon Entry Item

Ashen immediately equip it and help them but when he looks at them they surprisingly handle the enemy well.

One of the swamp orcs is on his last breath and Jaecar hits him in the head using his arrows.

Ashen wanted to help them but finish faster but he choose to observe how they fight.

Everyone is using melee weapons except for Jaecar, so the others are fighting the swamp orcs upfront while Jaecar hits the enemies with none stop assault of arrows.

The Orc Swamps fell one by one without any serious casualties.

Unexpectedly 3 more crude axes have been dropped and another pouch of swamp dust. So Ashen picks it up and puts it all In his inventory.

" Chief, why are you getting those dust. It's rumored that those who collect the swamp dust suddenly lose direction and can't get back, " A middle-aged man said.

" Don't worry about it I know what is, anyway good job everyone, do you need any rest or can you continue walking, " Ashen asks.

" It's not even a warm-up for us let's continue chief, " One of the villagers said.

The Assault Team continues their journey, they are only 2 kilometers away from the farming field when Jaecar notices an anomaly within their surrounding.

A thick fog covered the road and when they walk forward thick vegetation was in front of them. They can't see anything but they can feel that the ground is wet.

" Chief, I think we have lost our way, I didn't know how did this happen," Jaecar said.

Ashen remembered that the Swamp Dust is a dungeon entrance item.

Everyone suddenly felt slightly anxious because they also saw Ashen pick up those dusk.

" Don't panic everyone, let's first calm ourselves and cut these plants and make our way."

So everyone including Ashen started slashing and cutting the plants continuing to move forward.