Hell Swamp

Ashen and the rest of the assault team were clearing their way when Ashen suddenly hit a large gate

" Ting "

A sound of metal colliding.

They opened the gate and a warp portal appeared in front of them they didn't even have enough time to react when they suck all of them in.

Ashens' perception of time, space, and size of things around him was distorted inside the warped. Sense of being disconnected from those around you as if you're trapped in a bubble. This is also what the others are experiencing at the moment.

They all close their eyes and when they open it they are in shock by their surroundings.

Everything in here is red including the sky the plants the water the rocks even the land. It looks like hell in here.


You have entered a dungeon.

[ Hell Swamp ]

You must kill all the bosses the clear this dungeon.

" Chief, what is this place, " One of the villagers asked.

" We're inside a dungeon they call this Hell Swamp, " Ashen replied.

Everyone is still anxious and baffled by the situation but they don't have a choice but to think about how they can get out of here.

" I don't want any risks here so everyone must follow my command, do you understand? " Ashen said.

" Yes, Chief! " Everyone replied at the same time.

" Let's explore this unknown territory first and look out for possible danger, "

Before they even started walking, behind them a huge red Orc that's holding a spear roar at them. He's just 200 meters away from them.

" That's a blood orc, I thought they only exist in the legends, " Jaecar said while sweating.

" This is not a good sign, blood orcs are considered to be one of the most brutal kinds of orcs, " A young man said.

[ Warc - Champ Of Blood Orcs] (BossMonster)

Level: 25

Hit Points: 5,800/5,800

Mana: 50/50

Skills: ( Spear Strike ) ( Supreme Fighter)

( Sniping Spear )

Warc is the champion of the blood orcs, he is considered the best spear user in his tribe and is known for his brutality and terrifying battle instinct.

" Don't panic everyone, prepare for battle, " Ashen commanded.

The assault team made basic formation, melees are on the front and Jaecar is in the back their only range teammate.

Warc, is twirling his spear while approaching them slowly, it looks cool but he's just flexing his skills and when he reaches the 100-meter mark a disaster happened.

He suddenly throws his spear, the speed of it is approximately 200 mph, no human could dodge this. Ashen could even hardly react to it but he is not confident enough to dodge it. The speed of the spear is almost double the speed of a 9mm handgun.

In just a blink of an eye, one of his subordinates was hit in the head and died.

Warc looked at them and smiled, it's mocking them.

Instead of feeling afraid, everyone is boiling with anger.

" Motherf*cker I will kill you! " One of the villagers shouted and charge ahead.

Everybody immediately backs him up except for Ashen.

Although he felt so angry the effect of ataraxia is forcing his mind to stay calm and rational.

Ashen opens his wizard creativity and immediately makes simple and useful spells.


You have learned [ Earth Bullet ]

A bullet that attacks with the force of the earth element. There is a 5% chance of breaking the armor of your enemy.

Cooldown: one minute

Damage: 100% of your total damage.

Force Energy Used: 15

Casting Time: 3 seconds

You have learned [ Aqua Bullet ]

A bullet that attacks with the force of the water element. There is a 15% chance of slowing your enemy.

Cooldown: one minute

Damage: 100% of your total damage.

Force Energy Used: 15

Casting Time: 3 seconds

You have learned [ Burning Bullet ]

A bullet that attacks with the force of the earth element. There is a 5% chance of burning your enemy.

Cooldown: one minute

Damage: 100% of your total damage.

Force Energy Used: 15

Casting Time: 3 seconds

You have learned [ Freezing Bullet ]

A bullet that attacks with the force of the ice element. There is a 2% chance of freezing your enemy.

Cooldown: one minute

Damage: 100% of your total damage.

Force Energy Used: 15

Casting Time: 3 seconds

You have learned [ Lightning Bullet ]

A bullet that attacks with the force of the lightning element. There is a 2% chance of paralyzing your enemy.

Cooldown: one minute

Damage: 110% of your total.

Force Energy Used: 15

Casting Time: 3 seconds

After learning a bunch of new spells Ashen changes his composure and is ready to kill.

Ashen charges forward and joins his companions.

" Earth Bullet " Ashen cast one of his spells and the force of the earth element is compressing in his hands.

" Pew " the sound of its release is like a gun with a silencer.

Warc is hit on his right eye.

Vital Strike!

- 160 Hit Points!

You have caused a bleeding effect!

- 5 HP per second.

Although the damage is not big but with his other eye being hit his combat ability has been lowered.

" Argh! " Warc screams in pain but they didn't stop attacking him.

Warc tried to punch Ashen but it's no use, he just evades it smoothly.

After twenty minutes of battle, different kinds of cuts and wounds are appearing in the body of Warc, his blood is all over the place. Although it seems like they have the upper hand it's quite the opposite.

Warc is a combat expert that used both his superior physical ability and mind. Ashen couldn't fight like he usually does because he needs to look out for his teammates while Warc is doing what he wants.

He's intelligent enough to know that Ashen is the hardest to hit in all of them so he focuses on attacking the weaker teammates of Ashen.

This is just only the first boss and they are having a hard time killing him, they don't even know how many enemies and bosses they have to kill before they can get out in this hell.

Ashen looked at everyone exhausted and finally came up with a decision.

" Everyone back down and rest for now, we can't afford to stay here for too long, I will deal with him alone, " Ashen commanded while dodging another kick from Warc.

" Chief, he's too strong we can't just let you fight him alone, " Jaecar replied.

" Just follow my command, I have my own ways of dealing with him. In the meantime find someplace that could be possibly safe, "

" But I can't afford to lose another comrade, " Jaecar said.

Everyone is also agreeing with Jaecar.

" My decision is final, we agreed that you will follow my command so do what I said, " Ashen said in a forceful tone.

Everyone is reluctant to leave but they didn't have a choice because some of them are already injured and wounded.

" Chief we're waiting on you up ahead, so you better win this one, " a middle-aged man said.

" Don't worry about me, there is no way I could lose here, " Ashen replied.

Everyone is tearing their eyes as they felt that what Ashen did is an act of sacrifice to protect them.

Ashen checks on the status of Warc and his HP is still 2,400 remaining.

" This is gonna be a hard fight, " Ashen thought while holding his two-handed ax and smiling. His competitive spirit is boiling and doesn't even think of losing.

He's now 100% focused on the offensive because he doesn't need to protect his teammates while fighting.

On the other hand, Warc finally got his spear back and aim for the other members of the assault team who are turning their backs on him but Ashen didn't let him do what he wants.

" Aqua Bullet " a water bullet hits the back of Warc disrupting his form.

- 80 Hit Points

Warc looks at him with fury and charges with full speed. He's thrusting his spear forward expecting to impale Ashen in the process.

Ashen didn't shy away from having a frontal battle with him as he also charge forward on his own as he raises his ax.

" Boom! "

A loud noise was created as their weapons collided.