Too Much!

After their weapons collided Ashen hold his breath for a second and smash his ax into the eye left of Warc.

- 64 Hit Points

Luckily, Warc evaded it and attempted to shove his spear straight in the head of Ashen, but Ashen is quick enough to avoid it and cast a spell in the face of Warc within a point-blank range.

" Burning Bullet! " Ashen shouted.

Vital Strike!

- 160 Hit Points

You have caused a burning effect.

- 30 Hit Points for 10 seconds

" Arghh!! " Warc scream in pain as his face is burning.

" warcwurekroak! "Added by Warc as he speaks in an unknown language.

But Ashen didn't care by what he meant and continued his assault. He continuously smashes his ax in the head of Warc.

" I'm gonna break your head bastard! "

Every strike is full of power and hits a single spot.

- 29 Hit Points

- 32 Hit Points


Ashen caused a bleeding effect once again.

He wanted to rest for a moment because he is fighting for too long but giving a little space for Warc would be dangerous because of the length of his spear so Ashen has no choice but to stay close so that Warc cannot fully utilize his spear.


While Ashen is fighting Warc the other members of the assault team finally reach the end of the road. It's. only 5 kilometers away from where the battle is going on.

A large iron gate that is imbued with magic is covering their path and besides it, there is an unknown barrier that they can't break so they can't enter the next area.

Everyone's morale fell rock bottom when they saw what is behind the iron gate.

" I don't know how can we survive this, " Jaecar said with a trembling voice.

" Are we gonna die here? I still have a lot of things I want to do, " A young man said with regrets.

There are approximately 25 blood orcs inside the next area looking at them with drooling saliva in their mouths. Aside from the 25 blood orcs, there is another one who is using a staff.

Looking at his items he's a blood orc shaman.

Nobody knows how and when the gate will open but everyone wishes that it won't happen.


Thirty minutes have already passed since the assault team left Ashen and the fight with Warc is still ongoing.

Warc has only 1,100 Hit Points left and Ashen seems to have the upper hand in this battle, but Ashen didn't know that he's being baited.

He continued fighting close-ranged and focuses too much on Warc spears that he thought if he could just contain him from using that then victory would be guaranteed.

" Lighting Bullet! "

" Freezing Bullet "

Vital Strike!

- 160 Hit Points

- 160 Hit Points

After the Hit Points of Warc reaches below the one thousand mark, a surge of blood surrounds his body like an aura.


Warc has entered his Supreme Fighter state.

Ashen was taken aback by the notification for a moment but he didn't back off and aim his spell directly at the left eye of Warc.

" Aqua Bullet! "

Vital Strike!

- 160

Ashen successfully blinded him but Warc didn't scream from pain and stabilized his composure.

This time the battle is much more intense and harder compared to before.

Ashen stared at Warc while sizing him up. On the other hand, Warc is just standing up holding his spear tightly, and couldn't even see anything.

Ashen breaks the ice •This is a figure of speech• and charges at Warc while aiming his spell.

" Terra Bullet! "

Warc evaded it with a single move and when Ashen reaches his attack range, he extends his spear forward, allowing his body to follow without even moving his feet.

Ashen parried the attack using his ax but the power behind the thrust is too strong and sends him a few meters away but Warc isn't finished attacking.

He lunge at Ashen, extending his spear and his body, and followed it with a step forward, just as you would with a rapier thrust.

Ashen didn't have enough balance this time to dodge this attack so he tried blocking using his arms.

- 98 Hit Points

Almost half of Ashen Hit Points was instantly empty by a single hit.

" Sh!t, I f*cked up " Ashen cursed as he is sent flying away.


After that strike, Ashen notices that Warc didn't follow up any attack and keeps on standing still.

Ashen pick up a rock silently and throw it at the other side of his position.

Warc immediately reacted and throws his spear directly at the place where the rock hits and make a sound.

Ashen felt shivered by the power of his throw but he came up with a conclusion that Warc couldn't see but he can still hear so he's using his hearing to fight him.

So Ashen throws another rock at the opposite side of his location and casts a spell that aims directly where the rock would hit.

After hearing another impact from a rock Warc came charging directly at the spell of Ashen.

- 100 Hit Points

Ashen continued doing this until Warc couldn't figure out where is the real location of Ashen and when he's just standing still Ashen would just aim directly at him and with the final spell, Ashen uses " Burning Bomb " exploding the area where Warc is standing including him.


You have slain [ Warc - Champ Of Blood Orcs]

You Killed A Monster 6 Levels Higher Than You

Experience Gain x6

You Gain 5,000 (6) Experience Points


You have Level Up!

You have Level Up!

Ashen experience bar was filled two times so his level went up by two reaching level 21.

He felt exhausted by the battle but he didn't have time to rest Ashen picked up the beautiful color red spear that have been dropped by Warc.

[ Blod Spear ] ( Exquisite )

Physical Damage: + 100

Magical Damage: + 50

Agility + 10

Strength + 10

Special Effect:

- Every percentage of your hit points loss will be converted into physical damage.

Blood spear is forged by a secret method using one's own blood. It is lighter yet more powerful than other spears.

[ 26 Gold Coins ]


Ashen for the first time since playing Liberty Online drops his jaw and almost had a heart attack from the items he looted.