
After the fight with Judier, Ashen meets up with the Assault Team, and when he arrived the battle is already over.

The body of the Blood Orcs is all over the place, the members of the Assault Team also look worn out.

" Chief we already slay them all, " Jaecar said proudly.

Ashen check their level first.

Jaecar ( Assault Team Member )

Level: 22

Michael Crow ( Assault Team Member )

Level: 22

Aside from both of them everyone already reaches level twenty. NPC doesn't level up like players, they grow as a person by experiencing hard work, training, and dangerous battles.

Although they lost one of their members and they felt sad about it, Ashen was still delighted by the early result of this dungeon he didn't expect they would grow this fast alongside him.

" Good job everyone, we need to surpass our very limits to complete this dungeon so brace yourselves this time we will all work together to get out of this place, " Ashen said.

Everyone nodded and agreed with him while others are still smiling because their hard work has been recognized.

Ashen and the Assault Team begin their nonstop advance and continuously improve every battle.

The third boss was a Gnoll a pig-headed human name [ Gnarr ] it didn't even take long for him to die at the hands of Ashen.

The Fourth Boss was a Gnoll Shaman similar to the Orc Shaman it didn't even give the team much trouble as they continue to advance.








They already face different boss monsters and monsters including Lizard Man, Crabigator, Wormancer, Bloody Harpy, and a large Troll.

The hardest among the boss that they face is the Troll because of its superior physical ability along with its Magical Defense which is harder for Ashen to bombard it with its spell.

Luckily there are only five of them including the boss [ Jakar ].

With Ashen's efficient command and strategy

the battle was over before there could be a large casualty.

They already cleared nine areas of Hell Swamp Ashen believed that this would be the last one and they could clear it without any problems.

Everyone's morale was at an all-time high, they are getting stronger and improving every battle. Ashen already had a couple of good loots no player could match him now in terms of items in this stage of the game.

Item Screen Status

Weapon :

( Amaranth Staff) [ Exquisite ]

+ 120 Magical Damage

+ 25 Physical Attack Damage

+ 20 Intelligence

Torso: ( Blood Robe ) [ Exquisite ]

+ 50 Physical Defense

+ 100 Magical Defense

+ 10 Intelligence

+ 10 Vitality

Shoulder: ( Blood Steel ) ( Uncommon )

+ 25 Physical Defense

+ 25 Magical Defense

+ 5 Strength

+ 5 Vitality

Gloves: ( Clean Gloves ) [ uncommon ]

Physical Defense + 8

Agility + 3

Strength + 1

Bracers: ( Fine Bracers ) [ uncommon ]

Physical Defense + 8

Strength + 3

Agility + 1

Legs: ( Blood Steel ) [ Uncommon ]

+ 25 Physical Defense

+ 25 Magical Defense

+ 5 Vitality

+ 5 Agility

Shoes: ( Timber Wolf Fur Shoe ) [ common ]

+ 5 Physical Defense

Cape: ( Blood Cape ) [ Exquisite ]

+ 20 Physical Defense

+ 25 Magical Defense

+ 15 Intelligence

+ 5 Vitality

Special Effect: Anti Back Stab.

Ashen items are overwhelming, the majority of the color of his items are red so he looks like a blood seeker.

" Everyone I think this is the last gate and area we need to clear, I can feel a dangerous aura enveloping this area, " Ashen warned everyone.

Unlike the other area where they could see their next enemy and prepare the tenth area was full of thick red mist that you can't see anything so Ashen was kind of anxious in this situation.

" Don't worry chief we can handle this one just like the other bosses, " Michael replied.




Unlike the other area, the notification system will notify you to prepare but this time it only said brace yourselves.

Suddenly Ashen senses a dangerous enemy approaching them at a fast pace. Nobody could see it because of the thick mist but Ashen felt it.

" Everyone fall back quickly, " Ashen shouted.

But before they could even move a large giant humanoid cow get out of the gate and charged at them.

Everybody that got hit by the charge is seriously injured and had a hard time running away.

Ashen cast his buff spell Restoration Force to lessen their struggle even just for a bit.

" It's a Minotaur!! " Jaecar shouted.

The body of the Minotaur looks like made of pure muscles beating every bodybuilder in terms of ripness.

The Minotaur was twelve feet tall, his arms and legs were like bursting out of muscles, his skin was full of veins. He wore no clothes except just like Tarzan's brown underwear. His top half was of coarse red hair that started at about his belly button and got thicker as it reached his wide shoulders.

His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, he had snotty nostrils with a silver brass ring, raging red eyes, and enormous black horns that are red in the tip.

The sharpness of his horns is no joke and looks so dangerous.

Unlike the Greek Mythology Minotaurs, this one is twice as big and just intimidating as how they describe him.

[ Ziggs - Ruler Of Hell Swamp ]

( Boss Monster)

Level: 35

Hit Points: 12, 500 / 12, 500

Mana: 1, 900 / 2, 000

Skills: ( Aura: Red Mist ) (Rage) (Earth Stomp)

( Minotaurian Fury ) ( Burn ) ( Shattering Fist )

( Deadly Charge )

Everywhere the Ziggs steps he produces a red mist that's hiding his large body. It's already hard for them to fight him head-on and with the red mist hiding his body, this makes the battle much harder than it usually is.

Ashen ordered everyone to distance themselves as he opens his Status Screen Window.

Name: Ashen

Level: 27

< Strength: 48 > | + 9

< Agility: 30> | + 9

< Intelligence: 50 > | + 46

< Force: 100 >

< Vitality: 10 > | + 25

| + 3

Attribute Points Remaining: 65

He distributed all of his remaining Attribute Points turning him into the strongest player at the moment in terms of stats.

Ashen once against face up with the ultimate test in his Virtual Game Career.