
" Don't stick around each other or else he could wipe out us easily, " Ashen shouted.

The remaining of the Assault Team scattered as they make a strategic retreat, they know that nobody could stop Ziggs if he charges at them.

With the boost of Ashen's stats, his speed and strength have reached a new height, he can easily fight Warc now with just his stats.

Suddenly Ziggs gets out in the red mist and came charging at him, Ashen didn't even try to clash with him head-on as he saw the strength and power behind every stride of Ziggs.

Ashen dodged the attack but Ziggs didn't just stop there as he continue his way coming after the others.

" Stop! " Ashen shouted and cast different spells as fast as he could to hinder the charge of Ziggs.

Jaecar also saw the precarious situation of his companions and also tried to help Ashen in stopping Ziggs.

" Freezing Bullet! "

" Earth Bullet "

" Burning Bullet! "

" Burning Bomb! "

" Arrow Assault! "

" Triple Shot! "

- 180 Hit Points

- 176 Hit Points

- 211 Hit Points

- 256 Hit Points

- 89 Hit Points

- 89 Hit Points

- 89 Hit Points

Ashen and Jaecar dealt a series of damage but it's not enough to completely stop their attack on Ziggs as he impaled one of their companions. The victim didn't even have enough time to shout as Ziggs smash him to the ground squashing him like an egg completely killing him.

Ziggs doesn't have any remorse for what he did as he looks at Ashen with his deep black eyes without any emotion.

" I WILL F*CKING KILL YOU!! " Ashen shouted as he charges at Ziggs.

On the surface, it looks like Ashen lost all of his rationality but on the inside of his mind, he is still calm as ever he didn't lose any of his focus because of his skill Ataraxia.

" Aqua Bullet! "

" Lighting Bullet! "


You have caused paralysis!

- Your enemy has been paralyzed for 2 seconds

Ashen immediately changes his weapon to Blood Spear as he plans to have frontal combat with Ziggs.

" Force Manipulation! "

Ashen's whole body is now covered in Force Energy including his spear as he thrust his weapon with full power.


A loud impact exploded as the spear of ashen pierced the stomach of Ziggs.

Vital Strike!

- 280 Hit Points

You have caused a bleeding effect!

- 50 Hit Points per second.

" RAWR!! "

Ziggs screamed in pain as he was stabbed in the stomach, he immediately punches Ashen and missed miserably as he hits the ground.

Ashen had already anticipated the attack so he dodge it easily.

Although Ziggs couldn't hit Ashen he didn't stop his attacks and tried his best to defeat Ashen.

Every failed attack of Ziggs is an opportunity for Ashen to counter-attack with his Blood Spear and spells, he continuously changes his weapon every time he attacks or casts a spell.

There is no time delay or any restriction in changing weapons so Ashen takes full advantage of using it in his favor.

" Press Impact! "

Ashen slashed his spear downwards with full force.

- 210 Hit Points

The frustration in the eyes of Ziggs could be seen as Ashen continued to dodge and counter-attack him.

" Pssst! "

Ziggs snorted this time and a huge amount of air gets out of his nose.

Ashen smiled as he saw the frustrated figure of Ziggs in his front.

" What you gonna do about this huh!? are you gonna cry? or maybe piss your pants? " Ashen taunted Ziggs thinking that he could take advantage of this but he instantly regretted his action as Ziggs punch him with a sudden burst of speed.

" Kaboom! "

Ashen dodges it with just a strand of hair, the ground where Ashen is standing has been shattered.

" Sh!t, is this the shattering fist, " Ashen thought but Ziggs is not finished.

He attacks Ashen nonstop and every attack he delivers is more powerful and faster than the previous one.

Ashen is sweating and is now having a hard time dodging all the attacks of Ziggs.

" Rawr!! "

Ziggs shouted again and this time his deep black eyes had turned into red bloodshot eyes. Smoke is coming out of his nose as his body is heating up and turns into red-brown color.





The system has announced it three times meaning that this threat is super dangerous.

Ashen heighten his senses and entered a state of serene calmness and focus.

Ziggs roared once again as he forms a charging stance and burst his way through everything that come across his way.

Every step he takes the ground is breaking and shaking from impact, Ashen didn't imagine that Ziggs would be this strong once he enters Minotaurian Rage.

This is just plain death once you come across this terror but Ashen wouldn't back down from this battle because if he did everyone will die so he ran after Ziggs and tried to stop him.

" Everyone runaway! " Ashen shouted as he knows that no one could survive once this raging bull caught them.

Ashen changes his weapon to Amaranth Staff and casts one spell after another.

" Freezing Bullet "

" Earth Bullet "

" Aqua Bullet "

Critical Hit!

- 479 Hit Points

- 475 Hit Points

- 457 Hit Points

" What the f*ck! why is this so big? " Ashen was shocked by his damage but Ziggs didn't stop his charge and once again kills one of Ashen's companions.

Ashen felt like his heart has been stabbed but he can't mourn at this moment or else another one would be killed.

" Burning Bomb! "

- 500 Hit Points

Ashen notices that when Ziggs entered his Minotaurian Rage his damage and speed will be up by up to 90% but his defense will also go down by at least 90%.

This time Ziggs did not ignore Ashenly and launched his attack on him, he clench his fist, and every punch he throws at Ashen missed while the ground is shattering.

Ashen is having a hard time maneuvering because of the shattered ground until eventually, one of Ziggs' attacks is connected.


Ashen was sent flying away by the strength of Ziggs.

- 333 Hit Points

Ashen already had a huge amount of defense but it's not enough to make a difference in this battle another hit like this and he is finished.


If you receive large damage some of your movements will become sluggish.

Ashen felt his senses disoriented by the large amount of damage he received.

Ziggs came running at Ashen at full speed not giving him any chance of recovering.

" Chief run! I will hold this guy back even just a second " Michael shouted as he came charging at Ziggs.

" No, don't approach him you will die! " Ashen shouted at Michael.

" I don't care if I die here now but I can't just run away again while you're here risking your life for us, " Michael steel his resolve as he slashes his sword at Ziggs.

Ziggs didn't feel any pain or damage as he punches Michael away.

Jaecar caught Michael mid-air avoiding further injuries from any impact.

Ziggs saw Jaecar entering the battle and felt irritated so he targeted him this time but Jaecar didn't run away this time and aimed his arrow straight at his es of Ziggs.

Within this short amount of time Ashen already stood up and cast his buff spell Restoration Force and an attack spell Freezing Hands.

Michael felt the unknown force once again entering his body restoring some of his vitality, Jaecar also felt the change in his condition, his mind is now clear and his body slightly recovered from fatigue.

Ziggs attempted to charge at Jaecar and Michael but a miracle happened, for the first time since Ashen become an Elemental Force Wizard he didn't think that this would be the time that he freeze somebody using Freezing Hands.


You have caused a freezing effect!

- Your enemy has been frozen for 2 seconds.

2 seconds may be a small amount of time but with a crucial moment like this, this is more than enough to cause a huge amount of damage.

Jaecar aimed at both of the eyes of Ziggs and Ashen changed his weapon to a Blood Spear piercing all vital spots of Ziggs.

Vital Strike!

- 640 Hit Points

- 666 Hit Points

- 647 Hit Points


This two-second is the longest two seconds of Ziggs's life as he couldn't wake up from this.

You have slain [ Ziggs - Ruler Of Hell Swamp ]

You Killed A Monster 8 Levels Higher Than You

Experience Gain x8

You have gained 8,000 (8) Experience Points